Babiana Stricta Rubro-Cyanea is a bulbous plant found in South Africa. The upper half of the perianth (petals and sepal) is a very brilliant blue while the lower half is a rich crimson. The contrasting colors in the same flower is a characteristic of the babiana flowers.

Babiana Stricta Rubro-Cyanea

Babiana Stricta Rubro-Cyanea is a bulbous plant found in South Africa. The upper half of the perianth…

The common name of batatas edulis is the sweet potato. The tubers of the plant are edible.

Batatas Edulis

The common name of batatas edulis is the sweet potato. The tubers of the plant are edible.

Faba vulgaris is commonly known as broad bean.  It is also known as the fava bean. The flowers are white with a black spot and have five petals

Broad Bean Plant in Flower

Faba vulgaris is commonly known as broad bean. It is also known as the fava bean. The flowers are white…

The scientific name of french or dwarf beans is phaseolus vulgaris. These beans are also known as green beans or string beans.

Fruiting Plant of Dwarf or French Bean

The scientific name of french or dwarf beans is phaseolus vulgaris. These beans are also known as green…

The common name of phaseolous multiflorus is runner beans or kidney beans. This plant grows tall and can be planted to cover arches or fences.

Runner or Climbing Kidney Bean

The common name of phaseolous multiflorus is runner beans or kidney beans. This plant grows tall and…

This illustration represents a border or long piece of ground that can be marked out permanently with tiles, stones, or pebbles and filled in with sand or gravel. Each number represents a type of plant to be grown.

Design for Bedding

This illustration represents a border or long piece of ground that can be marked out permanently with…

Beetroot is a vegetable usually used in salad. The deeply colored roots are the most desired part of the plant.

Long Yellow Beetroot

Beetroot is a vegetable usually used in salad. The deeply colored roots are the most desired part of…

Bell glasses are used to protect or accelerate the growth of a plant or plants. The French Cloche is used for this purpose. Ordinary, or English, bell glass is used to plant reproduction, especially hard-wooded plants.

French and English Bell Glasses

Bell glasses are used to protect or accelerate the growth of a plant or plants. The French Cloche is…

Beschorneria bracteata has yellowish-red flowers. The leaves form a dense rosette. This plant is native to Mexico.

Beschorneria Bracteata

Beschorneria bracteata has yellowish-red flowers. The leaves form a dense rosette. This plant is native…

The flowers of blandfordia flammea princeps are tube shaped. The are a rich orange-red color on the outside and bright yellow inside. This plant is native to Australia.

Blandfordia Flammea Princeps

The flowers of blandfordia flammea princeps are tube shaped. The are a rich orange-red color on the…

Bowiea volubilis has few flowers. The flowers grow on small stalks. True leaves are not developed for several years. This plant blooms in October.

Habit, Flower, and Fruit of Bowiea Volubilis

Bowiea volubilis has few flowers. The flowers grow on small stalks. True leaves are not developed for…

The flowers of brachycome iberidifolia are blue or white with a dark center. The flowers bloom in the summer and autumn. This plant is similar to daisys in structure.

Habit and Flowering Branch of Brachycome Iberidifolia

The flowers of brachycome iberidifolia are blue or white with a dark center. The flowers bloom in the…

The common name of butomus umbellatus is Flowering Rush. Flowering Rush is an aquatic plant. The flowers are rose colored and bloom in the summer.

Habit and Single Flower of Butomus Umbellatus

The common name of butomus umbellatus is Flowering Rush. Flowering Rush is an aquatic plant. The flowers…

The chrysalis of the large cabbage butterfly caterpillar is sometimes found directly on the cabbage plant. The caterpillar is yellow, lined with black dots.

