"Right Femur of a Youth. E, E, epiphyses; gtr, ltr, greater and lesser trochanter; h, head; et, it,…
"Human Eye, in Median Vertical Anteroposterior Section. (Ciliary processes shown, through not all lying…
"Exterior of Left Human Eye. 1, supercilium, or eyebrow; 2, palpebra superior, or upper eyelid; 3, 3,…
"Muscles of Left Human Eyeball. so, superior oblique, passing through a trochlea or pulley; io, inferior…
"Anterior View of Human Right Femur. ec, external condyle; etu, external tuberosity; ic, internal condyle;…
"Bones of Human Foot, or Pes, the third principal segment of the hind limb, consisting of tarsus, metatarsus,…
"Cats purr, dogs bark, cocks crow, a cow lows, a donkey brays, an eagle screams, parrots talk, spiders…
The common oat (Avena sativa) is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed. While oats are suitable…
"Gules, three bezants figured. FIGURED. Those bearings which are depicted with a human face, are said…
"KNIGHT AND BARONET. A degree of honour next to a baron, created by King James I. to induce the English…
"Azure, a sun in its splendour. SOL, or THE SUN IN ITS SPLENDOUR. The sun is said to be in its splendour…
This margin drawing was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1515. It is found in the prayer…
This chair has a simple scroll design around the edges. It has animal heads on the front ends of the…
This cabinet is carved in oak by using a method of burning wood into a desired pattern. The ornamental…
This sideboard is carved in walnut wood in a French Renaissance style. It is richly decorated with human…
This vase is a maltese design that stands on a pedestal with an unusual design of large bird in the…
This flower stand with vase is a maltese design. The stand has a simple leaf design with a base that…
This flower stand has a design on its column of two birds with lowered heads. The top is richly decorated…
This jug stands on a pedestal. It has a leaf design on its base, and human figures encircling the top.…
Color flag of Uruguay. Nine equal horizontal stripes of white (top and bottom) alternating with blue;…
Black and white outline flag of Uruguay. Nine equal horizontal stripes of white (top and bottom) alternating…
Ondines or undines are elementals, enumerated as the water elementals in works of alchemy by Paracelsus.…
An illustration of a flowering mandrake plant. Mandrake is the common name for members of the plant…
The dandy horse is a two wheeled vehicle propelled by the rider pushing with his feet on the ground.
The House Martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the Northern House Martin or Common House Martin,…
In architecture, a mascaron ornament is a face, usually human, sometimes frightening or chimeric whose…
This is an illustration of "The Arabian Nights" by artist J.D. Batten. It is a collection of pre-Islamic…
"An expression of great massiveness is the main characteristics of this Florentine style, which was…
This wrist machine features a handle spring fitted to test the wrist tension of any personnel. Machine…
The representation of an outstretched human arm the hand of which holds a bunch of herbs. Herbs are…
This is a human powered vehicle with four wheels. The most common type of a velocipede today is the…
Water tanks are liquid storage containers, these tanks are usually storing water for human consumption.…
A hairbrush is a stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing ,styling, and detangling…
A musical instrument is an object constructed or used for the purpose of making the sounds of music.…
A crane is a lifting machine, generally equipped with a winder, wire ropes or chains and sheaves, that…
A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials, nailed or glued to the…
Edison invented and developed the carbon microphone used in all telephones along with the Bell receiver…
A horseshoe is a U-shaped item made of metal or of modern synthetic materials, nailed or glued to the…
A flush toilet is a toilet that disposes of human waste by using water to flush it through a drainpipe…
Velocipedes are an umbrella term for any human-powered land vehicle with one or more wheels. The most…
A road vehicle like this one is a mechanical means of conveyance, a carriage or transport. Vehicles…
Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters. Major types of pottery include earthenware, stoneware,…
This pneumatic bicycle saddle was air actuated for height adjustment purposes. A bicycle saddle, often…
This is the fastening for a shoe, A shoe is an item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human…
A hairbrush is a stick brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing, styling, and detangling…
A doll is an object that represents a baby or other human being. Dolls have been around since the dawn…
A bicycle, also known as a bike, push bike or cycle, is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track…