<i>Morisia hypogaea</i> is native to Corsica and Sardinia. The flowers are golden yellow and bloom in spring and early summer.

Morisia Hypogaea

Morisia hypogaea is native to Corsica and Sardinia. The flowers are golden yellow and bloom in spring…

Horsetail mushroom is the common name of <i>coprinus comatus</i>. It is an edible species and appears on lawns in early spring. It grows six inches tall.

Horsetail Mushroom

Horsetail mushroom is the common name of coprinus comatus. It is an edible species and appears on lawns…

<i>Morchella esculenta</i> is a common mushroom and is found in the central states. They appear after the warm rains of the spring.

Morchella Esculenta

Morchella esculenta is a common mushroom and is found in the central states. They appear after the warm…

Pictured are bunches of onions from the early spring sowing.

Bunch Onions

Pictured are bunches of onions from the early spring sowing.

An image of a 'single truck'. They have four wheels, a single motor on each axle, hold a trolley car. The motors are supported by bars b, which are supported by spring s. To prevent oscillation, extra springs S1 and S2 are added. The wheels are generally 30 to 33 inches in diameter.

Single Truck

An image of a 'single truck'. They have four wheels, a single motor on each axle, hold a trolley car.…

A single-pole lamp switch commonly used in the early twentieth century. It could control a single circuit or any number of circuits within its capabilities. When the knob (h) is turned to the right, and the connected spring (p) is wound as far as possible, the blade (k) is loosened from the contact tips (s) and thus breaks the circuit.

Lamp Switch

A single-pole lamp switch commonly used in the early twentieth century. It could control a single circuit…

A three-way switch that was used to cut the headlights of a trolley and subsequently turn on the taillights. K is the switch blade, and L is a spring contact clip, three of which are raised on 'posts' (L1 is not raised).

Three-way Switch

A three-way switch that was used to cut the headlights of a trolley and subsequently turn on the taillights.…

An illustration of what it would look like if ball e that is placed in a cup attached to lever o were to be pushed out by using a swinging arm activated by spring d. Spring d is arranged in a manner that when it is drawn back and released, it will strive lever o and ball b at the same time. In the experiment, ball b follows the curved line and ball e is dropped vertically. Both will meet the floor at the same time. This experiment is meant to show how Newton's second law works. The acceleration of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass. F = ma

Second Law

An illustration of what it would look like if ball e that is placed in a cup attached to lever o were…

A spring made from runoff water in a mountain.

Intermittent Spring

A spring made from runoff water in a mountain.

A hydraulic ram. It is used to raise the level of water from a point below water level of a spring to a point that is higher and has no power other than that of that caused by the inertia of the moving water.

Hydraulic Ram

A hydraulic ram. It is used to raise the level of water from a point below water level of a spring to…

Church's three-wheeled coach, invented in 1833. This diagram was drawn from and old wood cut. It shows the forward spring wheel that is mounted on the steering pivot.

Three-Wheeled Coach

Church's three-wheeled coach, invented in 1833. This diagram was drawn from and old wood cut. It shows…

A platform spring of an old fashioned car. Also called a three-point suspended spring. It was one of the latest improvements of the twentieth century

Platform Spring

A platform spring of an old fashioned car. Also called a three-point suspended spring. It was one of…

A scroll-elliptic rear axle rear spring. It is used on Packard Light Cars. The C-shaped upper part is connected to the lower part by shackles. The end result is to use fixed distance rods and to keep the chains taunt.

Rear Axle

A scroll-elliptic rear axle rear spring. It is used on Packard Light Cars. The C-shaped upper part is…

A double semi-elliptical spring attachment that is used on electric vehicles. The body gains benefits of spring action because it is suspended by links on the extremities of the springs

Spring Attachments

A double semi-elliptical spring attachment that is used on electric vehicles. The body gains benefits…

Also known as the Kinglet, the Golden-Crested Wren (Regulus cristatus) is the smallest of European birds. In America, only the hummingbird is less in size. It is one of the warblers (Sylviidæ). The length of the body is from three to six inches, there is a bright yellow crest, the back is yellowish olive green, the wings and tail ash brown with black and white markings. The Golden-Crested Wren is generally distributed over Europe. In spring it utters a sweet and surprisingly loud song.

