(--) Head of English state

Frederic, Lord North, Earl of Guilford

(--) Head of English state

(1851-1927) Irish politician that was the head of the Irish nationalist party.

John Dillon, M. P.

(1851-1927) Irish politician that was the head of the Irish nationalist party.

(1844-1923) Japanese general. He was the head of the Japanese First Army during the Russo-Japanese War; and his forces enjoyed a series of successes during the Manchurian fighting at the Battle of Yalu River, the Battle of Liaoyang, the Battle of Shaho and the Battle of Mukden.

General Kuroki

(1844-1923) Japanese general. He was the head of the Japanese First Army during the Russo-Japanese War;…

Ancient Greek Mythology. King of Troy that fought to win his wife Helen back.


Ancient Greek Mythology. King of Troy that fought to win his wife Helen back.

Grecian female head-dress

Grecian Female Head-dress

Grecian female head-dress

Female head-dress from the time of Edward I

Female Head-Dress from the Time of Edward I

Female head-dress from the time of Edward I

Female head-dress from the time of Edward I

Female Head-Dress from the Time of Edward I

Female head-dress from the time of Edward I

Female head-dress from the time of Edward I

Female Head-Dress from the Time of Edward I

Female head-dress from the time of Edward I

Female head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Female Head-Dress from the Time of the Plantagenets

Female head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Female head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Female Head-Dress from the Time of the Plantagenets

Female head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Female head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Female Head-Dress from the Timeof the Plantagenets

Female head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male Head-Dress from the Time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male Head-Dress from the Time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male Head-Dress from the Time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male Head-Dress from the Time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress from the time of the Plantagenets

Male head-dress, 15th century England

Male Head-Dress, 15th Century England

Male head-dress, 15th century England

Male head-dress, 15th century England

Male Head-Dress, 15th Century England

Male head-dress, 15th century England

Male head-dress, 15th century England

Male Head-Dress, 15th Century England

Male head-dress, 15th century England

Male head-dress, 15th century England

Male Head-Dress, 15th Century England

Male head-dress, 15th century England

The kalong bat can have a wingspan up to five feet. Its head is like that of the fox, and it lives primarily on fruits. They live in groups in trees.

Kalong Bat

The kalong bat can have a wingspan up to five feet. Its head is like that of the fox, and it lives primarily…

The Canada lynx is remarkable for its gait, going by successive leaps with the back arched. Its diet consists primarily of the snowshoe hare.

Canada Lynx

The Canada lynx is remarkable for its gait, going by successive leaps with the back arched. Its diet…

Armadillos live on carrion, insects and fruit. They are all small, except for the Gigantic armadillo which can weigh over 100 pounds. Their head and body is covered with plates made of bones and scales.

Six-banded armadillo

Armadillos live on carrion, insects and fruit. They are all small, except for the Gigantic armadillo…

The sloth differs from all other arboreal four-legged mammals in its manner of climbing. It always has its back downward. It eats leaves and moves very slowly and deliberately.


The sloth differs from all other arboreal four-legged mammals in its manner of climbing. It always has…

Sure-footed hooved mammals found in mountainous areas. Males have heavily ridged horns that curve up and back.


Sure-footed hooved mammals found in mountainous areas. Males have heavily ridged horns that curve up…

Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which meet in the center of the back forming a line.

Tiger Beetles

Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which…

Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which meet in the center of the back forming a line.

Caterpillar Hunter Beetles

Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which…

Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which meet in the center of the back forming a line.

Lightning Spring Beetles

Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which…

Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which meet in the center of the back forming a line.


Beetles form a large group of insects that number over 300,000 species. They all have hard wings which…

When the common mosquito is first hatched in the water it is called a wriggler. After developing to its full size, the back opens and the winged insect emerges.


When the common mosquito is first hatched in the water it is called a wriggler. After developing to…

The earthworm works through the ground by insinuating its pointed head between the grains of dirt, (Hooker, 1882).