Caterpillar and Chrysalis of Large Cabbage Butterly

The chrysalis of the large cabbage butterfly caterpillar is sometimes found directly on the cabbage…

There are sixteen types of cacti pictures. Those varieties include opuntia, cereus, opuntia streptacantha, cereus candicans, mammillaris, cereus peruvianus monstrosus, echinocereus electracanthus, mammillaria, echinopsis formosa, echinocactus visnaga, cereus peruvianus var, opuntia candelabriformis, cereus strictus, pilocereus senilis, cereus tweedii, and cereus chilensis.

Group of Cacti

There are sixteen types of cacti pictures. Those varieties include opuntia, cereus, opuntia streptacantha,…

Caladium maculatum leaves are heart shaped at the base. The leaves are spotted with clear white. This plant is found in South America.

Caladium Maculatum

Caladium maculatum leaves are heart shaped at the base. The leaves are spotted with clear white. This…

Calandrinia umbellata flowers are a brilliant magenta-crimson color. The stems have many flowers. This plant blooms once every two years in the Summer.

Flower and Habit of Calandrinia Umbellata

Calandrinia umbellata flowers are a brilliant magenta-crimson color. The stems have many flowers. This…

Caliphruria subedentata has white, funnel shaped flowers. The plant grows one and a half feet high.

Caliphruria Subedentata

Caliphruria subedentata has white, funnel shaped flowers. The plant grows one and a half feet high.

Calla palustris is an aquatic plant. This plant grows six inches tall.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Calla Palustris

Calla palustris is an aquatic plant. This plant grows six inches tall.

The common name of camassia esculenta is Camash or Quamash. The flowers vary between blue and white. This plant is edible.

Camassia Esculenta

The common name of camassia esculenta is Camash or Quamash. The flowers vary between blue and white.…

Campanula macrostyla flowers are a dull purple with violet colored veins. The stalks are stout and hairy toward the base. The plant grows between one and two feet high.

Campanula Macrostyla

Campanula macrostyla flowers are a dull purple with violet colored veins. The stalks are stout and hairy…

The common name of campanula medium is Canterbury Bells. The flowers are blue, purple, and white. The plant grows between one and four feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Campanula Medium

The common name of campanula medium is Canterbury Bells. The flowers are blue, purple, and white. The…

Campanula puncata flowers are whitish spotted with red on the inner surface. The stem is simple and erect with few flowers. The plant grows to be one and a half feet tall.

Upper Portion of Flowering Stem of Campanula Puncata

Campanula puncata flowers are whitish spotted with red on the inner surface. The stem is simple and…

Chimney Bell-Flower is the common name of campanula pyramidalis. The flowers are pale blue or white with a dark base, The plant grows between four and five feet tall.

Flowering Branch of Campanula Pyramidalis

Chimney Bell-Flower is the common name of campanula pyramidalis. The flowers are pale blue or white…

Campanula rapunculus flowers are bluish-violet and funnel shaped. The flowers droop and grow alone on each stem. This plant grows between two and four feet tall.

Campanula Rapunculus

Campanula rapunculus flowers are bluish-violet and funnel shaped. The flowers droop and grow alone on…

Campanula sarmatica has drooping flowers. The flowers are pale blue with a velvety outside. The plant grows between one and two feet tall.

Campanula Sarmatica

Campanula sarmatica has drooping flowers. The flowers are pale blue with a velvety outside. The plant…

Campanula thyrsoidea flowers are yellow with a greenish tint. The stem is simple and is covered with leaves and flowers. The plant grows between one and one a half feet tall.

Entire Plant and Single Flower of Campanula Thyrsoidea

Campanula thyrsoidea flowers are yellow with a greenish tint. The stem is simple and is covered with…

Campanula waldsteiniana has three or four flowers at the top of each stem. The flowers are a violet shade of blue. The plant grows between four and six inches tall.

Campanula Waldsteiniana

Campanula waldsteiniana has three or four flowers at the top of each stem. The flowers are a violet…

Canbia candida flowers are a glossy white with six petals. The flowers grow alone on slim stems. The plant grows about one inch high.

