An autumn-flowering border.

Border suggestions

An autumn-flowering border.

Rose rugosa, from Japan. One of the best roses for lawn planting, because of its neat habit and attractive foilage.

Rosa Rugosa

Rose rugosa, from Japan. One of the best roses for lawn planting, because of its neat habit and attractive…

Tulips, the warmest of spring flowers


Tulips, the warmest of spring flowers

Flowers of Narcissus


Flowers of Narcissus

1, flower; 2, fruits; 3, berry cut across; 4, seed


1, flower; 2, fruits; 3, berry cut across; 4, seed

1, twig with male flowers; 2, ripe pendulous fruit opening; 3, fruit after removal of one-half of the penicarp, showing the dark brown seed surrounded by the ruptured arillus; 4, kernel freed from the seed-coat.

Myristica Fragrans

1, twig with male flowers; 2, ripe pendulous fruit opening; 3, fruit after removal of one-half of the…

The male flower

Oak Flowers

The male flower

The female flower

Oak Flowers

The female flower

Female flowers of <em>q</em>, pedunculata

Oak Flowers

Female flowers of q, pedunculata

Male flowers of <em>q</em>, sessiliflora

Oak Flowers

Male flowers of q, sessiliflora

Female flowers of <em>q</em>, sessiliflora, after fertilization

Oak Flowers

Female flowers of q, sessiliflora, after fertilization

A bread-fruit tree with cuneate-ovate pinnatifid leaves, male flowers in a club-shaped deciduous catkin, and female flowers in rounded clusters.

Bread-Fruit Tree

A bread-fruit tree with cuneate-ovate pinnatifid leaves, male flowers in a club-shaped deciduous catkin,…

Transverse section of the male spike with numerous flowers

Bread-Fruit Tree

Transverse section of the male spike with numerous flowers

Male flowers

Bread-Fruit Tree

Male flowers

Female flowers

Bread-Fruit Tree

Female flowers

The cylisus scoparius

Common Broom

The cylisus scoparius

Two-lipped calyx

Common Broom

Two-lipped calyx

Broadly ovate vexillum or standard

Common Broom

Broadly ovate vexillum or standard

One of the alae or wings of the corolla

Common Broom

One of the alae or wings of the corolla

Carina or keel

Common Broom

Carina or keel

Monadelphous stamens

Common Broom

Monadelphous stamens

Hairy ovary with the long style, thickened upwards, and spirally curved

Common Broom

Hairy ovary with the long style, thickened upwards, and spirally curved

Legume or pod

Common Broom

Legume or pod

Mature but unopened archegonium. e, Ovum; b, ventral-canal cell; d, lid-cells of neck


Mature but unopened archegonium. e, Ovum; b, ventral-canal cell; d, lid-cells of neck

Archegonium ready for fertilization; a passage leads down to the rounded ovum


Archegonium ready for fertilization; a passage leads down to the rounded ovum

Archegonium after fertilization; the fertilized ovum is developing into a sporogonium


Archegonium after fertilization; the fertilized ovum is developing into a sporogonium

Group of plants bearing mature sporogonia

Pellia Epiphylla

Group of plants bearing mature sporogonia

Longitudinal section of thallus at the time of fertilization

Pellia Epiphylla

Longitudinal section of thallus at the time of fertilization

Longitudinal section of almost mature sporogonium attached to the thallus

Pellia Epiphylla

Longitudinal section of almost mature sporogonium attached to the thallus

Riccia. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section. The cells which will produce the sporogenous tissue are shaded.


Riccia. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section. The cells…

A flower with vines coming out of it.

Floral Footer

A flower with vines coming out of it.

Decorative footer with vines

Decorative Footer

Decorative footer with vines

Marchantia morpha. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section. The cells which will produce the sporogenous tissue are shaded.


Marchantia morpha. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section.…

Pellia epiphylla. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section. The cells which will produce the sporogenous tissue are shaded.


Pellia epiphylla. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section.…

Anthoceros laevis. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section. The cells which will produce the sporogenous tissue are shaded.


Anthoceros laevis. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section.…

Cephalozia bicuspidata. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section. The cells which will produce the sporogenous tissue are shaded.


Cephalozia bicuspidata. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section.…

Radula complanaia. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section. The cells which will produce the sporogenous tissue are shaded.


