Galax aphylla has numerous, small white flowers growing towards the point of a scape. The flowers bloom in July.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Galax Aphylla

Galax aphylla has numerous, small white flowers growing towards the point of a scape. The flowers bloom…

The common name of galega is goat's rue. Galega orientalis flowers are blue and bloom in the summer and autumn. The plant grows between two and four feet tall.

Flower Stem and Detached Single Flower of Galega Orientalis

The common name of galega is goat's rue. Galega orientalis flowers are blue and bloom in the summer…

The flowers of galtonia candicans are pure white and funnel shaped. The flowers are large, fragrant, and drooping.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Galtonia Candicans

The flowers of galtonia candicans are pure white and funnel shaped. The flowers are large, fragrant,…

The flowers of gardenia thunbergia are large, fragrant, and white. The flowers grow alone at the end of each stem. The flowers have eight petals.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gardenia Thunbergia

The flowers of gardenia thunbergia are large, fragrant, and white. The flowers grow alone at the end…

The common name of gardoquia bentonicoides is cedronella mexicana. The flowers are tubular and the leaves are small.

Habit and Single Whorl of Flowers of Cedronella Mexicana (Gardoquia Betonicoides)

The common name of gardoquia bentonicoides is cedronella mexicana. The flowers are tubular and the leaves…

The flowers of garrya elliptica are greenish white or yellowish in color. The berries on the shrub are black. The shrub grows between eight and ten feet tall.

Flowering Twig of a Male Plant of Garrya Elliptica

The flowers of garrya elliptica are greenish white or yellowish in color. The berries on the shrub are…

The common names of gaultheria procumbens are creeping wintergreen and Canada tea. The berries are red and edible. The flowers are white and grow alone on the stems.

Flowering Branch of Gaultheria Procumbens (Creeping Wintergreen)

The common names of gaultheria procumbens are creeping wintergreen and Canada tea. The berries are red…

The flowers of gaultheria shallon are white tinged with red. The berries are round and purple. The berries are also edible and are used in tarts.

Gaultheria Shallon

The flowers of gaultheria shallon are white tinged with red. The berries are round and purple. The berries…

Gaura lindheimeri flowers are a rose white color.  The flowers are produced in elegant spikes during the summer.

Flowering Branch of Gaura Lindheimeri

Gaura lindheimeri flowers are a rose white color. The flowers are produced in elegant spikes during…

The common name of gentiana acaulis is gentianella. The flowers are blue with five yellow marks inside.  The flowers are two inches long. Each stem has one flower.

Gentiana Acaulis

The common name of gentiana acaulis is gentianella. The flowers are blue with five yellow marks inside.…

The common name of gentiana affinis is gentian. Gentiana affinis flowers are blue and funnel shaped. The flowers are one inch or less long. The stems are clustered and are four to twelve inches high.

Flowering Branch of Gentiana Affinis

The common name of gentiana affinis is gentian. Gentiana affinis flowers are blue and funnel shaped.…

Gentiana algida flowers are milk colored with bluish dots and stripes. The plant is three to six inches tall.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Gentiana Algida

Gentiana algida flowers are milk colored with bluish dots and stripes. The plant is three to six inches…

The common name of gentiana pneumonanthe is wind flower. The flowers are deep blue with small, green accessory segments. The flowers are funnel shaped and grow at the end of each stem.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gentiana Pneumonanthe

The common name of gentiana pneumonanthe is wind flower. The flowers are deep blue with small, green…

Gentiana septemfida flowers are azure blue. One to seven flowers grow in a cluster at the end of the stems. The height of the plant is six to eighteen inches tall.

Gentiana Septemfida

Gentiana septemfida flowers are azure blue. One to seven flowers grow in a cluster at the end of the…

The flowers of geranium argenteum are pale red with darker stripes. The leaves are hoary or silky and are five to seven parted.

Geranium Argenteum

The flowers of geranium argenteum are pale red with darker stripes. The leaves are hoary or silky and…

The flowers of geranium ibericum platypetalum are deep violet with reddish streaks. The flowers are more than one inch in diameter. The plant grows between one and two feet in height.

Flowering Branch of Geranium Ibericum Platypetalum

The flowers of geranium ibericum platypetalum are deep violet with reddish streaks. The flowers are…

The flowers of geranium wallichianum are large and purple. The leaves are five parted and have silky hairs. The stem is also purple.

Geranium Wallichianum

The flowers of geranium wallichianum are large and purple. The leaves are five parted and have silky…

Gerardia Quercifolia flowers are yelow and two inches long. The corolla is tube shaped. The plant grows between three and six feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flowers of Gerardia Quercifolia

Gerardia Quercifolia flowers are yelow and two inches long. The corolla is tube shaped. The plant grows…

Gesnera Elliptica Lutea flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows to be one foot tall.

Flowering Branch of Gesnera Elliptica Lutea

Gesnera Elliptica Lutea flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows to be one foot…

Gesnera refulgens flowers are a rich, deep red color. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between one and one and a half feet tall.

