The Lingula antigua is a little bivalve shell belonging at the bottom of the class Brachiopoda. The inarticulate brachiopod genus Lingula is the oldest, relatively unchanged animal known. The oldest lingulid fossils are found in Lower Cambrian rocks dating to roughly 550 million years ago. The origin of brachiopods is unknown. A possible ancestor is a sort of ancient "armored slug" known as Halkieria that had small brachiopod-like shields on its head and tail.

Lingula Antigua

The Lingula antigua is a little bivalve shell belonging at the bottom of the class Brachiopoda. The…

The spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) is a primitive freshwater fish of the family Lepisosteidae, native to North America from the Lake Erie and southern Lake Michigan drainages south through the Mississippi River basin to Gulf Slope drainages, from lower Apalachicola River in Florida to Nueces River in Texas, USA. It has a profusion of dark spots on the body, head and fins. It occurs in quiet, clear pools and backwaters of lowland creeks, small to large rivers, oxbow lakes, swamps and sloughs. It occasionally enters brackish waters. The fish is a voracious predator feeding on various kinds of fishes and crustaceans. They are notable for being one of the few extant fish species with ganoid scales.

Garpikes Fish

The spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) is a primitive freshwater fish of the family Lepisosteidae, native…

The cestodes or tapeworms (Toenia solium), are parasitic flatworms. The body is usually of great length up to 50 feet, and terminates in a head. From the head the body extends backwards in a ribbon-like body. Shown here is a tapeworm with the head showing in the upper lefthand corner.


The cestodes or tapeworms (Toenia solium), are parasitic flatworms. The body is usually of great length…

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along the sides of the body. These are Polychaetes or "many-bristle") worms, Nereis being one and a common form along the seashore. The body presents the same segmented apprerance as the earthworm. The head is provided with numerous sense organs, among which are four eyes and several tentacles or feelers. This figure the marine worm appearance at breeding season.

Marine Worm

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along…

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along the sides of the body. These are Polychaetes or "many-bristle") worms, Nereis being one and a common form along the seashore. The body presents the same segmented apprerance as the earthworm. The head is provided with numerous sense organs, among which are four eyes and several tentacles or feelers. A marine worm during normal seasons.

Marine Worm

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along…

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along the sides of the body. These are Polychaetes or "many-bristle") worms, Nereis being one and a common form along the seashore. The body presents the same segmented apprerance as the earthworm. The head is provided with numerous sense organs, among which are four eyes and several tentacles or feelers. A head of a marine worm is shown.

Marine Worm

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along…

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along the sides of the body. These are Polychaetes or "many-bristle") worms, Nereis being one and a common form along the seashore. The body presents the same segmented apprerance as the earthworm. The head is provided with numerous sense organs, among which are four eyes and several tentacles or feelers. The lateral appendage of a marine worm is shown.

Marine Worm

Marine worms, also known as Nereis, a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along…

Marine worms (Polynoe bevisetosa), a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along the sides of the body. These are common form along the seashore. The body presents the same segmented apprerance as the earthworm. The head is provided with numerous sense organs, among which are four eyes and several tentacles or feelers. Shown is a common marine worm with extended proboscis and overlapping plated covering the back.

Marine Worm

Marine worms (Polynoe bevisetosa), a worm with highly developed heads and many bristles arranged along…

Band or Nemetean worms have been discovered in damp soil or in fresh-water streams. These are commonly small and inconspicuous, pigmies when compared with their marine relatives. Many are often found on the seashore under rocks that have been exposed by the retreating tide. Shown here is the head, earing numerous eyes and spine-tipped proboscis.


Band or Nemetean worms have been discovered in damp soil or in fresh-water streams. These are commonly…

The class of crustacea is divided into two sub-classes, Entomostraca and Malacostraca. The first, Entomostraca, contains the fairy-shrimps (Branchipus). A simple Crustacean, the fairy shrimp body is distinctly separated into head, thorax, and abdomen. This diagram shows parts of the fairy-shimp, (b) brood-pouch, (e,e') compound and simple eyes, (f) paddle-shaped feet, (h) tubular heart, and (i) intestine.


