This banner has floral and vine arrangements on it with two mermaids in the center of the print.


This banner has floral and vine arrangements on it with two mermaids in the center of the print.

Aleyrodes Citri, costal border of wing.

White Fly

Aleyrodes Citri, costal border of wing.

A border of flowers.


A border of flowers.

Diagram showing the position of the thoracic and abdominal organs. labels: 1, lower border of right lung; 2, the same of the left lung; 3, liver, right lobe; 4, liver, left lobe; 5, suspensory ligament of the liver; 6, fundus of gall-bladder; 7, cardia of stomach; 8, fundus of stomach; 9, lower border of stomach; 10, position of pylorus; 11, caecum; 12, vermiform appendix; 13, ascending colon; 14, right flexure of colon; 15, transverse colon, concealed by, 19, convolutions of the small intestine; 20, termination of ileum, ascending from right to left; 21, bladder, distended, partly covered by peritoneum; 22, the part of the bladder which is not covered by peritoneum.

Section Across the Forearm

Diagram showing the position of the thoracic and abdominal organs. labels: 1, lower border of right…

Section through the right kidney from its outer to inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla; 2', pyramid of Malpighi; 2'', pyramid of Ferrein; 5, small branches of the renal artery entering between the pyramids; A, a branch of the renal artery; C, the pelvis of the kidney; U, ureter; C, a calyx.

Kidney Section

Section through the right kidney from its outer to inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla; 2',…

Venter of scapula. Labels: 1, 1, 1, oblique ridges; 2, 2, fossa for subscapularis muscle; 3, superior border; 4, superior angle; 5, suprascapular notch; 6, coracoid process; 7, acromion process; 8, spine of scapula; 9, articular surface; 10, glenoid cavity; 11, head of scapula; 12, neck; 13, interior border; 14, inferior angle; 15, posterior border; 16, origin of spine.


Venter of scapula. Labels: 1, 1, 1, oblique ridges; 2, 2, fossa for subscapularis muscle; 3, superior…

A diagram of nerve tubules A nerve tube consists of a white portion which is fatty, and which protects the central portion, or axis cylinder. Surrounding these is a tubular membrane composed of epithelial cells. The nerve of the body are made up of bundles of these tubes, bound together by connective tissue and enclosed in a sheath of the same. Labels: a, axis cylinder; b, inner border of white substance; c, c, outer border of same; d, ,d, tubular membrane; B, tubular fibers; e, in natural state; f, under pressure; g, g', varicose fibers.

Nerve Tubules

A diagram of nerve tubules A nerve tube consists of a white portion which is fatty, and which protects…

Twenty Shillings Bill (20 shillings) Delaware currency from 1746. Type with engraved border and royal arms printed by Benjamin Franklin.

Paper Money, Twenty Shillings Bill, 1746

Twenty Shillings Bill (20 shillings) Delaware currency from 1746. Type with engraved border and royal…

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge sharp-toothed. Outline - long oval to reverse egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed. Base - pointed or rounded. Leaf/Stem - one fourth to one half inch long, smooth, reddish, usually with two small wart-like glands on the raised border near the base of the leaf. Leaf - two to three inches long; smooth when mature; "net-veined," with distinct furrows over the ribs; somewhat downy on the ribs and in their angles. Bark - of trunk very dark reddish-green or bronze-green, resembling that of a cherry-tree. Fruit - one half to two thirds inch in diameter; broad oval; yellow, orange, or red; with a thick and acid skin and a pleasant flavor. August. Stone - slightly flattened, and with both edges winged and sharp.  Found - from Canada southward to Florida and westward, and often in cultivation. General Information - A small tree (sometimes a bush), eight to twenty feet high, with hard, reddish wood. In cultivation it forms an excellent stock on which to graft the domestic plums.

