Echinopsis gemmata is native to south Brazil. The flowers are clear white with a pale greenish midline in the petals. The cactus grows one foot tall.

Echinopsis Gemmata

Echinopsis gemmata is native to south Brazil. The flowers are clear white with a pale greenish midline…

Eichhornia crassipes is an aquatic herb. It is native to Brazil. The flowers are pale violet with eight in a loose cluster.

Eichhornia Crassipes

Eichhornia crassipes is an aquatic herb. It is native to Brazil. The flowers are pale violet with eight…

The common name of elaeagnus multiflora is gumi. It grows six feet tall with reddish brown branchlets. The flowers are yellowish white and fragrant. It is native to China and Japan.

Elaeagnus Multiflora

The common name of elaeagnus multiflora is gumi. It grows six feet tall with reddish brown branchlets.…

The common names of eleusine indica are wire grass and goose grass. It grows two to four feet tall. The flowers bloom June to October.

Eleusine Indicia

The common names of eleusine indica are wire grass and goose grass. It grows two to four feet tall.…

Elsholtzia cristata grows twelve to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are light blue and grow in crowded spikes.

Elsholtzia Cristata

Elsholtzia cristata grows twelve to eighteen inches tall. The flowers are light blue and grow in crowded…

The enkianthus campanulatus shrub grows fifteen, sometimes thirty, feet tall. The flowers are drooping with eight to fifteen flowers in a cluster.

Enkianthus Campanulatus

The enkianthus campanulatus shrub grows fifteen, sometimes thirty, feet tall. The flowers are drooping…

Epidendrum radicans is a red flowering species. The flowers grow up to two inches in diameter. It is native to Guatemala.

Epidendrum Radicans

Epidendrum radicans is a red flowering species. The flowers grow up to two inches in diameter. It is…

Epidendrum ciliare has yellowish green flowers with a white lip. It is native to tropical America.

Epidendrum Ciliare

Epidendrum ciliare has yellowish green flowers with a white lip. It is native to tropical America.

Mayflower and trailing arbutus are the common names of epigaea repens. The plant spreads on the ground in patches sometimes two feet in diameter. The flowers are very fragrant.


Mayflower and trailing arbutus are the common names of epigaea repens. The plant spreads on the ground…

Epimedium macranthum is native to Japan. The flowers are violet with white spurs.

Epimedium Macranthum

Epimedium macranthum is native to Japan. The flowers are violet with white spurs.

Illustrated is one of many hybrid epiphyllums. The flowers are usually white or yellowish.


Illustrated is one of many hybrid epiphyllums. The flowers are usually white or yellowish.

The flowers of epiphyllum ackermannii are scarlet red outside and purplish red inside. The throat is greenish yellow.

Epiphyllum Ackermannii

The flowers of epiphyllum ackermannii are scarlet red outside and purplish red inside. The throat is…

Episcea cupreata flowers are scarlet. The plant is native to Nicaragua.

Episcea Cupreata

Episcea cupreata flowers are scarlet. The plant is native to Nicaragua.

The common name of eranthis is winter aconite. The hyemalis variety grows five to eight inches tall. The flowers are bright yellow and bloom January to March.

Eranthis Hyemalis

The common name of eranthis is winter aconite. The hyemalis variety grows five to eight inches tall.…

Eremurus himalaicus is native to the Himalayas. The spike of flowers grow one to four feet long.

Eremurus Himalaicus

Eremurus himalaicus is native to the Himalayas. The spike of flowers grow one to four feet long.

Erica mediterranea is a western form of E. carnea. The flowers are very small.

Erica Mediterranea

Erica mediterranea is a western form of E. carnea. The flowers are very small.

The common name of erica vagans is Cornish heath. The flowers are a pale, purplish red.

Erica Vagans

The common name of erica vagans is Cornish heath. The flowers are a pale, purplish red.

Erica hyemalis is a popular Christmas flower in London. The flowers are rosy pink tipped with white.

Erica Hyemalis

Erica hyemalis is a popular Christmas flower in London. The flowers are rosy pink tipped with white.

The flowers of erica melanthera are rosy. The flowers bloom in December and January. The leaves are thick and grooved on the back.

Erica Melanthera

The flowers of erica melanthera are rosy. The flowers bloom in December and January. The leaves are…

Erysimum asperum grows one to three feet tall in the wild or twelve to eighteen inches tall in gardens. The flowers are orange or yellow. It is native from Quebec to Texas and California.

Erysimum Asperum

Erysimum asperum grows one to three feet tall in the wild or twelve to eighteen inches tall in gardens.…

Erysimum perofskianum is an erect plant that grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are large and bright orange or reddish orange. It is native to the Caucasus region and Afghanistan.

Erysimum Perofskianum

Erysimum perofskianum is an erect plant that grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are large and bright…

Adder's tongue is the common name of erythronium americanum. The flowers are yellow with recurved segments. The plant is native from east Canada to Florida and Arkansas.

