Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with axes and some increments from -10 To 10 labeled.

-10 To 10 Coordinate Grid With Axes And Increments Labeled By 10s And Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with axes…

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with some increments from -10 To 10 labeled.

-10 To 10 Coordinate Grid With Increments Labeled By 10s And Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with some…

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with the x- and y-axes and even increments from -10 to 10 labeled.

-10 To 10 Coordinate Grid With Axes And Even Increments Labeled And Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with the…

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with even increments from -10 to 10 labeled.

-10 To 10 Coordinate Grid With Even Increments Labeled And Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with even…

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system. Neither axis is labeled.

Blank Coordinate Grid With Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system. Neither…

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with both axes labeled.

Coordinate Grid With Axes Labeled And Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with both…

The skeleton.

The Skeleton

The skeleton.

Plan of the body in cross-section. The systems in the body are arranged in a certain way which is the same in all animals which have a backbone. The plan of the bony skeleton is a central axis from which all other parts are extended. In this lies the central axis of the nervous system, from which its branches also extend.

Diagram of the Body Plan

Plan of the body in cross-section. The systems in the body are arranged in a certain way which is the…

Roman political leader, Julius Caesar.

Julius Caesar

Roman political leader, Julius Caesar.

Catholic system of dragooning the French protesants after the revocation of the edict of the Nantes, under Louis XIV. Caption under illustration: " When one party of these tormentors were weary, they were relieved by another, who practiced the same cruelties with fresh vigor."


Catholic system of dragooning the French protesants after the revocation of the edict of the Nantes,…

"Longitudinal section through fertilized ovule of a spruce. p, pollen grains; t, pollen tubes; n neck of the archegonium; a, body of archegonium with nucleus; e, embryo sac filled with endosperm." -Bergen, 1896

Spruce Ovule

"Longitudinal section through fertilized ovule of a spruce. p, pollen grains; t, pollen tubes; n neck…

"The modern system of cotton manufacture dates no further back than back 1760. Prior the mechanical inventions of Hargeaves, Arkwright, Crompton and Cartwright, the arts of spinning and weaving were entirely domestic, and the instruments of manipulation much the same as those which had been in use in the East for centuries before." -Lupton

The Spinning Jenny

"The modern system of cotton manufacture dates no further back than back 1760. Prior the mechanical…

"In a system of pulleys (figs. 3,4) in which the same string passes round any number of pulleys, and the parts of it between the pulleys are parallel, there is an equilibrium when the power is to the weight as 1 to the number of strings at the lower block" -Marshall


"In a system of pulleys (figs. 3,4) in which the same string passes round any number of pulleys, and…

"In a system in which each pulley hangs by a separate cord and the strings are parallel (fig. 5), there is an equilibrium when the power is to the weight as 11 to that power of 2 whose index is the number of movable pulleys." -Marshall


"In a system in which each pulley hangs by a separate cord and the strings are parallel (fig. 5), there…

"The Lungs. 1, Summit of lungs. 2, Base of lungs. 3, Trachea. 4, Right bronchus. 5, Left bronchus. 6, Left aurical of heart. 7, Left superior pulmonary vein. 8, Right superior pulmonary vein. 9, Left ventricle of heart. 10, Right ventricle of heart." -Foster, 1921


"The Lungs. 1, Summit of lungs. 2, Base of lungs. 3, Trachea. 4, Right bronchus. 5, Left bronchus. 6,…

"(1798-1859), an American educator who helped to establish the present common school system in the United States." -Foster, 1921

Horace Mann

"(1798-1859), an American educator who helped to establish the present common school system in the United…

"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear; 3, occipital artery; 4, greater occipital nerve; 5, smaller occipital nerve; 6, nerve of the neck; 7, trapezius muscle; 8, clavicular nerves; 9, clavicle; 10, sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle; 11, outer artery of the head; 12, inner artery of the head; 13, salivary gland; 14, nerves of the lower jaw; 15, outer maxillary artery; 16, nerve of the chin; 17, circular muscle of the mouth; 18, greater yoke muscle; 19, nerves below the eye; 20, masseter, or chewing muscle; 21, ear passage; 22, arteries of the forehead; 23; nerves of the forehead; 24, eye-closing muscle; 25, facial artery; 26, facial nerve." -Foster, 1921

Arteries and Nerves

"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear;…

"Nerves of the had. 1, Nerves of the skin; 2, tendons; 3, arteries of the palm of the hand; 4, elbow nerve; 5, elbow artery; 6, nerve of the forearm; 7, nerve of the under-arm; 8, artery of the under-arm." -Foster, 1921

Hand Nerves

"Nerves of the had. 1, Nerves of the skin; 2, tendons; 3, arteries of the palm of the hand; 4, elbow…

Labels: O, esophagus; S, stomach; SI, small intestine; LI, large intestine, Sp spleen; L, liver (raised up); G, gall bladder; Pa, pancreas.