Canbia Candida

Canbia candida flowers are a glossy white with six petals. The flowers grow alone on slim stems. The…

The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The plant grows between three and six feet tall. This plant is native to the West Indies.

Habit of Canna Indica

The common name of canna indica is Indian Reed. The plant grows between three and six feet tall. This…

The common name of cannabis is hemp. Cannabis sativa flowers are greenish in color and grow on long stalks. The plant can grow up to twenty feet tall. Hemp is cultivated for its fiber.

Head of Cannabis Sativa

The common name of cannabis is hemp. Cannabis sativa flowers are greenish in color and grow on long…

The common name of capparis spinosa is the common caper. The flowers are white, tinged with red on the outside. The height of the plant is three feet tall.

Flower and Bud of Capparis Spinosa

The common name of capparis spinosa is the common caper. The flowers are white, tinged with red on the…

The common name of eryngium is eryngo. Eryngium giganteum flowers are blue and oval shaped. Each stem branches in two. The plant grows between three and four feet high.

Eryngium Giganteum

The common name of eryngium is eryngo. Eryngium giganteum flowers are blue and oval shaped. Each stem…

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erythraea diffusa flowers are a bright, deep rose. The plant grows between two and three inches tall. This plant can be found in Europe.

Flowers of Erythraea Diffusa

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erythraea diffusa flowers are a bright, deep rose. The plant…

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erthraea muhlenbergi has deep pink flowers with greenish-white stars in the center. The plant has numerous, slender branches.

Flowering Stem of Erythraea Muhlenbergi

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erthraea muhlenbergi has deep pink flowers with greenish-white…

The common name of eurycles cunninghami is brisbane lily. The flowers are white. The plant grows to be one foot tall. This plant is native to Australia.

Eurycles Cunninghami

The common name of eurycles cunninghami is brisbane lily. The flowers are white. The plant grows to…

Fedia cornucoplae has red flowers that grow in clusters. The stem is a purplish color. The plant grows six inches tall.

Flowering Branch of Fedia Cornucoplae

Fedia cornucoplae has red flowers that grow in clusters. The stem is a purplish color. The plant grows…

The common name of ferula is giant fennel. Ferula communis flowers are yellow. The height of the plant is between eight and twelve feet.

Ferula Communis

The common name of ferula is giant fennel. Ferula communis flowers are yellow. The height of the plant…

The common name of ferula is giant fennel. Ferula tingitana has yellow flowers. The plant grows between six and eight feet high.

Ferula Tingitana

The common name of ferula is giant fennel. Ferula tingitana has yellow flowers. The plant grows between…

The flowers of the pine strawberry are white and frow on thick stalks. The plant grows one foot high. It produces fruit.

Pine Strawberry (Fragaria Chilensis Grandiflora)

The flowers of the pine strawberry are white and frow on thick stalks. The plant grows one foot high.…

Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberry, has white flowers. The plant grows between six and twelve inches high. The flowers bloom in April and May.

Wild Strawberry

Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberry, has white flowers. The plant grows between six and twelve inches…

Fritillaria pallidiflora flowers are yellow with checkered insides. The leaves are large and are a greenish blue color. The height of the plant is nine inches.

Flowering Stem of Fritillaria Pallidiflora

Fritillaria pallidiflora flowers are yellow with checkered insides. The leaves are large and are a greenish…

Fritillaria recurva flowers are bright scarlet. Stems have one to nine flowers. The height of the plant is two feet.

Fritillaria Recurva

Fritillaria recurva flowers are bright scarlet. Stems have one to nine flowers. The height of the plant…

Plant protector are used in northern areas where fruit trees such as apricots and peaches are destroyed by frost. The plant protector is made of glass and is put above the plant.

Wall-Fruit Plant Protector

Plant protector are used in northern areas where fruit trees such as apricots and peaches are destroyed…

A portable plant and fruit protector is used for growing smaller plants in the summer and storing those plants in the winter. Strawberries can be grown and stored in a portable fruit protector.