The earthworm works through the ground by insinuating its pointed head between the grains of dirt, (Hooker,…

Head lice are parasites. That is any plant or animal which feeds upon another living plant or animal without destroying it.

Head Louse

Head lice are parasites. That is any plant or animal which feeds upon another living plant or animal…

This toad is oviparous. She lays eggs, and the male piles them upon her back where they develop inside and atop her skin.

Surinam toad

This toad is oviparous. She lays eggs, and the male piles them upon her back where they develop inside…

In the land salamander, the body is black and warty with long irregular yellow spots distributed over the head, back, sides, feet and tail.


In the land salamander, the body is black and warty with long irregular yellow spots distributed over…

Iguanas are characterized by a very large thin dew lap under the neck, a double row of small palatal teeth, and a crest on the back and tail.


Iguanas are characterized by a very large thin dew lap under the neck, a double row of small palatal…

The head and throat of the male duck can be emerald green with shots of violet. The female is brown and russet gray.


The head and throat of the male duck can be emerald green with shots of violet. The female is brown…

The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and white plumage.


The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and…

The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and white plumage.

Black Swan

The swan has been an object of admiration for its graceful neck, oval head, prominent beak, soft, and…

The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes it resemble a snake when in the water.


The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes…

The cormorant swallows its prey head first.


The cormorant swallows its prey head first.

The godwit is larger than the Woodcock with a long beak, twice the length of its head.


The godwit is larger than the Woodcock with a long beak, twice the length of its head.

The bill of the spoonbill is approximately four times longer than its head. It ends in the shape of a spoon, hence its name.


The bill of the spoonbill is approximately four times longer than its head. It ends in the shape of…

This heron has a bill like an overturned boat. It also has a beautiful black crest that falls down behind its head.

Boatbill Heron

This heron has a bill like an overturned boat. It also has a beautiful black crest that falls down behind…

The quail has a small beak, a short back toe inserted high up, tarsi furnished with a rudimentary spur in the shape of a horny tubercle.


The quail has a small beak, a short back toe inserted high up, tarsi furnished with a rudimentary spur…

The plumage of this bird is of a beautiful grayish blue; its head is ornamented with a pretty plume of straight, long, and tapering feathers, (Figuier, 1869).

Great-crowned Pigeon

The plumage of this bird is of a beautiful grayish blue; its head is ornamented with a pretty plume…

Cuckoos have elegant shapes; beaks almost as long as the head, compressed, and slightly curved; the tail rather long and rounded.(Figuier, 1869).


Cuckoos have elegant shapes; beaks almost as long as the head, compressed, and slightly curved; the…

Cuckoos have elegant shapes; beaks almost as long as the head, compressed, and slightly curved; the tail rather long and rounded.(Figuier, 1869).


Cuckoos have elegant shapes; beaks almost as long as the head, compressed, and slightly curved; the…

The hoopoes are easily recognized from the double range of plumes which form an arched crest on their head, which they can raise at pleasure.


The hoopoes are easily recognized from the double range of plumes which form an arched crest on their…

Winged head

Winged head

Winged head

Ornate divider with winged head and vines

Ornate divider

Ornate divider with winged head and vines

Lion head

Lion head

Lion head

Ornate tailpiece with head

Ornate tailpiece

Ornate tailpiece with head

(1828-1861) American military officer. Killed during the Civil War while at the head of an assaulting column of Northern troops at Big Bethel, Virginia.

Theodore Winthrop

(1828-1861) American military officer. Killed during the Civil War while at the head of an assaulting…

Horned owls are distinguished by two tufts or horns of feathers placed on each side of their head.

Great Horned Owl

Horned owls are distinguished by two tufts or horns of feathers placed on each side of their head.

The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.


The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.

The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.


The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.

The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.


The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.

The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.


The head and neck of these birds is bare of feathers.

The back view of a hummingbird.


The back view of a hummingbird.

Here is leaf that is shaped like the head of an arrow.


Here is leaf that is shaped like the head of an arrow.