Genus Prunus L. (Cherry, Plum)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge sharp-toothed. Outline - long oval to reverse egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed.…

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge quite deeply wavy-toothed. Outline - reverse egg-shape or oval. Apex - blunt-pointed. Base - pointed. Leaf - five to eight inches long; smooth, and rather bright green above; whitish-downy beneath, becoming almost silvery-white; often with a rather deep hollow just below the middle, and usually abruptly spreading above; the teeth unequal, longest toward the middle of the leaf, sometimes almost long enough to be called lobes; mostly rounded at the apex, but sometimes ending in a hard point; the main ribs prominent and rust-colored. Bark - of trunk, grayish-white, dividing into large, flat scales. Acorns - usually in pairs on a stem one and a quarter to three inches long. Cup - rounded, rather thin, rough, with sharp scales; the upper scales bristle-tipped, forming a border, or sometimes a fringe, along the edge; slightly downy within. Nut - one inch or less in length, egg-shape; sweet. October. Found - from Southern Maine and the Upper St. Lawrence to Southeastern Iowa and Western Missouri, south to Delaware and along the Alleghany Mountains to Northern Georgia; along borders of streams and in swamps, in deep, rich soil. Its finest growth is in the region of the Great Lakes. General Information - A tree thirty to sixty feet high or more, with wood similar in value to that of the White Oak. Quercus, possible from a Celtic word meaning to inquire, because it was among the oaks that the Druids oftenest practised their rites.

Genus Quercus, L. (Oak)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge quite deeply wavy-toothed. Outline - reverse egg-shape or oval. Apex…

Leaves - simple; opposite; edge closely and sharply toothed. Outline - egg-shape. Apex - pointed. Base - round. Quite variable. Leaf/Stem - winged on both sides with a wavy border; when young, sprinkled with brownish glands. Leaf - about three to four inches long, and half as wide or more; smooth. Flowers - white, in flat, stemless clusters. May, June. Fruit - one half inch long; oval; sweetish; red, becoming almost black when ripe; edible. Found - from Hudson's Bay through the Northern States, southward to Georgia. Common in swamps and rich, moist soil. General Information - A tree fifteen to twenty feet high, with hard, ill-smelling wood.

Genus Viburnum, L. (Haw and Viburnum)

Leaves - simple; opposite; edge closely and sharply toothed. Outline - egg-shape. Apex - pointed. Base…

Section through the right kidney from its outer to its inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla; 2' , pyramid of Malpighi; 2", pyramid of Ferrein; 5, small branches of the renal artery entering between the pyramids; A, a branch of the renal artery; D, the pelvis of the kidney; U, ureter; C, a calyx.

Section of the Right Kidney

Section through the right kidney from its outer to its inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla;…

Celtic border with knots

Celtic Border

Celtic border with knots

Scapula. Labels: a, superior angle; d, the glenoid cavity, or socket for the round head of the arm bone; m, the aeromion process; n, the caracoid process, which serve to protect the joint; f, the base; g, the costa, or inferior border, and h, the superior border of the triangle; l, the spine; o, the semilunar notch, for the passage of an artery, vein, and nerve.


Scapula. Labels: a, superior angle; d, the glenoid cavity, or socket for the round head of the arm bone;…

Decorative frame or border with graduates and educational items.

Graduate Border

Decorative frame or border with graduates and educational items.

Border of four boys eating pie.

Boy Frame

Border of four boys eating pie.

Border of a cartoon man and woman at the dinner table.

Cartoon Couple Frame

Border of a cartoon man and woman at the dinner table.

A decorative border with the King of France and al of his men.

King and Men

A decorative border with the King of France and al of his men.

A decorative border with a sleeping farmer while the cow stands on the pump and the sheep play cribbage.

Farm Border

A decorative border with a sleeping farmer while the cow stands on the pump and the sheep play cribbage.

A decorative border with a chicken on a farm.

Chicken Border

A decorative border with a chicken on a farm.

A decorative border with a frog in a swamp.

Frog Border

A decorative border with a frog in a swamp.

A decorative border with a donkey being pulled, and then in the barn eating hay.

Donkey Border

A decorative border with a donkey being pulled, and then in the barn eating hay.

A decorative border of vines and apples.

Apple Border

A decorative border of vines and apples.