The class of crustacea is divided into two sub-classes, Entomostraca and Malacostraca. The first, Entomostraca,…

Peripatus is a genus of Onychophora (Velvet worms). It is said to be a living fossil because it has been unchanged for approximately 570 million years. Peripatus is a nocturnal carnivore. It feeds by trapping its prey (mostly small insects) in a white, sticky fluid it ejects from two antennae near its head. The fluid hardens on contact with the air and then the prey becomes immoblized.


Peripatus is a genus of Onychophora (Velvet worms). It is said to be a living fossil because it has…

Beetles are the group of insects with the largest number of known species. The general anatomy of beetles is quite uniform, although specific organs and appendages may vary greatly in appearance and function between the many families in the order. Like all insects, beetles' bodies are divided into three sections: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. We see here the long-horned borer beetle showing the larva, pupa, and adult insect.


Beetles are the group of insects with the largest number of known species. The general anatomy of beetles…

Scorpions are any arachnid of the order Scorpionida. Unlike the majority of arachnid species, scorpions are viviparous. The young are born one by one, and the brood is carried about on its mother's back until the young have undergone at least one moult. All known Scorpion species possess poison or venom. Scorpions use their venom to kill or paralyze their prey so that it can be eaten; in general it is fast-acting, allowing for effective prey capture.


Scorpions are any arachnid of the order Scorpionida. Unlike the majority of arachnid species, scorpions…

Lancelet fish (Branchiostoma) is sometimes called amphioxus, the type of the class Leptocardii, is a little creature, half and inch to four inches long. A lancelet may be regarded as a vertebrate reduced to its lowest terms. Instead of a jointed backbone, it has a cartilaginous notochord, running from the head to the tail. A nervous cord lies above it, enclosed in a membranous sheath. No skull is present and the nerve cord does not swell into a brain There are no eyes and no scles. The mouth is a vertical slit, without jaws. In this diagram we see the California lancelet twice the natural size, showing (g) gills, (l) liver, (m) mouth, (n) nerve cord, (nc) notochord.


Lancelet fish (Branchiostoma) is sometimes called amphioxus, the type of the class Leptocardii, is a…

Mosquitoes are common flying insects in the family Culicidae that are found around the world. Mosquito larvae have a well-developed head with mouth brushes used for feeding, a large thorax with no legs and a segmented abdomen.

Metamorphosis of a Mosquito

Mosquitoes are common flying insects in the family Culicidae that are found around the world. Mosquito…

Mosquitoes are common flying insects in the family Culicidae that are found around the world. The pupa is comma-shaped in Anopheles when viewed from the side. The head and thorax are merged into a cephalothorax with the abdomen curving around underneath.

Metamorphosis of a Mosquito

Mosquitoes are common flying insects in the family Culicidae that are found around the world. The pupa…

Flounder have both eyes situated on one side of the head, they are not born this way. Their life involves metamorphosis. During metamorphosis, one eye migrates to the other side of the body so that both eyes are situated on the upward-facing side of its body. After metamorphosis, flounder lie on one side on the ocean floor; either the left or right side might face upward depending on the species. This is the different stages of the flounder. Note the eyes in the young flounder are arranged one on each side of the head.

Metamorphosis of a Flounder

Flounder have both eyes situated on one side of the head, they are not born this way. Their life involves…

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants. Honey bees (or honeybees) are a subset of bees, primarily distinguished by the production and storage of honey and the construction of perennial, colonial nests out of wax. A colony generally contains one queen bee, a fertile female; seasonally up to a few thousand drone bees or fertile males; and a large seasonally variable population of sterile female worker bees. Workers gather pollen into the pollen baskets on their back legs, to carry back to the hive where it is used as food for the developing brood.