Portable Plant and Fruit Protector

A portable plant and fruit protector is used for growing smaller plants in the summer and storing those…

The flowers of fuchsia earl of beaconsfield are a rosy carmine color. This plant is a hybrid.

Fuchsia Earl of Beaconsfield

The flowers of fuchsia earl of beaconsfield are a rosy carmine color. This plant is a hybrid.

Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between twenty and thirty feet high. This plant can be found in South America.

Branch of Inflorescence and Single Flower of Fucraea Gigantea

Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between…

The common name of galanthus is snowdrop. The flowers of galanthus elwesii are white with green spots at the base. The plant grows between six and twelve inches tall.

Flowers of Galanthus Elwesii

The common name of galanthus is snowdrop. The flowers of galanthus elwesii are white with green spots…

The common name of galega is goat's rue. Galega orientalis flowers are blue and bloom in the summer and autumn. The plant grows between two and four feet tall.

Flower Stem and Detached Single Flower of Galega Orientalis

The common name of galega is goat's rue. Galega orientalis flowers are blue and bloom in the summer…

The flowers of garrya elliptica are greenish white or yellowish in color. The berries on the shrub are black. The shrub grows between eight and ten feet tall.

Flowering Twig of a Male Plant of Garrya Elliptica

The flowers of garrya elliptica are greenish white or yellowish in color. The berries on the shrub are…

Gentiana algida flowers are milk colored with bluish dots and stripes. The plant is three to six inches tall.

Habit and Detached Inflorescence of Gentiana Algida

Gentiana algida flowers are milk colored with bluish dots and stripes. The plant is three to six inches…

Gentiana septemfida flowers are azure blue. One to seven flowers grow in a cluster at the end of the stems. The height of the plant is six to eighteen inches tall.

Gentiana Septemfida

Gentiana septemfida flowers are azure blue. One to seven flowers grow in a cluster at the end of the…

The flowers of geranium argenteum are pale red with darker stripes. The leaves are hoary or silky and are five to seven parted.

Geranium Argenteum

The flowers of geranium argenteum are pale red with darker stripes. The leaves are hoary or silky and…

The flowers of geranium ibericum platypetalum are deep violet with reddish streaks. The flowers are more than one inch in diameter. The plant grows between one and two feet in height.

Flowering Branch of Geranium Ibericum Platypetalum

The flowers of geranium ibericum platypetalum are deep violet with reddish streaks. The flowers are…

Gerardia Quercifolia flowers are yelow and two inches long. The corolla is tube shaped. The plant grows between three and six feet tall.

Habit and Detached Flowers of Gerardia Quercifolia

Gerardia Quercifolia flowers are yelow and two inches long. The corolla is tube shaped. The plant grows…

Gesnera Elliptica Lutea flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows to be one foot tall.

Flowering Branch of Gesnera Elliptica Lutea

Gesnera Elliptica Lutea flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows to be one foot…

Gesnera refulgens flowers are a rich, deep red color. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between one and one and a half feet tall.

Gesnera Refulgens

Gesnera refulgens flowers are a rich, deep red color. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between…

Geum montanum flowers a yellow and erect. The leaves are softly hairy. The plant grows between six and twelve inches high.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Geum Montanum

Geum montanum flowers a yellow and erect. The leaves are softly hairy. The plant grows between six and…

Gilia androsacea flowers are lilac, pink, or nearly white with a yellow or dark throat. The height of the plant is between nine and twelve inches.

Gilia Androsacea

Gilia androsacea flowers are lilac, pink, or nearly white with a yellow or dark throat. The height of…

Gladiolus gandavensis flowers are a rich crimson marked with yellow. The flowers bloom in the summer. This plant is a hybrid between gladiolus psittacinus and gladiolus cardinalis.

Hybrids from Gladiolus Gandavensis

Gladiolus gandavensis flowers are a rich crimson marked with yellow. The flowers bloom in the summer.…