"Stages in the development of the elements of the xylem. A, progressive steps in the development of a tracheal tube. 1, row of procambial or cambial cells that are to take part in the formation of a tube; 2, the same at a later stage enlarged in all dimensions; 3, the cells in 2 have grown larger, their cross-walls have been dissolved out, and the wall has become thickened and pitted; 4, the walls in 3 have become more thickened, the pits have an overhanging border, the walls have become lignified as indicated by the stippling, and finally the protoplasts have disappeared, and the tube is mature and dead." -Stevens, 1916

Xylem Development 1

"Stages in the development of the elements of the xylem. A, progressive steps in the development of…

"Different stages in the development of a bordered pit. b, The original, thin, primary wall; a, the overhanging border formed as the wall thickened. B, Thickening of the wall has continued and extended the border; the primary wall has thickened at c, forming the torus. C, the border and the torus are finished." -Stevens, 1916

Pit Development

"Different stages in the development of a bordered pit. b, The original, thin, primary wall; a, the…

"Semi-diagrammatic cross section of a leaf showing by arrows how the water passes from the tracheal elements of a vein into the border parenchyma cells, and thence into the palisade and spongy parenchyma, from which it evaporates into the intercellular spaces and passes from the leaf through the stomata. a, upper epidermis; b, lower epidermis; c, palisade parenchyma; g, spongy parenchyma; d, border parenchyma; e, tracheal elements; and the stippled cells bellow e, the phloem cells." -Stevens, 1916

Leaf Water Flow

"Semi-diagrammatic cross section of a leaf showing by arrows how the water passes from the tracheal…

"Showing intercellular spaces: f, between the palisade cells; e, in a leaf; g, border parenchyma; h, tracheal elements of the vein." -Stevens, 1916

Intercellular Spaces of Leaf

"Showing intercellular spaces: f, between the palisade cells; e, in a leaf; g, border parenchyma; h,…

"Cross section of a portion of a leaf of Indian corn. a, upper and b, lower epidermis; c, c, palisade cells; n, border parenchyma containing starch within its chloroplasts; e, vascular bundle; d, d, stomata." -Stevens, 1916

Indian Corn Leaf Cells

"Cross section of a portion of a leaf of Indian corn. a, upper and b, lower epidermis; c, c, palisade…

"Diagram indicating the succession of the conducting tissues of a vein from the base toward the apex. a, border parenchyma; b, companion cells; c, sieve tubes; d, undivided mother cells of companion cells and sieve tubes; e, tracheal elements." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Vein

"Diagram indicating the succession of the conducting tissues of a vein from the base toward the apex.…

A decorative border of children and nature.

Children Border

A decorative border of children and nature.

A decorative frame of flowers and vines.

Floral Frame

A decorative frame of flowers and vines.

A decorative border for spring with vines, a nest, and dragonflies.

Spring Border

A decorative border for spring with vines, a nest, and dragonflies.

A decorative border of envelopes, letters, and inkwells with four windows and banners for captions.

Letter and Ink Border

A decorative border of envelopes, letters, and inkwells with four windows and banners for captions.

A section of the eye seen from within. Labels: 1, The divided edge of the three coats. 2, The pupil. 3, The iris. 4, The ciliary processes. 5, The scolloped border of the retina.

A Section of the Eye Seen from Within

A section of the eye seen from within. Labels: 1, The divided edge of the three coats. 2, The pupil.…

A vertical section of an intestinal villus of a cat. Labels: a, the striated basilar border of the epithelium; b, columnar epithelium; c, goblet cells; d, centrai lymph vessel; e, unstriped muscular fibers; f, adenoid stroma of the villus in which are contained lymph corpuscles.

Intestinal Villus of a Cat

A vertical section of an intestinal villus of a cat. Labels: a, the striated basilar border of the epithelium;…

Section of the villus of a rat killed during fat absorption. Labels: ep, epithelium; str, striated border; c, lymph cells; c', lymph cells in the epithelium; l, central lacteal containing disintegrating lymph corpuscles

Villus of a Rat

Section of the villus of a rat killed during fat absorption. Labels: ep, epithelium; str, striated border;…

View of a section of the ovary of the cat. Labels: 1, outer covering and free border of the ovary; 1', attached border; 2, the ovarian stroma, presenting a fibrous and vascular structure; 3, granular substance lying external to the fibrous stroma; 4, blood-vessels; 5, ovigerms in their earliest stages occupying part of the granular layer near the surface; 6, ovigerms which have begun to enlarge and to pass more deeply into the ovary; 7, ovigerms round which the Graafian follicles and tunica granulosa are now formed and which have passed somewhat deeper into the ovary and are surrounded by the fibrous stroma; 8, more advanced Graafian follicle with the ovum imbedded in the layer of cells constituting the proligerous disc; 9, the most advanced follicle containing the ovum; 9', a follicle from which the ovum has accidentally escaped; IO, corpus luteum.