General View of the Alimentary Canal

Labels: O, esophagus; S, stomach; SI, small intestine; LI, large intestine, Sp spleen; L, liver (raised…

The opening part of the stomach where the esophagus joins it is called the cardiac opening; the one at the opposite end, where the small intestine joins it, is called the pylorus.

A Section of the Stomach

The opening part of the stomach where the esophagus joins it is called the cardiac opening; the one…

Showing the connection of the small intestine to the thoracic duct by the lacteals lying in the mesentery. Label: Th, thoracic duct.


Showing the connection of the small intestine to the thoracic duct by the lacteals lying in the mesentery.…

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, large intestine; 3, small intestine; 4, entrance of small intestine into large one; 12, spleen.

Digestive System

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, large intestine; 3, small intestine;…

The lungs in position.


The lungs in position.

A diagram of an annulosa showing its external skeleton made up of segments or rings arranged along a longitudinal line, and consisting mostly of hardened skin. Labels: 1, vascular system,; 2, digestive organs; 3, ganglia.

Diagram of an Annulosa

A diagram of an annulosa showing its external skeleton made up of segments or rings arranged along a…

In birds the muscles system is remarkable for their marked line of attachment to their tendons. Labels: 1, Occipito-Frontalis. 2, Orbicularis Palpaebrarum. 3, Temporal. 4, Masseter. 5, Sterno-cleido-Mastoid. 6, Trapezius. 7, Latissimus Dorsi. 8, Pectoralis. 9, Deltoid. 10, Biceps. 11, Triceps. 12, Gluteii. 13, Levator Caudae. 14, Rectus Femoris. 15, Gastrocnemius muscle.

The Superficial Muscles of a Hawk

In birds the muscles system is remarkable for their marked line of attachment to their tendons. Labels:…

In fish the chief masses of the muscular system are disposed on each side of the trunk in a series of plates or flakes corresponding in number to the vertebrae. Labels: a,b,c, and 1,2,3, The zigzag arrangement of the flakes.

The Muscles of a Fish

In fish the chief masses of the muscular system are disposed on each side of the trunk in a series of…

A diagram of the human muscular system.

A Diagram of the Human Muscular System

A diagram of the human muscular system.

The Annulosa and Mollusca are furnished with a distinct alimentary canal that does not open into the body cavity. In most cases, the digestive canal communicates with the outer world by two-openings- a mouth and an excretory aperture. The annulosa system is demonstrated in the digestive apparatus of a beetle.

The Digestive Apparatus of a Beetle

The Annulosa and Mollusca are furnished with a distinct alimentary canal that does not open into the…

A diagram of the organs of digestion. Labels:1, The upper jaw. 2, The lower jaw. 3, The tongue. 4, The roof of the mouth. 5, The esophagus. 6, The trachea. 7, The parotid gland. 8, The sublingual gland. 9, The stomach. 10, The liver. 11, The gall cyst. 12, The duct that conveys the bile to the duodenum (13). 14, The pancreas. 15, The small intestine. 16, The opening of the small intestine into the large intestine. 17, 18, 19, 20, The large intestine. 21, The spleen. 22, The upper part of the spinal column.

Digestive System

A diagram of the organs of digestion. Labels:1, The upper jaw. 2, The lower jaw. 3, The tongue. 4, The…

The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The lungs fill the cavity of the chest, and have the same general composition of lobes, lobules and air-cells. Labels: 1, Trachea. 2, Lungs. 3, Heart. 4, Diaphragm. 5, Liver. 6, Stomach. 7, Esophagus. 8, Kidney. 9, Intestines. 10, Bladder. 11, Cerebrum. 12, Cerebellum. 13, Medulla spinalis. 14, Vertebrae.

The Respiratory System of a Small Mammal

The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is the right lung of a goose. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube which divides into two tubes that open into the abdominal air-receptacles (2).

The Right Lung of a Goose

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but are oblong and flattened in shape, and connected with a series of air-receptacles scattered through various parts of the body. Shown is a section of a bird lung, magnified. Labels: 1, A bronchial tube that ends in a sac (caeca). 2, Division of the bronchial tubes that branch out among lobules. B, A plexus of capillary vessels.