Honey Bees

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants. Honey bees (or honeybees) are a subset of…

An illustration of two men with their left hand behind his back and their right hands up.

Two Men Taking Oath

An illustration of two men with their left hand behind his back and their right hands up.

"Argent, an eagle proper en arrière. EN ARRIÈRE. An expression borrowed from the French, to signify any creature borne with its back to view." -Hall, 1862

Eagle en Arrière

"Argent, an eagle proper en arrière. EN ARRIÈRE. An expression borrowed from the French,…

An illustration of two male soldiers wearing helmets.

Soldiers with Helmets

An illustration of two male soldiers wearing helmets.

"Argent, a leg erased at the midst of the thigh gules. ERASED. Signifies any thing torn or plucked off from the part to which nature affixed it; generally applied to the head and limbs of man or beast." -Hall, 1862

Leg Erased

"Argent, a leg erased at the midst of the thigh gules. ERASED. Signifies any thing torn or plucked off…

"Argent, a boar's head erect, and erased. ERECT. This is said of any animal or parts of animals, naturally horizontal, being placed in a perpendicular direction." -Hall, 1862

Boar's Head Erect

"Argent, a boar's head erect, and erased. ERECT. This is said of any animal or parts of animals, naturally…

"Argent, a stag at gaze proper. GAZE. An intent look. This is said of a deer standing still, and turning its head to look earnestly at any object." -Hall, 1862

Stag at Gaze

"Argent, a stag at gaze proper. GAZE. An intent look. This is said of a deer standing still, and turning…

"A swan's head erased at the neck, ducally gorged or. GORGED. Any animals, particularly birds, that have collars round the neck, are said to be gorged." -Hall, 1862

Swan Gorged

"A swan's head erased at the neck, ducally gorged or. GORGED. Any animals, particularly birds, that…

"Argent, a salmon proper haurient. HAURIENT. A fish, in a perpendicular direction, with its head upwards." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a salmon proper haurient. HAURIENT. A fish, in a perpendicular direction, with its head upwards."…

"Azure, three unicorns' heads proper, erased, horned or. HORNED. This term is used to denote that the horn of a unicorn is of a different tincture from his body." -Hall, 1862

Unicorns Horned

"Azure, three unicorns' heads proper, erased, horned or. HORNED. This term is used to denote that the…

An illustration of a girl facing away and holding hands behind her back.

Girl Facing Away & Holding Hands Behind Back

An illustration of a girl facing away and holding hands behind her back.

"Lion rampant regardant. RAMPANT. Any beast in a fighting attitude. REGARDANT. An animal looking towards the sinister side of the shield. " -Hall, 1862

Lion Rampant Regardant

"Lion rampant regardant. RAMPANT. Any beast in a fighting attitude. REGARDANT. An animal looking towards…

"Lion couchant. COUCHANT. The French word for lying down with the breast towards the earth, and the head raised." -Hall, 1862

Lion Couchant

"Lion couchant. COUCHANT. The French word for lying down with the breast towards the earth, and the…

"Two lioncels addorsed or back to back. LIONCELS. Two or more lions." -Hall, 1862

Lioncels Addorsed

"Two lioncels addorsed or back to back. LIONCELS. Two or more lions." -Hall, 1862

"An incorporated lion gardant in the fess point." -Hall, 1862

Incorporated Lions Gardant

"An incorporated lion gardant in the fess point." -Hall, 1862

An illustration of a coin depicting the face of Zeus.

Head of Zeus Coin

An illustration of a coin depicting the face of Zeus.

