A genus of plants native to western Asia, but now naturalized quite extensively in Europe and other regions. The leaves are opposite, flowers axillary or terminal, and mostly white or pink colored.


A genus of plants native to western Asia, but now naturalized quite extensively in Europe and other…

A genus of popular flowering plants, most of which are native to Europe, but many of them have been widely naturalized and greatly improved by cultivation. The plants are bulbous, the stems rush-like, flowers bell-shaped, and the fruit formed like capsules with flobose seeds.


A genus of popular flowering plants, most of which are native to Europe, but many of them have been…

A genus of aquatic herbs of the mustard famil, known generally as the water-cresses. The leaves in most species are pinnate, the flowers are yellow or white, and the seeds are borne in a marginless pod in which they are arranged in two irregular rows.


A genus of aquatic herbs of the mustard famil, known generally as the water-cresses. The leaves in most…

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the border petals with a heart of deep orange and the stem stands high out of the water. It is commonly found on the banks of the Nile and is the first flower to spring up after the overflowing waters of that river have subsided. For this reason and becacuse it preserves its chaste beauty while growing from such impure surroundings it has always figured among the Egyptians as an emblem of immortality and purity. With the Chinese it is symbolic of many descendants and in India it is especially sacred to the Buddhists and is the national flower of that country. In ornament the lotus is handled by many different nations, being used in both circular and profile forms, figuring as flowers, wheels, medallions, etc.

Lotus Design

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the…

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the border petals with a heart of deep orange and the stem stands high out of the water. It is commonly found on the banks of the Nile and is the first flower to spring up after the overflowing waters of that river have subsided. For this reason and becacuse it preserves its chaste beauty while growing from such impure surroundings it has always figured among the Egyptians as an emblem of immortality and purity. With the Chinese it is symbolic of many descendants and in India it is especially sacred to the Buddhists and is the national flower of that country. In ornament the lotus is handled by many different nations, being used in both circular and profile forms, figuring as flowers, wheels, medallions, etc.

Lotus Design

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the…

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the border petals with a heart of deep orange and the stem stands high out of the water. It is commonly found on the banks of the Nile and is the first flower to spring up after the overflowing waters of that river have subsided. For this reason and becacuse it preserves its chaste beauty while growing from such impure surroundings it has always figured among the Egyptians as an emblem of immortality and purity. With the Chinese it is symbolic of many descendants and in India it is especially sacred to the Buddhists and is the national flower of that country. In ornament the lotus is handled by many different nations, being used in both circular and profile forms, figuring as flowers, wheels, medallions, etc.

Lotus Design

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the…

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the border petals with a heart of deep orange and the stem stands high out of the water. It is commonly found on the banks of the Nile and is the first flower to spring up after the overflowing waters of that river have subsided. For this reason and becacuse it preserves its chaste beauty while growing from such impure surroundings it has always figured among the Egyptians as an emblem of immortality and purity. With the Chinese it is symbolic of many descendants and in India it is especially sacred to the Buddhists and is the national flower of that country. In ornament the lotus is handled by many different nations, being used in both circular and profile forms, figuring as flowers, wheels, medallions, etc.

Lotus Design

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the…

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the border petals with a heart of deep orange and the stem stands high out of the water. It is commonly found on the banks of the Nile and is the first flower to spring up after the overflowing waters of that river have subsided. For this reason and becacuse it preserves its chaste beauty while growing from such impure surroundings it has always figured among the Egyptians as an emblem of immortality and purity. With the Chinese it is symbolic of many descendants and in India it is especially sacred to the Buddhists and is the national flower of that country. In ornament the lotus is handled by many different nations, being used in both circular and profile forms, figuring as flowers, wheels, medallions, etc.

Lotus Design

Very much resembles our pond lily with the exception that the color is of a brilliant purple on the…

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat of a shamrock leaf. It may be found in any of the Asia Minor rugs, especially in the field of the Konieh and Ladik. In the former it is nearly always present and for this reason is sometimes known as the Konieh design.

Rhodian or Lily Design

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat…

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat of a shamrock leaf. It may be found in any of the Asia Minor rugs, especially in the field of the Konieh and Ladik. In the former it is nearly always present and for this reason is sometimes known as the Konieh design.

Rhodian or Lily Design

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat…

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat of a shamrock leaf. It may be found in any of the Asia Minor rugs, especially in the field of the Konieh and Ladik. In the former it is nearly always present and for this reason is sometimes known as the Konieh design.

Rhodian or Lily Design

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat…

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat of a shamrock leaf. It may be found in any of the Asia Minor rugs, especially in the field of the Konieh and Ladik. In the former it is nearly always present and for this reason is sometimes known as the Konieh design.

Rhodian or Lily Design

Composed of small flowers with three triangular petals and a long stem. Has the appearance somewhat…

A young girl with flowers.