Ovary of the Cat

View of a section of the ovary of the cat. Labels: 1, outer covering and free border of the ovary; 1',…

Upper aperture of the larynx in the open (1) and shut (2) position. Labels: A, cushion of epiglottis; B, apices of arytenoids; C, arytenoepiglottidean folds; E, posterior aspect of cricoid; F, false vocal cords; G, rima glottidis,between true vocal cords; H, posterior border of thyroid cartilage; I, tip of great horn of hyoid.

Larynx is Open and Shut Positions

Upper aperture of the larynx in the open (1) and shut (2) position. Labels: A, cushion of epiglottis;…

Showing the average position of the abdominal viscera with their surface markings. Labels: A, sterno-ensiform point; A', sterno-ensiform line; B, mid-epigastric point; B', mid-epigastric or transpyloric line; C, umbilical point; C', umbilical line; D, mid-hypogastric point; D', mid-hypogastric line; E, outer border of the right and left rectus abdominis; F, Monro's point- on the right spino-umbilical line at the outer border of the rectus abdomninis.

Abdominal Region

Showing the average position of the abdominal viscera with their surface markings. Labels: A, sterno-ensiform…

Diagram showing that the pubic spine (tubercle) and the tip of the great trochanter are on the same horizontal plane (McCurdy's line), and that the lower border of the neck of the femur and the inner border of the obturator foramen form a continuos arch (Shenton's) when the femur has its normal relationships.

Pubic Spine

Diagram showing that the pubic spine (tubercle) and the tip of the great trochanter are on the same…

A girl looking out the window as a book sits on the sill.

Reading at Window

A girl looking out the window as a book sits on the sill.

Twelve rabbits in a row.

Twelve Rabbits

Twelve rabbits in a row.

A decorative divider with lyres and ribbon.

Lyre Divider

A decorative divider with lyres and ribbon.

Section two inches above supraorbital border. Upper surface. The (*) on right indicates subaponeurotic tissue. (*) on left indicates pia mater.

Cross Section of Head

Section two inches above supraorbital border. Upper surface. The (*) on right indicates subaponeurotic…

Section of head 4 cm above supraorbital border.

Cross Section of Head 4 cm above Supraorbital Border

Section of head 4 cm above supraorbital border.

Section of head 3 cm above supraorbital border.

Cross Section of Head 3 cm above Supraorbital Border

Section of head 3 cm above supraorbital border.

Horsemen, Three Abreast, with Banners, from the engraving 'The Triumphal Procession' by Hans Burgkmair.

Horsemen, Three Abreast, with Banners

Horsemen, Three Abreast, with Banners, from the engraving 'The Triumphal Procession' by Hans Burgkmair.

The Savages of Calicut, from the engraving 'The Triumphal Procession' by Hans Burgkmair.

The Savages of Calicut

The Savages of Calicut, from the engraving 'The Triumphal Procession' by Hans Burgkmair.

Front section of skull through plane of outer border of orbits. Arrows pass through communication between atrum and middle meatus.

Frontal Section of Skull Showing Nasal Cavity

Front section of skull through plane of outer border of orbits. Arrows pass through communication between…

A floral border consisting of leaves, flowers, and vines.

Floral border

A floral border consisting of leaves, flowers, and vines.

Lookout Mountain, actually a plateau at the northwest corner of Georgia, the northeast corner of Alabama, and along the southern border of Tennessee near Chattanooga. It is one of the southernmost ridge mountains of the Appalachians.

