Pictured are diagrams to illustrate modifications of receptacle in longitudinal sections of flowers. The receptacle produces a flat ring which may surround the ovary.

Longitudinal Sections of Flowers

Pictured are diagrams to illustrate modifications of receptacle in longitudinal sections of flowers.…

Oxalis bowiei flowers are rose red and yellowish at the base inside. The flowers are large and bloom in August. The leaflets are three and obtuse.

Oxalis Bowiei

Oxalis bowiei flowers are rose red and yellowish at the base inside. The flowers are large and bloom…

Oxalis corniculata flowers are yellow and bloom spring to autumn. Pictured are the habit, detached bud, expanded flower, and capsule.

Oxalis Corniculata

Oxalis corniculata flowers are yellow and bloom spring to autumn. Pictured are the habit, detached bud,…

Oxalis crenata flowers are yellow striped with purple. The flowers bloom in September. The stem is erect and leafy.

Bulbs of Oxalis Crenata

Oxalis crenata flowers are yellow striped with purple. The flowers bloom in September. The stem is erect…

Oxalis tetraphylla flowers are lurid red or purplish violet. The flowers are large and bloom in June.

Habit and Detached Flower of Oxalis Tetraphylla

Oxalis tetraphylla flowers are lurid red or purplish violet. The flowers are large and bloom in June.

Paeonia albiflora flowers usually have white or pink petals. The flowers are one and a half to two inches broad. The stem is two to three feet long.

Flowering Branch of Paeonia Albiflora

Paeonia albiflora flowers usually have white or pink petals. The flowers are one and a half to two inches…

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant grows three feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Mountain Peony

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant grows three feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Mountain Peony

Mountain peony is the common name of paeonia moutan. The flowers are large and vary in color. The plant…

Paeonia tenuifolia flore-pleno is a variety of peony. Flore-pleno is the double state. The tenuifolia variety has dark crimson flowers that bloom in June.

Flowering Branch of Paeonia Tenuifolia Flore-Pleno

Paeonia tenuifolia flore-pleno is a variety of peony. Flore-pleno is the double state. The tenuifolia…

The common name of paeonia is peony. The wittmanniana variety yellowish white flowers. The flowers bloom in April. Each stem has one flower head.

Flowering Branch of Paeonia Wittmanniana

The common name of paeonia is peony. The wittmanniana variety yellowish white flowers. The flowers bloom…

Palafoxia hookeriana flowers are freely produced in loose clusters. The stems are very bushy and about two feet high. The flowers are rosy pink.

Palafoxia Hookeriana

Palafoxia hookeriana flowers are freely produced in loose clusters. The stems are very bushy and about…

Pancratium illyricum flowers are small and fragrant. The leaves are broad and strongly veined. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Pancratium Illyricum

Pancratium illyricum flowers are small and fragrant. The leaves are broad and strongly veined. The plant…

Pancratium maritimum flowers are long and very fragrant. The plant grows two feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flower of Pancratium Maritiumum

Pancratium maritimum flowers are long and very fragrant. The plant grows two feet tall.

The common name of papaver is poppy. Papaver bracteatum flowers are red and bloom in May. The plant grows four feet tall.

Papaver Bracteatum

The common name of papaver is poppy. Papaver bracteatum flowers are red and bloom in May. The plant…

Papaver rhoeas has the common names common corn poppy and redweed. The flowers are large and scarlet. The stem are many flowered. Flore-pleno is the double flowered variety.

Papaver Rhoeas Flore-Pleno

Papaver rhoeas has the common names common corn poppy and redweed. The flowers are large and scarlet.…

Papaver murselli is a garden strain of papaver somniferum, or opium poppy. This strain has double flowers and fringed petals.

Papaver Murselli

Papaver murselli is a garden strain of papaver somniferum, or opium poppy. This strain has double flowers…

Pardanthus chinensis flowers are nearly two inches across and are orange colored spotted with purple-brown. The stem is erect and leafy.

Inflorescence and Leaf of Pardanthus Chinensis

Pardanthus chinensis flowers are nearly two inches across and are orange colored spotted with purple-brown.…

The common name of passiflora is passion flower. The caerulea variety has flowers that are purple at the bottom, white in the middle, and blue at the ends. Pictured is a portion of a flower bearing branch.

Passiflora Caerulea

The common name of passiflora is passion flower. The caerulea variety has flowers that are purple at…

The common names of passiflora are passion flower and passion fruit. The racemosa variety has deep red or scarlet flowers. The flowers bloom March to October.

Leaf and Inflorescence of Passiflora Racemosa

The common names of passiflora are passion flower and passion fruit. The racemosa variety has deep red…

The common names of passiflora are passion flower and passion fruit. The raddiana variety has deep red flowers with purple filaments. The flowers bloom in autumn.

Passiflora Raddiana

The common names of passiflora are passion flower and passion fruit. The raddiana variety has deep red…

Paulownia imperialis flowers are pale violet with dark spots inside. The flowers are one and a half to two inches long and bloom in June. The plant grows thirty feet high.