A young girl with flowers.

The milky juice obtained fom the unripe capsules of several species of the poppy, which is rendered concrete and dark colored by exposure to the air. the poppy is cultivated in many places as a garden plant for its beautiful single or double flowers of white, violet, red, or variegated colors, but in Turkey, India, China, Hindustan, and other countries it is grown extensively in plantations for its yield of opium.


The milky juice obtained fom the unripe capsules of several species of the poppy, which is rendered…

A tree native to tropical America, allied to the passion flower family, and now extensively cultivated in tropical countries. It has a remarkably tapering sem crowned by a tuft of leaves on long footstalks, with the flowers below, and grows to a height of from fifteen to twenty feet.


A tree native to tropical America, allied to the passion flower family, and now extensively cultivated…

A genus of rushlike plants of the sedge family, growing in marshy places from root-stalks. The stem grows to a height of from six to fifteen feet. It is naked, except near the root, and at the top is a bunch of leaves formed much like an umbrella. The flowers occur on scaly spikelets and are surrounded by long bracts, and the seeds are three-cornered.


A genus of rushlike plants of the sedge family, growing in marshy places from root-stalks. The stem…

A trailing plant of the bean family, bearing a hairy stem, small yellow flowers, and two-paired primate leaflets. The flowers are sterile above ground. After they wither, the forming stalk of the ovary bends downward and forces the young pod underground, and the seeds mature some distance below the surface.


A trailing plant of the bean family, bearing a hairy stem, small yellow flowers, and two-paired primate…

A genus of plants of the nightshade family, which are native to the warmer parts of America. The leaves are entire, and somewhat resemble those of tobacco, especially in having a sticky surface and in emitting a disagreeable odor when crushed. The plants are perennial herbs, and the flowers are either single or double. They are cultivated extensively in gardens and in greenhouses, where they are grown chiefly as annual plants, since they bloom early.


A genus of plants of the nightshade family, which are native to the warmer parts of America. The leaves…

A genus of plants with opposite leaves and beautiful flowers. There are many different species, mostly herbaceous, but some are shrubby plants, most of which are perennial. The flowers appear in clusters at the upper end of a stalk, and are white, blue, purple, lilac, or crimson.


A genus of plants with opposite leaves and beautiful flowers. There are many different species, mostly…

A species of Primula native to western and southern Europe, including the British Isles. It is one of the earliest spring flowers, and in appropriate conditions, it can cover the ground in open woods. In more populated areas it has suffered from over-collection and theft so that few natural displays of primroses in abundance can be found.


A species of Primula native to western and southern Europe, including the British Isles. It is one of…

A young girl gathering flowers.


A young girl gathering flowers.

Two girls with flowers.


Two girls with flowers.

A diagrammatic representation of a several-flowered grass spikelet. <em>g</em>: Glumes. <em>p</em>: Palets. <em>l</em>: Lodicules. <em>f</em>: Flower. The axis is much lengthened to separate the flowers.

Grass Spikelet

A diagrammatic representation of a several-flowered grass spikelet. g: Glumes. p:…

A spikelet with the outer glumes removed. <em>c</em>: Inner empty glumes (neuter flowers) with long, bristle-shaped appendages. <em>d, e</em>: Palets. <em>anth.</em>: Anthers. <em>stig.</em>: Stigmas.

Vernal Grass

A spikelet with the outer glumes removed. c: Inner empty glumes (neuter flowers) with long,…

A magnified flower, surrounded by a perianth of hypogynous bristles.

Great Bulrush

A magnified flower, surrounded by a perianth of hypogynous bristles.

The seed from a Great Bulrush.

Great Bulrush

The seed from a Great Bulrush.

Section of the seed, showing the small embryo inclosed in the base of the endosperm.

Great Bulrush

Section of the seed, showing the small embryo inclosed in the base of the endosperm.

Bract with three staminate flowers from a Gray Birch <em>(Betula populifolia)</em>.

Gray Birch

Bract with three staminate flowers from a Gray Birch (Betula populifolia).

Bract with three pistillate flowers from a Gray Birch <em>(Betula populifolia)</em>.

Gray Birch

Bract with three pistillate flowers from a Gray Birch (Betula populifolia).

A Begonia flower. <em>a</em>: Staminate flower. <em>b</em>: Pistillate flower.

Begonia Flowers

A Begonia flower. a: Staminate flower. b: Pistillate flower.

Cross section of an ovary from a Begonia flower.

Begonia Flowers

Cross section of an ovary from a Begonia flower.

Twisted stigmas from a Begonia flower.

Begonia Flowers

Twisted stigmas from a Begonia flower.

Earlier stage, pistil mature, stamens not yet appearing outside the corolla of a plantain flower.