Lookout Mountain

Lookout Mountain, actually a plateau at the northwest corner of Georgia, the northeast corner of Alabama,…

An illustration of a man standing on a ledge of Lookout Mountain looking over a valley. Lookout Mountain, actually a plateau at the northwest corner of Georgia, the northeast corner of Alabama, and along the southern border of Tennessee near Chattanooga. It is one of the southernmost ridge mountains of the Appalachians.


An illustration of a man standing on a ledge of Lookout Mountain looking over a valley. Lookout Mountain,…

Tree leaning across the page with a couple birds in the bottom right corner.


Tree leaning across the page with a couple birds in the bottom right corner.

A border of the coast with a pier, sailboat and some seagulls flying overhead.


A border of the coast with a pier, sailboat and some seagulls flying overhead.

"Kadsura japonica. 1. a calyx; 2. a head of stamens; 3. a pistil; 4. a section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Kadsura japonica. 1. a calyx; 2. a head of stamens; 3. a pistil; 4. a section of a seed." -Lindley,…

"Cissampelos tropaeolifolia. 1. a female flower; 2. a portion of a fruit, with the seed laid bare; 3. a perpendicular section of a fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Cissampelos tropaeolifolia. 1. a female flower; 2. a portion of a fruit, with the seed laid bare; 3.…

The Savannah River is a major river in the southeastern United States, forming most of the border between the states of South Carolina and Georgia. Two tributaries of the Savannah, the Tugaloo Rivers and the Chattooga River, form the northernmost part of the border. The Savannah River drainage basin extends into the southeastern side of the Appalachian Mountains just inside North Carolina, bounded by the Eastern Continental Divide. The ricer is about 350 miles long.

Savannah River

The Savannah River is a major river in the southeastern United States, forming most of the border between…

Shown is the inner aspect of the left half of the skull sagittally divided. Labels: 1, suture between parietal and temporal bone; 2, remains of subarcuate fossa; 3, grooves for branches of the middle meningeal artery; 4, dorsum sellae; 5, pituitary fossa; 6, anterior clinoid fossa; 7, optic foramen; 8, sphenoidal suture; 9, nasal surface of superior turbinated bone; 10, cribriform plate of ethmoid; 11, nasal surface of middle turbinated bone; 12, frontal sinus; 13, nasal spine; 14, nasal bone; 15, nasal process of superior maxilla; 16, middle meatus of nose; 17, directed towards opening of antrum; 18, nasal surface of inferior turbinated bone; 19, inferior meatus of nose; 20, anterior nasal spine; 21, anterior palatine canal; 22, palatal process of superior maxilla; 23, palatal process of palate bone; 24, posterior nasal spine; 25, hamular process of internal pterygoid plate; 26, external pterygoid plate; 27, superior meatus of nose; 28,sphenopalatine foramen; 29, pterygospinous ligament almost completely ossified to enclose a foramen; 30, styloid process of temporal bone; 31, alar spine of sphenoid; 32, mastoid process; 33, basion (midpoint of posterior border of foramen magnum); 34, internal auditory meatus; 35, anterior condylic foramen; 36, leading into jugular foramen; 37, opisthion (midpoint of posterior border of foramen magnum); 38, groove for sigmoid sinus; 39, opening of mastoid foramen; 40, for lateral sinus and attachment of tentorium cerebelli; 41, fossa for lodgment of cerebellar hemisphere; 42, internal occipital protuberance.

Skull Seen From Side

Shown is the inner aspect of the left half of the skull sagittally divided. Labels: 1, suture between…

The Cistercian Abbey of St Mary and St Chad was founded in 1135 by Roger de Clinton, Bishop of Coventry (1129–1148). The abbey's location near the border of Wales meant it was destined to have a turbulent history. The abbey was closed in 1536 by the order of Henry VIII during the Dissolution of the Monasteries, whereupon the estate was granted to Lord Powis.

Buildwas Abbey (Cistercian)

The Cistercian Abbey of St Mary and St Chad was founded in 1135 by Roger de Clinton, Bishop of Coventry…

His Majesty's Fort of Crown Point or more simply Fort Crown Point was a British fort built in 1759 on Lake Champlain (on the border between modern New York State and Vermont in the United States) to secure the region against the French.

Crown Point in 1857

His Majesty's Fort of Crown Point or more simply Fort Crown Point was a British fort built in 1759 on…