"And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim." 2 Kings 6:6 KJV

Elisha Causing Iron to Swim

"And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast…

"And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd." Jonah 4:6 KJV

Jonah Sheltered by the Vine

"And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over…

"But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these;" Daniel 2:28 KJV

Daniel Interpreting the King's Dream

"But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what…

"Figure 4 - egg-drills, different sizes. Steel implements with a sharp-pointed conical head of rasping surface, and a slender shaft; several such, of different sizes, are needed" Elliot Coues, 1884

Egg Drills are Special Tools Used for Preparing and Blowing Eggs

"Figure 4 - egg-drills, different sizes. Steel implements with a sharp-pointed conical head of rasping…

"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth in the grooves of both maxilla and mandible, the number being thirty or more below, but considerably less above, where they did not reach to the exterior extremity. The bill was long and pointed, the rami of the lower jaw being entirely separate; the head was rather small, the neck long, and the quadrate bone articulated with the skull by one knob only. The sternum was long, broad, and flat, without keel; the furcula was decidedly reduced, the metatarsus, being little more than a humerus; the tail was fairly long and broad, but had no pygostyle." A. H. Evans, 1900

Restoration of Hesperornis regalis

"Hesperornis regalis, (a fossilized restoration) which stood about three feet high, had blunt teeth…

"fig. 25 - Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, circumocular region. 4, crown (vertex). 5, eye. 6, hind head (occiput). 7, nape (nucha). 8, hind neck (cervix). 9, side of neck. 10, interscapular region. 11, dorsum, or back proper, including 10. 12, notaeum, or upper part of body proper, including 10, 11, and 13. 13, rump (uropygium). 14, upper tail-coverts. 15, tail. 16, under tail-coverts (crissum). 17, tarsus. 18, abdomen. 19, hind toe (hallux). 20, gastraeum, including 18 and 24. 21, outer and fourth toe. 22, middle and third toe. 23, side of the body. 24, breast (pectus). 25, primaries. 26, secondaries. 27, tertiaries; nos. 25, 26, 27 are all coverts. 28, primary coverts. 29, alula, or bastard wing. 30, greater coverts. 31, median coverts. 32, lesser coverts. 33, the "throat," including 34, 37, 38. 34, jugulum or lower throat. 35, auriculars. 36, malar region. 37, gula, or middle throat. 38, mentum, or chin. 39, angle of commissure, or corner of mouth. 40, ramus of under mandible. 41, side of under mandible. 42, gonys. 43, apex, or tip of bill. 44, tomia, or cutting edges of the bill. 45, culmen, or ridge of upper mandible, corresponding to gonys. 46, side of upper mandible. 47, nostril. 48, passes across the bill a little in front of it base." Elliot Coues, 1884

Topography of a Bird

"fig. 25 - Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, circumocular region. 4, crown (vertex).…

An illustration of two lictors, members of a special class of Roman civil servants. Lictors had special tasks of attending and guarding magistrates of the Roman Republic and Empire who held imperium; essentially, a bodyguard. The origin of the tradition of lictors goes back to the time when Rome was a kingdom, perhaps acquired from their Etruscan neighbours.

Roman Civil Servants

An illustration of two lictors, members of a special class of Roman civil servants. Lictors had special…

A sculpture of the head of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Lucius Felix. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, or simply Sulla, was a Roman general and politician, holding the office of consul twice as well as the dictatorship.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

A sculpture of the head of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Lucius Felix. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, or simply…

"LODGED. A stag sitting on the ground with its head erect, is said to be lodged." -Hall, 1862

Stag Lodged

"LODGED. A stag sitting on the ground with its head erect, is said to be lodged." -Hall, 1862

"MITRE. A sacerdotal ornament for the head, worn by Roman Catholic archbishops and bishops on solemn occasions. " -Hall, 1862


"MITRE. A sacerdotal ornament for the head, worn by Roman Catholic archbishops and bishops on solemn…

"Mitre. A sacerdotal ornament for the head, worn by Roman Catholic archbishops and bishops on solemn occasions." -Hall, 1862


"Mitre. A sacerdotal ornament for the head, worn by Roman Catholic archbishops and bishops on solemn…

"Argent, a salmon proper, naiant, its head towards the sinister side of the shield. NAIANT. A French term for swimming. This term is used in Heraldry when a fish is drawn in an horizontal position." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a salmon proper, naiant, its head towards the sinister side of the shield. NAIANT. A French…

"Argent, a pheon proper. PHEON. A missile instrument with a barbed head, thrown from a cross bow." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a pheon proper. PHEON. A missile instrument with a barbed head, thrown from a cross bow." -Hall,…

An illustration of a young girl holding an apple behind her back while scolding a young child.