Golden-Crested Wren

Also known as the Kinglet, the Golden-Crested Wren (Regulus cristatus) is the smallest of European birds.…

The Common Guillemot (<i>Uria troile</i>) is a member of the auk family. It breeds on all rocky coasts of the North Atlantic. The bill is long, straight, and strong, the wings and tail short. In spring, the upper surface of the body is brownish black, the under white, save for the dark throat; in winter, the throat becomes white or mottled. All guillemots lay a single pear-shaped on the ledge of a sea-cliff. They make no nest whatever, and large colonies brood in company.

Common Guillemot

The Common Guillemot (Uria troile) is a member of the auk family. It breeds on all rocky coasts of the…

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear monoecious flowers, the male catkins being small and oval, whilst the female ones are much longer. The leaves are bright green, linear, soft, and usually produced in short bundles on each side of the spray. They appear very early in the spring. The timber, which is very hard and tough, is much used in shipbuilding and for railway sleepers, and in cabinet work is capable of taking a very high polish. The species most commonly planted is 'L. europaea', whcich grows to about 100 ft in height. Other species are 'L. occidentalis', a tall and handsome American tree and 'L. laricina', the tamarack, or hackmatack, of North America. This is a straggling tree, most common in swampy soils, with smaller cones than has the the European species. It reaches a height of 70 ft., and the wood is valuable for the same purposes  as that of other larches.
(1. Scale of cone with two seeds; 2. anther)

Larch, Cone and Flowers (male and female)

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear…

The leopard <i>(Felis pardus)</i> is a carnivore closely allied to the lion and the tiger, but differing it its inferior size, and in the fact that its tawny coat is covered with dark spots, formed by an incomplete ring of black enclosing a bright central patch. In addition to this brightly-colored form, there exists also the black leopard or panther, formerly regarded as a distinct species, but now proved to be merely a variety. Leopards occur throughout India, Ceylon, and Burma, in Persia, Palestine, Syria, Arabia, and Africa; while formerly their distribution was even more extensive. They are very active animals, and differ from lions and tigers in that they habitually climb trees. The total length, including the tail, is sometimes as much as eight feet. In India, the leopard preys chiefly on dogs and on carious kinds of monkeys; but it is capable of killing a bullock or the samber deer. The litters consist of from two to four cubs, which in India are born in spring. Leopards chiefly inhabit rocky hills covered with scrub, and in the neighborhood of villages are often a dreadful scourge to herds and flocks, and sometimes become habitual man-eaters.


The leopard (Felis pardus) is a carnivore closely allied to the lion and the tiger, but differing it…

Bashforth Chronograph. A, flywheel turning cylinder B on which the record is marked; C, toothed wheel driving drum D, which unwinds the spring E and allows the platform F to slide down the groove G; H, H, electromagnets connected with the first and second screen respectively (shown in small upper diagram)

Bashforth Chronograph

Bashforth Chronograph. A, flywheel turning cylinder B on which the record is marked; C, toothed wheel…

An old graveyard with a church in the background.

Old Graveyard

An old graveyard with a church in the background.

A young couple sitting under shady trees.

Young Couple

A young couple sitting under shady trees.

A device that strips sugar cane of its leaves. The stripper consists of a wooden handle, to one end of which are fastened two curved, flexible, dull blades, so arranged that they easily spring apart to admit the stalk between them. By a thrust against the stalk it slips into the space made by the curve in the blades; then a downward stroke removes the leaves from each side of the plant.

Sugar Cane Stripping Device

A device that strips sugar cane of its leaves. The stripper consists of a wooden handle, to one end…

Setting outside calipers.

Outside Spring Calipers

Setting outside calipers.