Section of the Lung of a Bird

In birds the lungs are confined to the back wall of the chest. They are not separated into lobes, but…

In the class of Crustacea there is a single ventricle, which receives the blood from the gills and propels it to other parts of the body. Shown is the heart and arteries of a lobster. Labels: 1, The heart. 2, The abdominal artery. 5, Venous sinuses. 6, The branchia from which the blood returns to the hear.

The Heart and Arteries of a Lobster

In the class of Crustacea there is a single ventricle, which receives the blood from the gills and propels…

Insects have neither arteries nor veins. The circulation, such as it is, is animated by the action of a vessel called dorsal, which is situated above the digestive tube. Labels: 1, Dorsal vessels in which the blood flows. 2,The lateral currents. The arrows show the outward and the inward current.

Diagram of the Circulation of an Insect.

Insects have neither arteries nor veins. The circulation, such as it is, is animated by the action of…

In high orders of Mollusca the circulation resembles that of fish. Shown is the heart and arteries of a snail. Labels: 2, The stomach. 3, Intestines. 5, Heart. 6, Aorta. 7, Pulmonary artery.

The Heart and Arteries of a Snail

In high orders of Mollusca the circulation resembles that of fish. Shown is the heart and arteries of…

A diagram of the circulation of a frog. Labels: 1, The pericardium. 2, The single ventricle. 3, The right auricle. 4, The left auricle. The arrows indicate the direction of the blood.

Circulation of a Frog

A diagram of the circulation of a frog. Labels: 1, The pericardium. 2, The single ventricle. 3, The…

A diagram of the circulation of a fish. Labels: 1, The pericardium. 2, The single auricle. 3, The single ventricle. 4, The vessel that conveys the blood from the ventricle to the gills. 5, The vessel that conveys the blood from the body to the heart. The arrows show the direction of the blood.

Circulation of a Fish

A diagram of the circulation of a fish. Labels: 1, The pericardium. 2, The single auricle. 3, The single…

The circulatory organs. Labels: 1, The left auricle. 2, The right auricle. 3, The left ventricle. 4, The right ventricle. 5, 6, The aorta. 7, The femoral (leg) artery. 8, The branchial (arm) arteries. 9, carotid arteries. 10, The jugular veins. 11, The branchial veins. 12, The femoral veins. 13, 14, The vena cavas. 15, The pulmonary artery. 16, The right and left pulmonary arteries. 17, The pulmonary veins. 18, The lacteals. 19, The thoracic duct. 20, The absorbents of the upper extremities. 22, The small intestine.

The Circulatory Organs

The circulatory organs. Labels: 1, The left auricle. 2, The right auricle. 3, The left ventricle. 4,…

A section of the brain and spinal column. Labels: 1, The cerebrum (large brain). 2, The cerebellum (small brain). 3, The Medulla Oblongata. 4, The spinal cord in its canal.

The Spinal Column and Brain

A section of the brain and spinal column. Labels: 1, The cerebrum (large brain). 2, The cerebellum (small…

A back view of the brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum. 3, The spinal cord. 4, Nerves of the face. 5, The brachial plexus of nerves. 6, 7, 8, 9, Nerves of the arm. 10, Nerves that pass under the ribs. 11, The lumbar plexus of nerves. 12, The sacral plexus of nerves. 13, 14, 15, 16, Nerves of the lower limbs.

A Back View of the Brain and Spinal Cord

A back view of the brain and spinal cord. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2, The cerebellum. 3, The spinal…

Nerve-filaments, decussing with their sheath.

Nerve Filaments

Nerve-filaments, decussing with their sheath.

The sympathetic ganglions and their connection with other nerves. Labels: A, The semilunar ganglion and solar plexus. D, The thoracic (chest) ganglions. E, The external and internal branched of the thoracic ganglions. G, H, The right and left coronary (heart) plexus. I, N, Q , The inferior, middle and superior cervical (neck) ganglions. 1, The renal plexus of nerves. 2, The lumbar (loin) ganglions. 3, Their internal branches. 4, Their external branches. 5, The aortic plexus of nerves.

The Sympathetic Ganglions and their Connection to other Nerves

The sympathetic ganglions and their connection with other nerves. Labels: A, The semilunar ganglion…

In Amphibians the nervous system is but slightly developed. The cerebrum is small; the cerebellum is scarcely visible. Shown is the brain of an alligator. Labels: 1, Olfactory ganglions. 2, Cerebrum. 3, Optic ganglions. 4, Cerebellum. 5, Medulla Oblongata and Spinal Cord.