Girl Scolding Young Child

An illustration of a young girl holding an apple behind her back while scolding a young child.

"The sceptre with the dove is of gold, three feet seven inches long; the circumference of the handle is three inches, and two inches and a quarter at the end of the staff; the pomel is decorated with a fillet of table diamonds and other precious stones; the mound at the top is enriched with a band of rose diamonds; upon the mound is a small cross of Calvary, over which is a dove with its wings expanded, as the emblem of mercy.SCEPTRE. A royal staff; an ensign of sovereignty borne in the hand. It was originally a javelin without a head. Sceptres of the present time are splendidly decorated with jewellery. " -Hall, 1862

Sceptre with the Dove

"The sceptre with the dove is of gold, three feet seven inches long; the circumference of the handle…

"The royal Sceptre with the Cross is of gold; the handle is plain, and the upper part wreathed; it is in length two feet nine inches, the fleur-de-lis of six leaves; the mound, and the cross above it, are richly embellished with amethysts and diamonds.SCEPTRE. A royal staff; an ensign of sovereignty borne in the hand. It was originally a javelin without a head. Sceptres of the present time are splendidly decorated with jewellery." -Hall, 1862

Sceptre with the Cross

"The royal Sceptre with the Cross is of gold; the handle is plain, and the upper part wreathed; it is…

"Argent, a talbot's head erased, semé of billets. TALBOT. A dog formerly used for hunting. It is formed something between a hound and a beagle, with a large snout, and long, round, thick ears." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a talbot's head erased, semé of billets. TALBOT. A dog formerly used for hunting. It…

"Argent, a boar's head, erased proper, tusked gules. TUSKED. Any animal having tusks of a different tincture from its body is said to he tusked." -Hall, 1862

Boar Tusked

"Argent, a boar's head, erased proper, tusked gules. TUSKED. Any animal having tusks of a different…

"Argent, a pelican's head, erased, vulning. VULNING. Any creature in the act of wounding itself." -Hall, 1862

Pelican Vulning

"Argent, a pelican's head, erased, vulning. VULNING. Any creature in the act of wounding itself." -Hall,…

"Under Side of Head of Geomys bursarius, showing entrance of external cheek-pouches and sulcate superior incisors." -Whitney, 1911

Plains Pocket Gopher

"Under Side of Head of Geomys bursarius, showing entrance of external cheek-pouches and sulcate superior…

An illustration of a man carrying a woman on his back with a town in the background.

Man Carrying Woman on Back Near Town

An illustration of a man carrying a woman on his back with a town in the background.

"Glut. Naut.: (b) A becket or thimble fixed on the after side of a topsail or course, near the head, to which the bunt-jigger is hooked to assist in furling the sail." -Whitney, 1911


"Glut. Naut.: (b) A becket or thimble fixed on the after side of a topsail or course, near the head,…