Adder's Tongue

Adder's tongue is the common name of erythronium americanum. The flowers are yellow with recurved segments.…

Erythronium hendersonii is a slender plant growing twelve inches tall. It is one to three flowered. The flowers are pale purple with a very dark purple center.

Erythronium Hendersonii

Erythronium hendersonii is a slender plant growing twelve inches tall. It is one to three flowered.…

California poppy is a perennial that grows ten to twenty four inches high. The flowers are saucer shaped and open in the sunshine. It is native from Oregon to California, mostly along the coast.

California Poppy

California poppy is a perennial that grows ten to twenty four inches high. The flowers are saucer shaped…

Eucalyptus ficifolia is known as crimson flowered eucalyptus. The flowers are large, red, and grow in large clusters. The leaves oval, firm, and thick.

Eucalyptus Ficifolia

Eucalyptus ficifolia is known as crimson flowered eucalyptus. The flowers are large, red, and grow in…

The common name of eucalyptus corynocalyx is sugar gum. The tree grows to one hundred twenty feet tall. The flowers bloom June to November.

Eucalyptus Corynocalyx

The common name of eucalyptus corynocalyx is sugar gum. The tree grows to one hundred twenty feet tall.…

The common name of eucalyptus diversicolor is karri. The leaves are dark green with diverging veins. The flowers bloom February to May.

Eucalyptus Diversicolor

The common name of eucalyptus diversicolor is karri. The leaves are dark green with diverging veins.…

The common name of eucalyptus leucoxylon is white ironbark. The flowers of the tree are white, and very rarely pink. The flowers bloom  from November to April.

Eucalyptus Leucoxylon

The common name of eucalyptus leucoxylon is white ironbark. The flowers of the tree are white, and very…

Amazon lily is the common name of the eucharis plant. Pictured is the leaf of E. grandiflora and the flowers of (a) E. subedentat, (b) E. sanderi, (c) E. grandiflora, and (d) E. candida.

Amazon Lily

Amazon lily is the common name of the eucharis plant. Pictured is the leaf of E. grandiflora and the…

Boneset and thoroughwort are the common names of eupatorium perfoliatum. The flowers are grayish white and grow in dense clusters. The plant is hairy and grows two to three feet tall.


Boneset and thoroughwort are the common names of eupatorium perfoliatum. The flowers are grayish white…

White snakeroot is the common name of eupatorium urticaefolium. It is a summer-blooming species and grows two to four feet tall. The flowers are bright white and grow in loose, ample clusters.

White Snakeroot

White snakeroot is the common name of eupatorium urticaefolium. It is a summer-blooming species and…

Snow-on-the-mountain and ghost weed are the common names of euphorbia marginata. It is native from the plains of the Dakotas to Texas. The flowers bloom July to October.


Snow-on-the-mountain and ghost weed are the common names of euphorbia marginata. It is native from the…

Crown of thorns is the common name of euphorbia splendens. The stems are covered with spines about an inch long. The plant flowers all year but mostly in winter.

Crown of Thorns

Crown of thorns is the common name of euphorbia splendens. The stems are covered with spines about an…

Euphorbia epithyhmoides has several stems one foot or more long. The flowers are various shades of yellow, and bloom in May.

Euphorbia Epithymoides

Euphorbia epithyhmoides has several stems one foot or more long. The flowers are various shades of yellow,…

The flowers of euptelea polyandra bloom in April. The shrub is native to Japan.

Euptelea Polyandra

The flowers of euptelea polyandra bloom in April. The shrub is native to Japan.

Evonymus obovata has purplish flowers that bloom in May. The fruit of the shrub appears in August and September. It is native from Canada to Indiana and Kentucky.

Evonymus Obovata

Evonymus obovata has purplish flowers that bloom in May. The fruit of the shrub appears in August and…

Evonymus europaea has yellowish flowers that bloom in May. It grows from Europe to east Asia.

Evonymus Europaea

Evonymus europaea has yellowish flowers that bloom in May. It grows from Europe to east Asia.

Evonymus radicans is a shrub with oft trailing, rooting, and climbing branches. The climbing branches sometimes climb up to twenty feet. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Evonymus Radicans

Evonymus radicans is a shrub with oft trailing, rooting, and climbing branches. The climbing branches…

Exacum macranthum flowers are purplish blue and two inches across. The stem is cylindrical and slightly branched.

Exacum Macranthum

Exacum macranthum flowers are purplish blue and two inches across. The stem is cylindrical and slightly…

The common name of exochorda is pearl bush. The racemosa variety is a slender, spreading shrub growing to ten, rarely fifteen, feet. The flowers are two inches across and pure white.

Exochorda Racemosa

The common name of exochorda is pearl bush. The racemosa variety is a slender, spreading shrub growing…

Golden chain and bean tree are the common names of laburnum anagyroides. The flowers bloom in May and June. The plant is native to southern Europe.