Radula complanaia. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a young embryo of Liverworts in longitudinal section.…

Marchantia polymorpha. Portion of thallus bearing two stalked antheridiophores


Marchantia polymorpha. Portion of thallus bearing two stalked antheridiophores

Marchantia polymorpha. Longitudinal section through a young antheridiophore. The antheridia are seated in depressions of the upper surface.


Marchantia polymorpha. Longitudinal section through a young antheridiophore. The antheridia are seated…

Marchantia polymorpha. Longitudinal section of antheridium


Marchantia polymorpha. Longitudinal section of antheridium

Marchantia polymorpha. Stoma in surface view


Marchantia polymorpha. Stoma in surface view

Marchantia polymorpha. Air-chamber with the filaments of assimilating cells and stoma in vertical section


Marchantia polymorpha. Air-chamber with the filaments of assimilating cells and stoma in vertical section

Blasia pusilla. The margin of the thallus bears leaf-like lobes


Blasia pusilla. The margin of the thallus bears leaf-like lobes

Chiloscyphus polyanthos. The perianth with the small perichaetial leaves below it.


Chiloscyphus polyanthos. The perianth with the small perichaetial leaves below it.

Cephalozia bicuspidata. Longitudinal section of the summit of a shoot bearing a nearly mature sporogonium, sg, still enclosed in the calyptra; ar, archegonia which have remained unfertilized


Cephalozia bicuspidata. Longitudinal section of the summit of a shoot bearing a nearly mature sporogonium,…

Anthoceros laevis


Anthoceros laevis

Funaria hygrometrica. Leafy shoot bearing a young sporogonium enclosed in the calyptra


Funaria hygrometrica. Leafy shoot bearing a young sporogonium enclosed in the calyptra

Funaria hygrometrica. Leafy plant with an almost mature sporogonium


Funaria hygrometrica. Leafy plant with an almost mature sporogonium

Funaria hygrometrica. Median longitudinal section of a capsule, with the seta gradually widening into the apophysis at its base


Funaria hygrometrica. Median longitudinal section of a capsule, with the seta gradually widening into…

Funaria hygrometrica. Germinating spores.


Funaria hygrometrica. Germinating spores.

Funaria hygrometrica. Part of a developed protonema. h, Creeping filament with brown walls from which the filaments of chlorophyll-containing cells


Funaria hygrometrica. Part of a developed protonema. h, Creeping filament with brown walls from which…

Sphagnum acutifolium. Longitudinal section of apex of a bud bearing archegonia (ar), enclosed by the large leaves (y); ch, small perichaetial leaves


Sphagnum acutifolium. Longitudinal section of apex of a bud bearing archegonia (ar), enclosed by the…

Sphagnum acutifolium. Longitudinal section of the sporognium borne on the pseudopodium (ps); c, calyptra; ar, neck of archegonium; sg, foot; sg, capsule.


Sphagnum acutifolium. Longitudinal section of the sporognium borne on the pseudopodium (ps); c, calyptra;…

Sphagnum acutifolium. Ripe sporogonium raised on the pseudopodium above the enclosing leaves


Sphagnum acutifolium. Ripe sporogonium raised on the pseudopodium above the enclosing leaves

Andreaea pelrophila, plant bearing opened capsule


Andreaea pelrophila, plant bearing opened capsule

Funaria hygrometrica. Longitudinal section through the summit of a male branch


Funaria hygrometrica. Longitudinal section through the summit of a male branch

Funaria hygrometrica. Longitudinal section of the very young sporogonium enclosed in the archegonial wall.


Funaria hygrometrica. Longitudinal section of the very young sporogonium enclosed in the archegonial…

Funaria hygrometrica. Further stages of the development of the sporogonium enclosed in the calyptra formed from the archegonial wall and still bearing the neck. The foot of the sporogonium has penetrated into the underlying tissue of the stem of the moss-plant


Funaria hygrometrica. Further stages of the development of the sporogonium enclosed in the calyptra…

Funaria hygrometrica. Further stages of the development of the sporogonium enclosed in the calyptra formed from the archegonial wall and still bearing the neck. The foot of the sporogonium has penetrated into the underlying tissue of the stem of the moss-plant


Funaria hygrometrica. Further stages of the development of the sporogonium enclosed in the calyptra…

Echinocalus, the flowers are several inches in diameter


Echinocalus, the flowers are several inches in diameter