"Fig 27. - Bones of the right wing of a duck, Clangula islandica, A, shoulder, omos; B, elbow, ancon; C, wrist, carpus; D, end of principal finger; E, end of hand proper, metacarpus. AB, upper arm, brachium; BC, fore-arm, antibrachium; CD, whole hand or pinion, manus; composed of CE, hand proper or metacarpus, excepting d2; ED, or d2, d3, d4, fingers, digits, digiti, h, humerus; rd, radius; ul, ulna; sc, outer carpal, scapholunare or radiale; cu, inner carpal, cuneiforme or ulnare; these two composing wrist or carpus. mc, the compound hand-bone or metcarpus, composed of three metacarpal bones, bearing as many digits - the outer digit seated upon a protuberance at the head of the metacarpal, the other two situated at the end of the bone. d2, the outer or radial digit, commonly called the thumb or pollex, composed or two phalanges; d3, the middle digit, of two phalanges; d4, the inner or ulnar digit, of one phalanx d2 is the seat of the feathers of the bastard wing or alula. D to C (whole pinion), seat of the flight feathers called primaries; C to B (fore-arm), seat of the secondaries; at B and above it in direction of A, seat of tertiaries proper; below A, in direction of B, seat of scapularies (upon pteryla humeralis), often called tertiaries. The wing shown half-spread: complete extension would bring A B C D into a right line; in complete folding C goes to A, and D to B; all these motions nearly in the plane of the paper. The elbow-joint and wrist are such perfect hinges, that, in opening or closing the wing, C cannot sink below the paper, nor D fly up above the paper, as would otherwise be the effect of the pressure of the air upon the flight-feathers. Observe also rd and ul are two rods connecting B and C; the construction of their joining at B and C, and with each other, is such, that they can slide lengthwise a little upon each other. Now when the point C, revolving about B, approaches A in the arc of a circle, rd pushes on sc, while ul pulls back cu; the motion is transmitted to D, and makes this point approach B. conversely, in opening the wing, rd pulls back sc, and ul pushes on cu, making D recede from B. In other words, the angle A B C cannot be increased or diminished without similarly increasing or diminishing the angle B C D; so that no part of the wing can be opened or shut without automatically opening or shutting the rest..." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Bones of the Right Wing of a Duck

"Fig 27. - Bones of the right wing of a duck, Clangula islandica, A, shoulder, omos; B, elbow, ancon;…

"Fig. 28. - Mechanism of elbow-joint. ..., where rc and uc show respectively the size, shape, and position of the radial condyle and ulnar condyle of the humerus. It is evident that in the flexed state of the elbow, as shown in the middle figure, the radius, rd, is do pushed upon that its end projects beyond ul, the ulna; while in the opposite condition of extension, shown in the lower figure, rd is pulled back to a corresponding extent." Elliot Coues, 1884

Mechanism of the Elbow-Joint

"Fig. 28. - Mechanism of elbow-joint. ..., where rc and uc show respectively the size, shape, and position…

"Robin: Upper parts slate-color, with a shade of olive. Head black, the eyelids and a spot before the eye white, and the throat streaked with white. Quills of the wings dusky, edged with hoary ash, and with the color of the back. Tail blackish, the outer feather usually tipped with white. Underparts, to the vent, including the under wing-coverts and tibiae white, showing more or less plumbeous. Bill yellow, often with a dusky tip. Mouth yellow. Eyes dark brown. Feet blackish, the soles yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Robin: Upper parts slate-color, with a shade of olive. Head black, the eyelids and a spot before the…

"Wood Thrush. Upper parts, including the surface of the closed wings, tawny-brown, purest and deepest on the head, shading insensibly into olivaceous on the rump and tail. Below, pure white, faintly tinged on the breast with buff, and everywhere, rounded or subtriangular blackish spots. Inner webs and ends of quills fuscous, with a white or buffy edging toward the base. Greater under wing-coverts mostly white. Auriculars sharply streaked with dusky and white. Bill blackish-brown, with flesh-colored or yellowish base. Feet like this part of the bill." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wood Thrush

"Wood Thrush. Upper parts, including the surface of the closed wings, tawny-brown, purest and deepest…

"Mocking-Birds. Bill much shorter than head, scarcely curved as a whole, but with gently-curved commissure, notched near the end. Rictal vibrissae well developed. Tail rather longer than wings, rounded, the lateral feathers being considerably graduated. Wings rounded. (Tarsal scutella sometimes obsolete.) Tarsi longer than the middle toe and claw. Of this genus there are two well marked sections (represented by the mocking-bird and cat-bird respectively), which ay be distinguished by color:" Elliot Coues, 1884


"Mocking-Birds. Bill much shorter than head, scarcely curved as a whole, but with gently-curved commissure,…