Golden Chain

Golden chain and bean tree are the common names of laburnum anagyroides. The flowers bloom in May and…

Lachenalia nelsonii is a variety of L. tricolor. The flowers are bright yellow with segments faintly tinged green.

Lachenalia Nelsonii

Lachenalia nelsonii is a variety of L. tricolor. The flowers are bright yellow with segments faintly…

The flowers of laelia anceps are purplish/rose colored. The petals have a greenish line on the back. This orchid is native to Mexico.

Laelia Anceps

The flowers of laelia anceps are purplish/rose colored. The petals have a greenish line on the back.…

Laelia purpurata is native to Brazil. The flowers are very large, six to eight inches across. The flowers bloom in spring.

Laelia Purpurata

Laelia purpurata is native to Brazil. The flowers are very large, six to eight inches across. The flowers…

Laelia cinnabarina is native to Brazil. The flowers are reddish orange. The stem has four to five flowers.

Laelia Cinnabarina

Laelia cinnabarina is native to Brazil. The flowers are reddish orange. The stem has four to five flowers.

Crape myrtle is the common name of lagerstroemia indica. It is cultivated in India but probably native to China. The flowers are usually bright pink.

Crape Myrtle

Crape myrtle is the common name of lagerstroemia indica. It is cultivated in India but probably native…

Illustrated is one crape myrtle flower. The flowers are usually bright pink but sometimes there are blush, purplish, and white forms.

Crape Myrtle

Illustrated is one crape myrtle flower. The flowers are usually bright pink but sometimes there are…

Lantana camara is a small shrub that grows from one to four feet tall. It is hairy, sometimes with short hooked prickles. The flowers grow in a dense, nearly flat topped head. The flowers usually bloom yellow or pink but shift into deep orange and scarlet coloration.

Lantana Camara

Lantana camara is a small shrub that grows from one to four feet tall. It is hairy, sometimes with short…

Chilean bellflower is the common name of lapageria rosea. The flowers are large, showy, and bell shaped. The flower is native to Chile.

Chilean Bellflower

Chilean bellflower is the common name of lapageria rosea. The flowers are large, showy, and bell shaped.…

Tangier scarlet pea is the common name of lathyrus tingitanus. The flowers are an inch long and dark red/purple. The flowers bloom in June and July.

Tangier Scarlet Pea

Tangier scarlet pea is the common name of lathyrus tingitanus. The flowers are an inch long and dark…

Two flowered pea is the common name of lathyrus grandiflorus. It is native to southern Europe. The flowers bloom in June and July. The flowers are rose purple.

Two Flowered Pea

Two flowered pea is the common name of lathyrus grandiflorus. It is native to southern Europe. The flowers…

Everlasting pea and perennial pea are the common name of lathyrus latifolius. It is native to the woods of Europe. The flowers are large, four to five inches long, and rose colored.

Everlasting Pea

Everlasting pea and perennial pea are the common name of lathyrus latifolius. It is native to the woods…

Lathyrus ornatus has large, showy purple flowers. It is native to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains.

Lathyrus Ornatus

Lathyrus ornatus has large, showy purple flowers. It is native to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains.

Lavatera trimestris grows three to six feet tall. The flowers are rosy and four inches across. It is native to the Mediterranean region.

Lavatera Trimestris

Lavatera trimestris grows three to six feet tall. The flowers are rosy and four inches across. It is…

Lavatera insularis flowers are yellowish white striped and tipped with purple. It is native to the Coronados Islands near southern California.

Lavatera Insularis

Lavatera insularis flowers are yellowish white striped and tipped with purple. It is native to the Coronados…

Illustrated are flowers of sweet pea, showing the structure of a leguminous flower. Banner, standard or vexillum at (s), wings at (w), and keel at (k).

Sweet Pea

Illustrated are flowers of sweet pea, showing the structure of a leguminous flower. Banner, standard…

Leiophyllum buxifolium is native from New Jersey to Florida. The flowers are white and pinkish on the outside. The flowers bloom April to June.

Leiophyllum Buxifolium

Leiophyllum buxifolium is native from New Jersey to Florida. The flowers are white and pinkish on the…

Lepachys columnaris grows to two and a half feet in the wild and often taller in cultivation. The flowers are yellow.

Lepachys Columnaris

Lepachys columnaris grows to two and a half feet in the wild and often taller in cultivation. The flowers…

Lespedeza bicolor is a shrub with slender branches growing six to ten feet tall. The flowers are small and purple.

Lespedeza Bicolor

Lespedeza bicolor is a shrub with slender branches growing six to ten feet tall. The flowers are small…

Lespedeza sieboldii is native to Japan. The flowers bloom in September. The flowers are large and rose purple.

Lespedeza Sieboldii

Lespedeza sieboldii is native to Japan. The flowers bloom in September. The flowers are large and rose…