Brain of an Alligator

In Amphibians the nervous system is but slightly developed. The cerebrum is small; the cerebellum is…

The nervous system of insects is composed primarily of a double series of ganglions united by longitudinal cords. Shown is a diagram of the nervous system of a beetle. Labels: 1, Central ganglia. 2, Nerves that connect the ganglions.

Diagram of Nervous System of a Beetle

The nervous system of insects is composed primarily of a double series of ganglions united by longitudinal…

In the nervous system of the centipede the ganglions are arranged in pairs of nearly equal size, except the ganglion that answers to the brain, which is larger, along the surface of the alimentary canal.

Diagram of the Nervous System of a Centipede

In the nervous system of the centipede the ganglions are arranged in pairs of nearly equal size, except…

In the Mollusca are found the ganglions and connective arrangement, with both sensitive and motor nerves, and on a plan corresponding to the body. Labels: 1, Esophagal ganglions. 2, Cerebral ganglions. , Pedal of locomotive ganglions. 4, Respiratory ganglions.

Diagram of a Type of Mollusca

In the Mollusca are found the ganglions and connective arrangement, with both sensitive and motor nerves,…

In the Radiata, the starfish manifests one of the simplest forms of nervous systems. it consists of a central mass, with five arms radiating from it. In the center is the mouth, and beneath it the stomach or gastric cavity, which sends branches to each limb. The nervous system consists of five similar ganglions situated in the central portion at the base of the arms. These ganglions are connected and each sends off nerve-filaments to corresponding limbs.

Diagram of a Radiata

In the Radiata, the starfish manifests one of the simplest forms of nervous systems. it consists of…

"Streamlet branchings of the abnormal type found in the area in and about the Pomperaug Valley. a and i, streamlets controlled by two sets or airs of fault planes. b and c, streamlets preponderantly controlled by a single series of parallel planes; d, f, and h, by a nearly rectangular system of fault planes. e and g, streamlets indicating that neighboring streamlet branchings have been controlled by the same fault plane. The side streamlets of g indicate control by a second series of faults." -Walcott, 1901

Streamlet Branchings

"Streamlet branchings of the abnormal type found in the area in and about the Pomperaug Valley. a and…

"Diagram showing tissue-systems in young stem of castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis), as seen in cross-section. ep, epidermis; cor, cortex; p, pith or medulla; b, fibro-vascular bundle; ph, phloem; ca, cambium; x, xylem; ic, interfascicular cambium." -Gager, 1916

Castor-Oil Plant Stem

"Diagram showing tissue-systems in young stem of castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis), as seen in cross-section.…

A representation of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerve. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2. The cerebellum. 3, Spinal cord. 4, The sciatic nerve. A. Distribution of the olfactory nerve. Labels: 1, 2, Nerve of smell. B. Optic Nerve. Labels: 15, Nerve of vision. C. The gustatory nerve. Labels: 1, 2, 3, 4, Branches of the nerve of taste. D. Auditory nerve. Labels: 13, Nerve of hearing.

Nervous System

A representation of the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerve. Labels: 1, The cerebrum. 2. The cerebellum.…

A diagram illustrating the circulation of the blood. Labels: A, vena cava descending (superior); Z, vena cava ascending (inferior); C, right auricle; D, right ventricle; E, pulmonary artery; F, P, lungs and pulmonary veins; G, left auricle; H, left ventricle; I, K, aorta.

Circulation of Blood

A diagram illustrating the circulation of the blood. Labels: A, vena cava descending (superior); Z,…

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 2, duodenum; 3, small intestine; 4, termination of the ileum; 5, caecum; 6, vermiform appendix; 7, ascending colon; 8, transverse colon; 9, descending colon; 10, sigmoid flexure of the colon; 11, rectum; 12, spleen.

The Stomach and Intestines

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 2, duodenum; 3, small intestine; 4, termination of the…

The human nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and the nerves. Labels: A, cerebrum; B, cerebellum.

Nervous System

The human nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and the nerves. Labels: A, cerebrum; B, cerebellum.

The olfactory system. Labels: a, b, c, d, interior of the nose, which is lined by a mucous membrane; n, the nose; e, the wing of the nose; q, the nose bones; o, the upper lip; g, section of the upper jawbone; h, the upper part of the mouth, or hard palate; m, frontal bone of the skull; k, the ganglion or bulb of the olfactory nerve in the skull, from which are seen the branches of the nerve passing in all direction.

Olfactory System

The olfactory system. Labels: a, b, c, d, interior of the nose, which is lined by a mucous membrane;…

A diagram of the human skeleton.

The Human Skeleton

A diagram of the human skeleton.