Gesnera Refulgens

Gesnera refulgens flowers are a rich, deep red color. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between…

Geum montanum flowers a yellow and erect. The leaves are softly hairy. The plant grows between six and twelve inches high.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Geum Montanum

Geum montanum flowers a yellow and erect. The leaves are softly hairy. The plant grows between six and…

Gilia androsacea flowers are lilac, pink, or nearly white with a yellow or dark throat. The height of the plant is between nine and twelve inches.

Gilia Androsacea

Gilia androsacea flowers are lilac, pink, or nearly white with a yellow or dark throat. The height of…

Gillenia Trifoliata flowers range in color from red to white. The calyx becomes red after the petals fall The flowers bloom in June.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gillenia Trifoliata

Gillenia Trifoliata flowers range in color from red to white. The calyx becomes red after the petals…

The common name of gladiolus is corn flag. Gladiolus cardinalis flowers are scarlet with large white spots. The stem is three to four feet high.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gladiolus Cardinalis

The common name of gladiolus is corn flag. Gladiolus cardinalis flowers are scarlet with large white…

Gladiolus gandavensis flowers are a rich crimson marked with yellow. The flowers bloom in the summer. This plant is a hybrid between gladiolus psittacinus and gladiolus cardinalis.

Hybrids from Gladiolus Gandavensis

Gladiolus gandavensis flowers are a rich crimson marked with yellow. The flowers bloom in the summer.…

The corolla of gladiolus psittancinus flowers are greenish with purple streaks. The limb is a rich scarlet spotted with yellow. The spikes are more than one foot long with ten to twelve flowers.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Gladiolus Psittacinus

The corolla of gladiolus psittancinus flowers are greenish with purple streaks. The limb is a rich scarlet…

The flower heads of globularia alypum are pale and grow at the end of the stems. The stem is shrubby. This shrub grows to be two feet tall.

Flower Head of Globularia Alypum

The flower heads of globularia alypum are pale and grow at the end of the stems. The stem is shrubby.…

Gloriosa superba flowers are deep orange and red. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows to be six feet tall.

Flowering Branch and Single Flower of Gloriosa Superba

Gloriosa superba flowers are deep orange and red. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows to be…

Gloxinia flowers originally were all drooping.

Drooping Flowered Gloxinia

Gloxinia flowers originally were all drooping.

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

Erect Flowered Gloxinia

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

Erect Flowered Gloxinia

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

Gloxinia diversiflora is a dwarf variety of gloxinia. This flower is a hybrid, most likely of garden origin.

Gloxinia Diversiflora

Gloxinia diversiflora is a dwarf variety of gloxinia. This flower is a hybrid, most likely of garden…

Gloxinia gesneroides is a hybrid. It has fiery red flowers.

Gloxinia Gesneroides

Gloxinia gesneroides is a hybrid. It has fiery red flowers.

The common name of gnaphalium is cudweed or everlasting. The decurrens variety has white flower heads. The leaves have a strong scent and are white on the under side. The plant grows between two and three feet.

Habit and Cluster of Flower Heads of Gnaphalium Decurrens

The common name of gnaphalium is cudweed or everlasting. The decurrens variety has white flower heads.…

The common name of gomphrena is globe amaranth. The globosa variety blooms in july. The flowers are dark red. The plant is usually no taller than five inches.

Flowering Branch of Gomphrena Globosa

The common name of gomphrena is globe amaranth. The globosa variety blooms in july. The flowers are…

The flowers of gonocalyx pulcher are a deep bright red or white. The corolla is tube shaped. The leaves are round and bright green.

Gonocalyx Pulcher

The flowers of gonocalyx pulcher are a deep bright red or white. The corolla is tube shaped. The leaves…

The flowers of greigia sphacelata are rose colored and overlap each other. The flowers grow in dense heads. There are numerous erect, sword shaped leaves. The leaves are fringed with stiff spines.

Greigia Sphacelata

The flowers of greigia sphacelata are rose colored and overlap each other. The flowers grow in dense…

The flowers of grevillea robusta are orange. The leaves are smooth on top and hoary beneath. The shrub grows five feet tall.

Grevillea Robusta

The flowers of grevillea robusta are orange. The leaves are smooth on top and hoary beneath. The shrub…

The flowers of griffinia blumenavia are white streaked with pale rose. The umbel has six to eight flowers. The stem is six to eight inches high.

Griffinia Blumenavia

The flowers of griffinia blumenavia are white streaked with pale rose. The umbel has six to eight flowers.…

The flowers of griffinia hyacinthia have blue upper segments at the top and are white towards the base. The umbel has nine to ten flowers.

Griffinia Hyacinthia

The flowers of griffinia hyacinthia have blue upper segments at the top and are white towards the base.…

The flower heads of gundelia tourneforth are purple and large. The flowers grow in clusters at the end of the stems. The lobes and teeth of the leaves are very spiny.

Gundelia Tourneforth

The flower heads of gundelia tourneforth are purple and large. The flowers grow in clusters at the end…

The flowers of gunnera scabra are red, small, and numerous. The flowers grow on a large club shaped spike. The plant grows to be four feet tall.