Measuring with outside spring calipers.

Outside Spring Calipers

Measuring with outside spring calipers.

Outside spring calipers for measuring the outside dimensions of objects.

Spring Calipers

Outside spring calipers for measuring the outside dimensions of objects.

Inside spring calipers for measuring the inside dimensions of hollow or open objects.

Spring Calipers

Inside spring calipers for measuring the inside dimensions of hollow or open objects.

Spring dividers used to compare lengths or transfer measurements from one location to another, as when used on a map and then compared to the map scale.

Spring Dividers

Spring dividers used to compare lengths or transfer measurements from one location to another, as when…

"A press or stamp bearing dies on its jaws, or a die and a bed, for imprinting or embossing any device upon paper or a plastic material, as lead. It is much used to form the seals of seal-locks, and may be a kind of heavy pincers. a and a1, dies; b (dotted outline), bar sliding in guide c; d (dotted outline), abutment for coiled spring e; f, lever with cam g at the bottom. The lever moved in the direction in dicated by the arrow forces a down upon a1; when it is released the spring reverses the motion." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Seal Press

"A press or stamp bearing dies on its jaws, or a die and a bed, for imprinting or embossing any device…

"A draftsman's instrument for ruling parallel lines. It consists of a triangle so attached to a straight-edge that it can be moved back and forth on it a distance predetermined by the adjustment of a set-screw. a, a straight-edge; b, triangle moving on <i>a</i> for a distance determined by the set of the micrometer scale <i>c</i>; d, spring for releasing triangle and keeping it in the end of its slot." -Whitney, 1889

Section Liner, A Draftsman's Tool

"A draftsman's instrument for ruling parallel lines. It consists of a triangle so attached to a straight-edge…

"a, is the frame; b, shaft-crank which rocks the hook-shaft; e, receiving its motion from the double crank on the upper shaft e in the arm g through the shaft-connection c; d, band-wheel turned by a band (not shown) from a wheel on treadle-shaft below the table; f, feed-cam; h, feed-bar; i, bobbin-case; j, rotating hook which is attached to e and oscillates with it; k, bobbin-holder; l, presser; m, presser-spring; n, needle-bar link; o, needle-bar; p, take-up lever; q, take-up cam; r, spool-holder...." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine

"a, is the frame; b, shaft-crank which rocks the hook-shaft; e, receiving its motion from the double…

"An embiotocoid fish of the Pacific coast of North America, <i>Micrometrus aggregatus</i>; a name also extended to others of the same waters and genus. That above named is about six inches long; the adult males in spring are almost entirely black; the usual coloration is silvery with dusky back and longitudinal dark stripes interrupted by three vertical yellow bars." &mdash;Whitney, 1889


"An embiotocoid fish of the Pacific coast of North America, Micrometrus aggregatus; a name also extended…

"An instrument which, when applied over an artery, traces on a piece of paper moved by clockwork a curve which indicates the changes of tension of the blood within... a, band by which the instrument is fastened on; b, spring which rests upon the artery; c, adjusting-screw (with graduated head) which regulates the pressure of the spring b according as the pulse is strong or weak; d, d, supports for paper upon which the tracing is made; e, e to engage the paper positively; g, small spring clockwork (incased) by which motion is imparted to the feed-roller e1; h, milled-headed winding key; i, stop-motion; j, tracer attached to the oscillating arm k, which is moved by the rod l that connects this arm with the spring b." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Sphygmograph with All Parts Labeled

"An instrument which, when applied over an artery, traces on a piece of paper moved by clockwork a curve…

"A form of balance in which the weight of the body under examination is measured by the stretching (torsion) of an elastic wire in the form of a long spiral. A common use of the simple form of spiral balance is in determining the specific gravity of small fragments of minerals, which for this purpose are weighed first in the upper pan and then in that below, which is immersed in water." —Whitney, 1889

Spiral Balance

"A form of balance in which the weight of the body under examination is measured by the stretching (torsion)…