The common name of Berberis vulgaris is common barberry. The shrub grows between four and eight feet…
Berberis regeliana is an upright shrub, growing up to six feet tall. The branches are gray and grooved.…
Berberis heteropoda grows between three and six feet tall. The branches are stout and spreading. The…
Berberis thunbergii is a dense, low shrub that grows two to five feet tall. The branches are brown,…
Boronia megastigma grows about two feet tall. The leaves are very sparse. The flowers are maroon-purple…
The common name of campsis radicans is trumpet vine. It is also known as trumpet creeper and trumpet…
The common name of campsis chinensis is Chinese trumpet creeper. Illustrated is the plant on a clothes…
Capparis spinosa is a spiny shrub that grows three feet tall. It is often straggling and vine-like.…
The caragana microphylla shrub grows four to six feet tall. Each stem has one or two yellow longs.
Ceanothus americanus is a low, erect shrub that grows three feet tall. The leaves are bright green and…
Celastrus orbiculatus is a high climbing shrub. The leaves are two to three inches long and slightly…
The common names of celastrus scandens are false bitter sweet and wax work. The shrub is a high climber,…
The cephalanthus occidentalis shrub grows three to twelve feet tall. The flower heads are about one…
Cestrum elegans is a tall, slender, half climbing shrub. The flowers are red-purple and swollen near…
The common names of chaenomeles japonica are japan quince, flowering quince, and japonica. The shrub…
Chionanthus virginica is a large shrub or slender tree, growing thirty feet tall. The plant is native…
Clerodendron thomsonae is a tall, twining, evergreen shrub. The flowers are white and light crimson.…
Clerodendron trichotomum is a slender but erect, graceful sub-shrub. It grows four to ten feet tall,…
The common name of clianthus dampieri is glory pea. The shrub grows two to four feet tall. The flowers…
Coriaria japonica is a shrub grown chiefly for its ornamental fruits. It grows two to three, but sometimes…
Cornus alternifolia is a variety of dogwood that grows twenty five feet tall. The fruit of the shrub…
The common name of cornus stolonifera is red-osier dogwood. The shrub grows eight feet tall and usually…
Cornus baileyi is an erect shrub with reddish branches. It is native from Pennsylvania to Minnesota…
The common name of cornus mas is Cornelian cherry. The shrub grows twenty feet tall. The fruit is oblong,…
The common name of cornus florida is flowering dogwood. The shrub grows ten to fifteen feet tall and…
Cornus kousa is a shrub that grows twenty feet tall. The flowers are creamy white and very showy. The…
The common name of coronilla emerus is scorpion senna. It is a dense, symmetrical shrub that grows three…
Correa alba is a compact, much branched shrub that grows three to four feet tall. The flowers are white…
Corylus rostrata is a variety of hazel or filbert. The shrub grows two to six feet tall. The branches…
The common name of cotinus coggygria is smoke tree. It is a spreading, dense shrub that grows to fifteen…
Cotoneaster horizontalis is a low shrub with almost horizontal branches. The flowers are erect and pink.…
Cotoneaster hupehensis is a shrub that grows five feet tall and has slender, spreading branches. The…
Crataegus macracantha is a shrub of dense growth, growing twenty feet tall. It is native from New York…
The croton alabamensis shrub grows six to nine feet tall. The plant is local to Alabama but rarely cultivated.
Cytisus canariensis is a much branched shrub that grows six feet tall. The flowers are fragrant and…
The cytisus racemosus shrub grows six feet tall. The branches are covered in fine hairs. It is probably…
The deutzia purpurascens shrub grows three feet tall with slender, arching branches. The flowers have…
The disanthus cercidifolius shrub grows to ten feet and has slender branches. The flowers are dark purple.…
The elliottia racemosa shrub grows four to ten feet tall. It is native to the wet, sandy woods of South…
The enkianthus campanulatus shrub grows fifteen, sometimes thirty, feet tall. The flowers are drooping…
Escallonia langleyensis is a hybrid of E. macrantha and E. virgata. It is a graceful shrub.
Scarlet plume is the common name of euphorbia fulgens. The plant is native to Mexico. It is a small…
The spines of euphorbia grandicornis are one to two inches long and pale in coloration. The shrub grows…
Evonymus obovata has purplish flowers that bloom in May. The fruit of the shrub appears in August and…
Evonymus radicans is a shrub with oft trailing, rooting, and climbing branches. The climbing branches…
The common name of exochorda is pearl bush. The racemosa variety is a slender, spreading shrub growing…
Lantana camara is a small shrub that grows from one to four feet tall. It is hairy, sometimes with short…
Lespedeza bicolor is a shrub with slender branches growing six to ten feet tall. The flowers are small…
The flowers of leucophyllum texanum bloom in spring and summer. It is a loose growing, straggling shrub.…
The ligustrum ibota shrub grows to ten feet with spreading and curving branches. The flowers are a third…
The common name of ligustrum vulgare is common privet or prim. The shrub grows to fifteen feet. The…
Lonicera thibetica is a variety of honeysuckle. The shrub grows five feet tall. The flowers are purple…
Lonicera standishii is a half-evergreen shrub with spreading branches. It grows to six feet in height.…
The lonicera tatarica shrub grows ten feet tall. The flowers are pink, crimson, or white. The flowers…
The lonicera korolkovii shrub grows twelve feet tall. The flowers are light pink, rarely white. The…
The lonicera xylosteum shrub grows ten feet tall. It is native to Europe and west and north Asia. The…
Lonicera maackii is an upright shrub that grows fifteen feet tall. Its growth ranges from north east…
Lonicera japonica is also known as L. halliana. The shrub climbs up to fifteen feet. It is native to…
Lonicera hirsuta is a high climbing shrub. The flowers are bright or orange yellow. The flowers bloom…