Gunnera Scabra

The flowers of gunnera scabra are red, small, and numerous. The flowers grow on a large club shaped…

The common name of habernaria bifolia chlorantha is butterfly orchis. The flower are white and are about half the length of the stem. The flowers bloom in June.

Flower of Habenaria Bifolia Chlorantha

The common name of habernaria bifolia chlorantha is butterfly orchis. The flower are white and are about…

The common name of halesia is silver bell or snowdrop tree. Halesia hispida flowers are white. The fruit are covered with stiff and dense hairs.

Flowering Branch and Detached Flowers of Halesia Hispida

The common name of halesia is silver bell or snowdrop tree. Halesia hispida flowers are white. The fruit…

The common name of hedychium is Indian Garden Flower. The gardneranium variety has large, yellow, fragrant flowers. The leaves are stem clasping and grow in two rows. The plant grows between three and five feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flower Spike of Hedychium Gardnerianum

The common name of hedychium is Indian Garden Flower. The gardneranium variety has large, yellow, fragrant…

The common name of helianthemum guttatum is sun rose. The guttatum variety has yellow flowers with red spots at the base of each petal. The shrub grows to be six inches tall.

Flowering Branch of Helianthemum Guttatum

The common name of helianthemum guttatum is sun rose. The guttatum variety has yellow flowers with red…

Sunflower grow to be six feet tall. The flower heads are large, varying in size and color.

Flower Head of a Sunflower

Sunflower grow to be six feet tall. The flower heads are large, varying in size and color.

Helianthus annus caifornicus plenissimus is the scientific name of the pictured sunflower. It is another form of the common sunflower.

Habit and Detached Single Flower Head of a Sunflower

Helianthus annus caifornicus plenissimus is the scientific name of the pictured sunflower. It is another…

Helianthus argophyllus is the silver leaved variety of the sunflower. The flower heads are yellow. The leaves have a soft, silky, silvery down.

Flowering Branch of a Sunflower (Helianthus Argophyllus)

Helianthus argophyllus is the silver leaved variety of the sunflower. The flower heads are yellow. The…

The helianthus decapetalus multiflorus sunflower has firm leaves and large heads. The common form has a dwarf habit with double flowers.

Flowering Branch of a Sunflower (Helianthus Decapetalus Multiflorus)

The helianthus decapetalus multiflorus sunflower has firm leaves and large heads. The common form has…

Helianthus orgyalis sunflowers have small, yellow heads. The flowers bloom in the autumn. The plant grows between six and ten feet tall.

Upper Portion of Stems and Detached Flower Head of a Sunflower (Helianthus Orgyalis)

Helianthus orgyalis sunflowers have small, yellow heads. The flowers bloom in the autumn. The plant…

The common name of helichrysum is everlastings. The bracteatum variety has various flower heads growing alone at the end of the stems. The shrub grows between three to four feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Everlastings (Helichrysum Bracteatum)

The common name of helichrysum is everlastings. The bracteatum variety has various flower heads growing…

Helichrysum bracteatum aureum are everlastings with golden yellow flower heads.

Habit and Detached Flower Head of Everlastings (Helichrysum Bracteatum Aureum)

Helichrysum bracteatum aureum are everlastings with golden yellow flower heads.

Helichrysum bracteatum compositum is a fine, double strain of everlastings. The flower heads come in various colors.

Flower Heads of Everlastings (Helichrysum Bracteatum Compositum)

Helichrysum bracteatum compositum is a fine, double strain of everlastings. The flower heads come in…

Helichrysum foetidum is a variety of everlastings with light yellow flower heads. The flowers bloom June through September. The shrub grows two feet high.

Habit and Detached Single Flower Head of Everlastings (Helichrysum Foetidum)

Helichrysum foetidum is a variety of everlastings with light yellow flower heads. The flowers bloom…

The flowers of helicodiceros crinitus are a dark, purple brown color. The spathe is brown with a hairy inside.

Habit and Young Unopened Spathe of Helicodiceros Crinitus

The flowers of helicodiceros crinitus are a dark, purple brown color. The spathe is brown with a hairy…

The flowers have heliconia bicolor at white and tipped with a greenish color. The ovaries and spathes of the flower are scarlet. The leaves have a gracefully arching shape.

Habit and Separate Inflorescence of Heliconia Bicolor

The flowers have heliconia bicolor at white and tipped with a greenish color. The ovaries and spathes…

Heliconia bihai flowers are red or orange. The flowers bloom in July and August. The plant grows to be twelve feet tall.

Heliconia Bihai

Heliconia bihai flowers are red or orange. The flowers bloom in July and August. The plant grows to…

Heliophila pilosa incisa has blue flowers. The leaves are linear and divide in three parts at the point. The lobes are also linear.

Habit and Detached Single Flower or Heliophila Pilosa Incisa

Heliophila pilosa incisa has blue flowers. The leaves are linear and divide in three parts at the point.…

The flowers heads of helipterum humboldtianum are bright yellow. There are numerous flower heads growing in clusters at the end of the stems. The plant grows between one and two feet tall.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Helipterum Humboldtianum

The flowers heads of helipterum humboldtianum are bright yellow. There are numerous flower heads growing…