Plantain Flowers

Earlier stage, pistil mature, stamens not yet appearing outside the corolla of a plantain flower.

Later stage, pistil withered, stamens mature of a plantain flower.

Plantain Flowers

Later stage, pistil withered, stamens mature of a plantain flower.

An extensive genus of shrubs of the heath family. The leaves are usually alternate and evergreen in some species, and the flowers are in clusters and often variously colored.


An extensive genus of shrubs of the heath family. The leaves are usually alternate and evergreen in…

An evergreen shrub of the mint family, which is native to southern Europe and western Asia. It is from three to eight feet high, has narrow, opposite leaves, and pale-blue flowers.


An evergreen shrub of the mint family, which is native to southern Europe and western Asia. It is from…

Decorative header with hourglass in the center.

Decorative Header

Decorative header with hourglass in the center.

Decorative header with blindfolded angel in center.

Decorative Header

Decorative header with blindfolded angel in center.

Having the form of a cross with equal arms, as the flowers of mustard.

Cruciate Flower

Having the form of a cross with equal arms, as the flowers of mustard.

A genus of plants of the aster family, which have large, cordate leaves and terminal, flat, circular, heads of flowers. They are herbaceous plants.


A genus of plants of the aster family, which have large, cordate leaves and terminal, flat, circular,…

The popular name of several flowering vines, which have a woody stem and bear flowers formed like a trumpet.

Trumpet Flower

The popular name of several flowering vines, which have a woody stem and bear flowers formed like a…

An ornamental bulbous plant, native to tropical America and Asia, and cultivated in gardens for its fragrant white flowers.


An ornamental bulbous plant, native to tropical America and Asia, and cultivated in gardens for its…

A genus of plants of the lily family, having woody stems, lanceolate leaves, and a large panicle of showy, whitish, bell-shaped, drooping flowers.


A genus of plants of the lily family, having woody stems, lanceolate leaves, and a large panicle of…

Three flowers.

Floral Border

Three flowers.

A small genus of plants. They are small trees or shrubs with compound leaves and dense racemes of small white flowers. The bark is used for tanning.


A small genus of plants. They are small trees or shrubs with compound leaves and dense racemes of small…

Flowers of a bright primrose yellow color with a cylindrical crown larger then the funnel shaped tube.

Daffodil Flower

Flowers of a bright primrose yellow color with a cylindrical crown larger then the funnel shaped tube.

A genus of plants, with angular toothed leaves, large funnel shaped flowers, and a prickly, globular, 4 valved pods.

Thorn Apple

A genus of plants, with angular toothed leaves, large funnel shaped flowers, and a prickly, globular,…

A well-known climbing shrub, which consists of climbing plants with woody stems, simple or compound leaves, small green flowers, and round berries.


A well-known climbing shrub, which consists of climbing plants with woody stems, simple or compound…

A complicated plant with trifoliate leaves, small flowers, and flat, deeply lobed and jointed pods.

Telegraph Plant

A complicated plant with trifoliate leaves, small flowers, and flat, deeply lobed and jointed pods.

A plant bearing a tall raceme of large, drooping, bell shaped flowers.


A plant bearing a tall raceme of large, drooping, bell shaped flowers.

A plant with a rosette of root leaves, from which rises a naked scape bearing a corymb of rather large white flowers. The leaves are covered in fine irritable hair, and when touched by a fly or other insect the lobes of the leaf suddenly close on the insect and capture it

Venus Fly Trap

A plant with a rosette of root leaves, from which rises a naked scape bearing a corymb of rather large…

The fruit and flowers of a female yam plant.


The fruit and flowers of a female yam plant.

The male flowers of a yam plant.


The male flowers of a yam plant.

A bird with a long, skinny bill. The bill is used to probe long tubular flowers for food.

Sword Bearing Hummingbird

A bird with a long, skinny bill. The bill is used to probe long tubular flowers for food.

A young pig eating flowers out of their pots.

Pig in Flower

A young pig eating flowers out of their pots.

A cow sticking his head out of a barn window and eating potted flowers.

Cow Eating Flowers

A cow sticking his head out of a barn window and eating potted flowers.

They are shrubby yellowish green parasites, generally with abundant short jointed branches, flat opposite thickishleaves, and mersed flowers in several or many rows.

American Mistletoe

They are shrubby yellowish green parasites, generally with abundant short jointed branches, flat opposite…

A plant with the flowers having the style and stamens much exserted and are quite variable in color. Ranging from pink, purple, and sometimes yellow.

Purple Azalea

A plant with the flowers having the style and stamens much exserted and are quite variable in color.…

A girl in the woods with flowers and a bird.


A girl in the woods with flowers and a bird.

A young girl picking flowers.


A young girl picking flowers.