Paulownia Imperialis

Paulownia imperialis flowers are pale violet with dark spots inside. The flowers are one and a half…

The common names of pavia are buckeye and smooth-fruited horse chestnut. The californica variety has white or pale rose flowers. The flowers are very fragrant and cover the dense head of the tree. Pictured is the flowering branch, detached leaf, flower, and young fruit of pavia californica.

Pavia Californica

The common names of pavia are buckeye and smooth-fruited horse chestnut. The californica variety has…

The common name of pavia rubra is red buckeye. The flowers are bright red and bloom in May. The plant grows ten feet high.

Flowering Branch of Pavia Rubra

The common name of pavia rubra is red buckeye. The flowers are bright red and bloom in May. The plant…

Pictured is a garden variety of pea with flowers and pods in different stages of development.

Garden Variety of Pea

Pictured is a garden variety of pea with flowers and pods in different stages of development.

This flowering branch of pear shows to corymbs of flowers. A large portion of flowers fall off at an early stage of growth.

Flowering Branch of Pear

This flowering branch of pear shows to corymbs of flowers. A large portion of flowers fall off at an…

The common name of pelargonium is stork's bill. The endlicherianum variety has large, deep rose colored flowers. The two larger petals are marked with five deep purple nerves. The plant grows two feet tall.

Pelargonium Endlicherianum

The common name of pelargonium is stork's bill. The endlicherianum variety has large, deep rose colored…

Pelargonium inquinans flowers vary from intense scarlet, to rose colored, to white. The flowers bloom in July. The shrub grows two feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Pelargonium Inquinans

Pelargonium inquinans flowers vary from intense scarlet, to rose colored, to white. The flowers bloom…

The common name of pelargonium peltatum is ivy-leaved pelargonium. The flowers vary from white to red and vary in size between large and small. The plant grows two feet tall.

Pelargonium Peltatum

The common name of pelargonium peltatum is ivy-leaved pelargonium. The flowers vary from white to red…

The two upper petals of pelargonium tricolor flowers are very dark red and the three lower petals are white. Each stem is one to three flowered. The stem is shrubby, short, and branching.

Inflorescence and Leaf of Pelargonium Tricolor

The two upper petals of pelargonium tricolor flowers are very dark red and the three lower petals are…

The common name of pelargonium zonale is horseshoe geranium. The flowers vary from all shades of red to white. The plant grows two feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Pelargonium Zonale

The common name of pelargonium zonale is horseshoe geranium. The flowers vary from all shades of red…

The common name of pelargonium zonale is horseshoe geranium. Sometimes the seedlings only develop proliferous flowers.

Abnormal Proliferous Inflorescence of Pelargonium Zonale

The common name of pelargonium zonale is horseshoe geranium. Sometimes the seedlings only develop proliferous…

Double zonal pelargonium, commonly know a jewel, has small pure scarlet flowers. These flowers resemble the blossom of a double hawthorn. The trusses are small and neat.

Truss and Single Flower of Double Zonal Pelargonium

Double zonal pelargonium, commonly know a jewel, has small pure scarlet flowers. These flowers resemble…

Pentas carnea flowers are disposed in numerous, large heads. The flowers bloom almost all year round. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Flowering Branch and Detached Flower of Pentas Carnea

Pentas carnea flowers are disposed in numerous, large heads. The flowers bloom almost all year round.…

The common name of pentstemon is beard tongue. The barbatus variety has light pink or light red flowers. The plant is tall and many flowered.

Pentstemon Barbatus

The common name of pentstemon is beard tongue. The barbatus variety has light pink or light red flowers.…

The flowers of pentstemon diffusus are showy and purple. The flowers bloom in September. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Upper Portion of Plant of Pentstemon Diffusus

The flowers of pentstemon diffusus are showy and purple. The flowers bloom in September. The plant grows…

The flowers of pentstemon hartwegi are scarlet or blood colored. The flowers are tubular and funnel shaped. The plant grows two feet tall.

Upper Portion of Plant of Pentstemon Hartwegi

The flowers of pentstemon hartwegi are scarlet or blood colored. The flowers are tubular and funnel…

The common name of peperomia is pepper elder. The marmorata variety has erect flowers in a tail-like catkin. The leaves are rich, bright green variegated with white. The leaves are thick and fleshy.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Peperomia Marmorata

The common name of peperomia is pepper elder. The marmorata variety has erect flowers in a tail-like…

Pereski grandiflora is a synonym of pereski grandifolia. The common name of pereski is barbados gooseberry. Grandiflora has solitary, white flowers. The stem is very spiny, the larger spines being two inches long.

Branch of Pereski Grandiflora

Pereski grandiflora is a synonym of pereski grandifolia. The common name of pereski is barbados gooseberry.…

The common name of peristeria is dove flower. The cerina variety has yellow flower produced in bunches on spikes. The leaves are large and dark green. Illustrated is the habit and detached flowers.

Peristeria Cerina

The common name of peristeria is dove flower. The cerina variety has yellow flower produced in bunches…

The common names of peristeria elata are Dove or Holy Ghost flower. The flowers are white with small lilac specks. The flowers appear July to September. The plant grows four feet tall.

