Ionic Columns

Ionic Columns

Ionic Columns

Coin border

Coin border

Coin border

Narrow animal border.

Animal border

Narrow animal border.

Narrow border of children.


Narrow border of children.

Narrow border with pictures of people and places.


Narrow border with pictures of people and places.

Narrow border with funny figures.

Funny figures

Narrow border with funny figures.

Narrow border with toys.


Narrow border with toys.

Narrow border with nature scenes.

Earth Border

Narrow border with nature scenes.

border of lilies of the field.


border of lilies of the field.

border of morning glory

Morning Glory

border of morning glory

Nine part frame

Nine part frame

Nine part frame

Six part frame

Six part frame

Six part frame

A decorative corner of a monkey in a tree.


A decorative corner of a monkey in a tree.

The koala spends the majority of its time in trees.


The koala spends the majority of its time in trees.

This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

The larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

The larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

A hanging larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

A hanging larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing…

A hanging larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

A hanging larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing…

A hanging larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

A hanging larva of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing…

A pupa of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

A pupa of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

An egg of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

An egg of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

The mesothorax of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

The mesothorax of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing…

The metathorax of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

The metathorax of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing…

The abdomen of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Monarch Butterfly

The abdomen of the monarch. This common butterfly is of a brown color, with black veins and wing borders.

Geometric banner.

Geometric frame

Geometric banner.

Geometric frame.

Geometric frame

Geometric frame.

Geometric frame.

Geometric frame

Geometric frame.

Ornate frame.

Ornate frame

Ornate frame.

Ornate frame.

Ornate frame

Ornate frame.

"<em>N. trivirgatus</em>. Its generl color is gray: its body and head measure ten inches. It lives on the borders of the Orinoco, and is nocturnal in its habits. It is sad of aspect, and solitary in its disposition. It passes the day in sleep, and at night goes fourth in quest of food, which consists of sweet fruits and eggs." &mdash;Goodrich, 1885

Douroucouli Monkey

"N. trivirgatus. Its generl color is gray: its body and head measure ten inches. It lives on…

"The Confederate invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. The Confederate cavalry crossing the Potomac, June 11th, 1863. When the Confederate cavalry force under General Jenkins crossed the Potomac, a movement happily portrayed by our artist, and hurried across Maryland, within the borders of the Keystone State all with confusion and alarm. As they advanced it was impossible to tell what point would be assailed. Pittsburg, with its machine shops and foundries; Harrisburg, the capital, with the State archives; Philadelphia with its great wealth, might any or all be reached. in this emergency the Governor exerted his full powers, the citizens to some extent rallying to his call."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Confederate Invasion

"The Confederate invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. The Confederate cavalry crossing the Potomac,…

"Is of a deep reddish-fawn color; its lives in pairs or small families, frequenting the reedy borders of mountain streams. It is found in South Africa, but at some distance from the Cape." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"Is of a deep reddish-fawn color; its lives in pairs or small families, frequenting the reedy borders…

Also known as the ground-robin or ground-finch, the chewink lives in thickets along the borders of woods.


Also known as the ground-robin or ground-finch, the chewink lives in thickets along the borders of woods.

"Distant view of Jamestown Island. This view is from the north side of what was once a marsh, but now a deep bay, four hundred yards wide. On the left is seen the remains of a bridge, destroyed by a gale and high tide a few years ago; and beyond is the James River. Near the point of the island, toward the end of the bridge, are the remains of an ancient church. Mr. Coke resided upon the island when the tempest occurred which destroyed the bridge. The island was submerged, and for three days himself and family were prisoners. It was in winter, and he was obliged to cut the branches of ornamental trees that were close to his house, for fuel. I was gravely informed by a man on the beach, while making the sketch, that Pocahontas crossed at that very spot '<em>in her skiff</em>,' when she went to warn the Jamestown settlers of threatened danger. The dear child had no need of a skiff, had such a thing existed in America, for I was told by Mr. Coke that his father-in-law well remembered when a marsh, so narrow and firm that a person might cross it upon a fence rail, was where the deep water at the ruined bridge now is. Every year the current of James River is changing its margins in this region, and within a few years Jamestown Island, made so only by a marsh on the land side, will have a navigable channel around it. Already a large portion of it, whereon the ancient town was erected, has been washed away; and I was informed that a cypress-tree, now many yards from the shore stood at the end of a carriage-way to the wharf, sixty yards from the water's edge, only sixteen years ago. The destructive flood is gradually approaching the old church tower, and if the hand of man shall not arrest its sure progress, that too will be swept away, and not a vestige of Jamestown will remain. Virginians, look to it, and let a wall of masonry along the river margin attest your reverence for the most interesting historical relic within your borders! Some remains of the old fort may be seen at low water, several yards from the shore."&mdash;Lossing, 1851

Jamestown Island

"Distant view of Jamestown Island. This view is from the north side of what was once a marsh, but now…

"Saracen Arms. Charlemagne now had to deal with certain non-Germanic peoples who were threatening his borders. These were the Saracens, Slavs, and Avars. The Mohammedan Saracens, or Moors, had gained possession of the whole of Spain, but there were still small fragments of the ancient Visigothic kingdom in the north. It was to save these little Christian states from their Mohammedan oppressors, as well as to round out the limits of his own kingdom, that Charlemagne undertook a campaign against the Saracens."&mdash;Colby, 1899

Saracen Arms

"Saracen Arms. Charlemagne now had to deal with certain non-Germanic peoples who were threatening his…

A frame of a woman and a bird.

Lady and Bird

A frame of a woman and a bird.

A frame of a woman and a cat.

Lady and Cat

A frame of a woman and a cat.

Frame of the Three Spinning Fairies.


Frame of the Three Spinning Fairies.

"The following cut shows specimens of ancient borders to veils and other articles of female attire." &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Assorted ornaments

"The following cut shows specimens of ancient borders to veils and other articles of female attire."…

A girl and boy reading

Girl and Boy

A girl and boy reading

A border made of leaves.


A border made of leaves.

A floral border


A floral border

Border with a squirrel.


Border with a squirrel.

Border with a cat and nature.


Border with a cat and nature.

Border with an elk and nature.


Border with an elk and nature.

Border with a squirrel.


Border with a squirrel.

Border with a squirrel.


Border with a squirrel.

Border with a squirrel.


Border with a squirrel.

Border with squirrels.


Border with squirrels.

Border with squirrels.


Border with squirrels.

Border with squirrels.


Border with squirrels.

Border with a squirrel and birds.


Border with a squirrel and birds.

A frame of caribou.


A frame of caribou.

A sea otter by the water.

Sea Otter

A sea otter by the water.

A frame of a weasel and a rabbit.


A frame of a weasel and a rabbit.

A frame of a moose.


A frame of a moose.

A frame of beavers.


A frame of beavers.

A frame of goblins and a girl.


A frame of goblins and a girl.

A frame of goblins and a girl.


A frame of goblins and a girl.

A frame of goblins and a girl.


A frame of goblins and a girl.