View of the cerebrospinal axis of the nervous system. The right half of the cranium and trunk of the body have been removed by a vertical section; the membranes of the brain and spinal cord have also been removed, and the roots and first part of the fifth and ninth cranial, and of all the spinal nerves of the right side, have been dissected out and laid separately on the wall of the skull and on the several vertebrae opposite to the place of their natural exit from the craniospinal cavity.

Central Nervous System

View of the cerebrospinal axis of the nervous system. The right half of the cranium and trunk of the…

Diagrammatic view of the Sympathetic cord of the right side, showing its connections with the principal cerebrospinal nerves and the main prae-aortic plexuses. Cerebrospinal nerves. VI, a portion of the sixth cranial as it passes through the cavernous sinus, receiving two twigs from the carotid plexus of the sympathetic nerve; O, opthalmic ganglion connected by a twig with the carotid plexus; M, connection of the spheno-palatine ganglion by the Vidian nerve with the carotid plexus; C, cervical plexus; Br, brachial plexus; D 6, sixth intercostal nerve; D 12, twelfth; L 3, third lumbar nerve; S 5, fifth; Cr, anterior crural nerve winding round the subclavian artery. Sympathetic Cord. c, superior cervical ganglion; c', second or middle; c", inferior; from each of these ganglia cardiac nerves (all deep on this side) are seen descending to the cardiac plexus; d 1, placed immediately below the first dorsal sympathetic ganglion; d 6, is opposite he sixth; l 1, first lumbar ganglion. Preaortic and Visceral Plexuses. p, pharyngeal, and, lower down, laryngeal plexus; pl, post-pulmonary plexus spreading from the vagus on the back of the right bronchus; c a,on the aorta , the cardiac plexus, towards which , in addition to the cardiac nerves from the three cervical sympathetic ganglia, other branches are seen descending from the vagus and recurrent nerves; co, right or posterior and co1, left or an. coronary plexus; o, esophageal plexus in long meshes on the gullet; sp, great splanchnic nerve formed by branched from the fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, and ninth dorsal ganglia; +, small splanchnic from the ninth and tenth; ++, smallest or third splanchnic from the eleventh: the first and second of theses are shown joining the solar plexus, s o; the third descending to the renal plexus, r e; connecting branches between the solar plexus and the vagi are also represented; pn', above the place where the right vagus passes to the lower or posterior surface of the stomach; pn", the left distribution on the anterior side or upper surface of the cardiac portion of the organ: from the solar plexus large branches are seen surrounding the arteries of the coeliac axis, and descending from the solar and sup. mesenteric plexuses and from the lumbar ganglia; mi, the inf. mesenteric plexus surrounding the corresponding artery; hy, hypogastric plexus; pl, the right pelvic or inf. hypogastric plexuses; pl, the right pelvic plexus; from this the nerves descending are joined by those from the plexus on the sup. hemorrhoidal vessels, mi', by nerves from the third and fourth sacral spinal nerves, and there are thus formed the rectal, vesical, and other plexuses, which ramify upon the viscera, ,as towards ir, and v, the rectum and bladder.

Sympathetic System

Diagrammatic view of the Sympathetic cord of the right side, showing its connections with the principal…

A section of the retina, choroid, and part of the sclerotic. Labels: a, membrana limitans interna; b, nerve-fiber later traversed by Muller's sustentacular fibers (of the connective-tissue system): c, ganglion-cell layer; d, molecular layer; e, internal nuclear layer; f, internuclear layer; g, external nuclear layer; h, membrana limitans externa, running along the lower part of i, the layer of rods and cones; k, pigment cell layer; lm, internal and external vascular portions of the choroid, the first containing capillaries, the second larger blood-vessels, cut in transverse section; n, sclerotic.

Structure of the Retina

A section of the retina, choroid, and part of the sclerotic. Labels: a, membrana limitans interna; b,…

"Cycas circinalis. Diagram of longitudinal section of a nearly mature seed; o, outer fleshy layer, with a bundle (o1) of the outer vascular system; s, stony layer of integument; i, inneer fleshy layer, with a bundle (i1) of the inner vascular system; c, central vascular bundle." -Gager, 1916

Seed Sections

"Cycas circinalis. Diagram of longitudinal section of a nearly mature seed; o, outer fleshy layer, with…

Extremities of a placental villus. Labels: a, lining membrane of the vascular system of the mother; b, cells immediately lining a; d, space between the maternal and fetal portion of the villus; e, internal membrane of the chorion; f, internal cells of the villus, or cells of the chorion; g, loop of umbilical vessels.

Placental Villus

Extremities of a placental villus. Labels: a, lining membrane of the vascular system of the mother;…