Peristeria Elata

The common names of peristeria elata are Dove or Holy Ghost flower. The flowers are white with small…

Holy Ghost Flower, or Dove Flower, is the common name of peristeria elata. The flowers are sweet scented and about one and a half inches across. The flowers spikes reach three feet or more in height.

Holy Ghost Flower

Holy Ghost Flower, or Dove Flower, is the common name of peristeria elata. The flowers are sweet scented…

Petunia nyctaginiflora flowers grow on alone on small stems. The flowers are large and white. The flowers appear in August.

Flowering Branch of Petunia Nyctaginiflora

Petunia nyctaginiflora flowers grow on alone on small stems. The flowers are large and white. The flowers…

Petunia violacea flowers are purplish violet and every elegant. The flowers appear in August. The stems are numerous and six to ten inches long.

Flowering Branch of Petunia Violacea

Petunia violacea flowers are purplish violet and every elegant. The flowers appear in August. The stems…

Phacelia viscida flowers are blue or purplish. The flowers appear in July. The stems are erect, about one foot high, and branched.

Habit and Detached Flowering Branchlet of Phacelia Viscida

Phacelia viscida flowers are blue or purplish. The flowers appear in July. The stems are erect, about…

Phaius grandifolius flowers are brown within and white on the outside. The flowers are three to four inches across. The flowers spikes are many flowered and two to four feet tall.

Phaius Grandifolius

Phaius grandifolius flowers are brown within and white on the outside. The flowers are three to four…

The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The amabilis variety has white flowers with yellow streaks. The flowers sometimes exceed five inches in diameter. The flower appears in autumn.

Phalaenopsis Amabilis

The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The amabilis variety has white flowers with yellow streaks.…

The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The esmeralda variety has rose colored flowers one and a half inches in diameter. The stem is one foot high.

Phalaenopsis Esmeralda

The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The esmeralda variety has rose colored flowers one and…

The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The schilleriana variety measure more than two and a half inches across. The flowers are arranged in two rows along the spike. The flowers are a rosy color.

Phalaenopsis Schilleriana

The common name of phalaenopsis is moth orchid. The schilleriana variety measure more than two and a…

The common name of philadelphus coronarius is common mock orange or syringa. The flowers are white with a strong, orange-like scent. The flowers appear in May.

Flowering Branchlet of Philadelphus Coronarius

The common name of philadelphus coronarius is common mock orange or syringa. The flowers are white with…

Philadelphus gordonianus is a variety of mock orange. The flowers are white and scentless. The plant grows ten feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Philadelphus Gordonianus

Philadelphus gordonianus is a variety of mock orange. The flowers are white and scentless. The plant…

The flowers of philodendron selloum are deep green, bordered with white and white on the inside. The leaves are large, green, and long stalked.

Philodendron Selloum

The flowers of philodendron selloum are deep green, bordered with white and white on the inside. The…

The flowers of philodendron speciosum are purplish green on the outside and purplish red on the inside. The leaves are green and have a triangular shape.

Philodendron Speciosum

The flowers of philodendron speciosum are purplish green on the outside and purplish red on the inside.…

The flowers of phlox drummondii are red, varying to rose, purple or white, with a darker eye. The flowers appear in August.

Inflorescence of Phlox Drummondii

The flowers of phlox drummondii are red, varying to rose, purple or white, with a darker eye. The flowers…

Phlox paniculata flowers are pink-purple, varying to white. The flowers bloom in August. The plant is erect, smooth, rough, or hairy.

Inflorescence of Phlox Paniculata

Phlox paniculata flowers are pink-purple, varying to white. The flowers bloom in August. The plant is…

Phlox reptans flowers are purple or violet and bloom in spring. It is a neat and dwarf growing species.

Phlox Reptans

Phlox reptans flowers are purple or violet and bloom in spring. It is a neat and dwarf growing species.

The common names of phlox subulata are ground or moss pink. The flowers are pinkish with a dark center. The flowers bloom in April.

Flowering Branch of Phlox Subulata

The common names of phlox subulata are ground or moss pink. The flowers are pinkish with a dark center.…

Phlox subulata frondosa is a very vigorous variety with lilac-rose flowers.

Habit and Detached Flower and Leaves of Phlox Subulata Frondosa

Phlox subulata frondosa is a very vigorous variety with lilac-rose flowers.

Small flax lily is the common name of phormium cookianum. The flowers are yellow with greenish outer segments. The flowers are about one inch long. The flowers bloom in summer.

Small Flax Lily

Small flax lily is the common name of phormium cookianum. The flowers are yellow with greenish outer…

Common New Zealand flax is the common name of phormium tenax. The flowers are yellow or red and two inches long. The flowers bloom in August.

Common New Zealand Flax

Common New Zealand flax is the common name of phormium tenax. The flowers are yellow or red and two…

The common names of photinia japonica are Japan Medlar, Japan Quince, and Loquat. The flowers are white and bloom in autumn. The fruit is the size of a small apple.

Fruiting Branchlet of Photinia Japonica

The common names of photinia japonica are Japan Medlar, Japan Quince, and Loquat. The flowers are white…