A cylinder is a body of uniform diameter throughout its entire length, whose ends are equal parallel circles.


A cylinder is a body of uniform diameter throughout its entire length, whose ends are equal parallel…

In the season of 1915 the 8-cylinder car proved an absorbing topic for automobile engineers and experts, as well as for the layman, and many 8-cylinder cars were speedily rushed upon the market. Adams, 1919

8-Cylinder car

In the season of 1915 the 8-cylinder car proved an absorbing topic for automobile engineers and experts,…

Coulomb's torsion balance is in the shape of a cylinder with the pan inside.

Coulomb’s torsion balance

Coulomb's torsion balance is in the shape of a cylinder with the pan inside.

The body is cylinder and divided by rings into thirteen segments. The smooth caterpillars don't have hair.

Smooth Caterpillar

The body is cylinder and divided by rings into thirteen segments. The smooth caterpillars don't have…

Caterpillars are an insect that is cylinder and is divided by rings into 13 segments. The hairy caterpillar is covered in long hairs.

Hairy Caterpillar

Caterpillars are an insect that is cylinder and is divided by rings into 13 segments. The hairy caterpillar…

Caterpillars are insects that are cylinder and are divided by rings into 13 segments. The spanner caterpillar has legs on the ends, rather than along the entire body. This creates an arch when moving.

Spanner Caterpillar

Caterpillars are insects that are cylinder and are divided by rings into 13 segments. The spanner caterpillar…

"Captain Muller's Battery Company of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment making fascines and gabions for breastworks. Fascines have long been employed in temporary defenses, the word being derived from <em>facis</em>, the Latin for <em>bundle</em>. In fortification, fascines stand for a fagot, a bundle of rods or small sticks of wood, bound at both eds and in the middle, used in raising batteries, in filling ditches and making parapets. Sometimes they are dipped in melted pitch or tar, and made use of to set fire to the enemy's works or lodgments. A gabion in fortification is a hollow cylinder of wickerwork, resembling a basket but having no bottom. This is filled with earth, and so serves to shelter the men from the enemy's fire. During the preparatory work of concentrating and organizing the army in Kentucky opportunities were afforded for perfecting the men in knowledge of this practical part of war and erecting fortifications. Captain Muller, who was in command of the battery attached to Colonel Stambaugh's Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, was an accomplished officer, having served with much distinction in the Prussian Army. Our illustration represents the men cutting down the oak saplings, using the trunks, branches and twigs in fastening the gabions, the pointed stakes of which are ranged in a continuous line, forming a complete breastwork." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

77th Pennsylvania Regiment

"Captain Muller's Battery Company of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment making fascines and gabions…

Ishtar, from an Assyrian cylinder.


Ishtar, from an Assyrian cylinder.

"A Crane is a machine for lifting weights, worked either by hand or by steam, or by hydraulic power. The most common hand form consisting of an upright revolving post and projecting arm, the jib with a fixed pulley at its extremity. The lifting chain or rope is secured to the weight, passes over the fixed pulley, and then round a drum or cylinder; suitable toothed-wheel gearing worked by a handle revolves this drum, and thus winds up or unwinds the rope or chain, and so raises or lowers the weight."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Steam Crane

"A Crane is a machine for lifting weights, worked either by hand or by steam, or by hydraulic power.…

"The Gatling gun is a machine gun, invented by Richard J. Gatling. The gun consists of a series of barrels in combination with a grooved carrier and lock cylinder."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Gatling Gun

"The Gatling gun is a machine gun, invented by Richard J. Gatling. The gun consists of a series of barrels…

"The axis cylinder is in the center. On either side is seen the medullary sheath, represented by dark lines. The primitive sheath, or neurilemma, is on the outside and represented by white lines in which is a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Portion of a medullated nerve fiber

"The axis cylinder is in the center. On either side is seen the medullary sheath, represented by dark…

"Newcomen's Atmospheric Steam-Engine. A, A, working-beam; B, boiler from which steam is admitted through the steam-cock; c, to the cylinder C; F, rod, serving to lift a small pump; i, injection-cock; P, piston; S, blow-valve, or snifting-valve; T, tank; W, weights."-Whitney, 1902.

Steam Engine

"Newcomen's Atmospheric Steam-Engine. A, A, working-beam; B, boiler from which steam is admitted through…

"A Phonograph is an instrument for recording and reproducing sounds, invented by Thomas A. Edison."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"A Phonograph is an instrument for recording and reproducing sounds, invented by Thomas A. Edison."—(Charles…

"A Pump is a machine, engine, or device, consisting of an arrangement of a piston, cylinder, and valves, for raising water or other liquid to a higher level, or for compressing or exhausting air and other gases. There are numerous varieties of pumps differing more or less in construction, according to the purposes for which each is intended, but the most important are the suction pump, the lifting or lift pump, the force pump, and the centrifugal or rotary pump."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Chain Pump

"A Pump is a machine, engine, or device, consisting of an arrangement of a piston, cylinder, and valves,…

"A Retort is a vessel in whose chamber an object is subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat, a neck conducting off the volatile products. The retort of the chemical laboratory is a vessel of glass, platinum, porcelain, or other material. It is bottle-shaped, having a long neck attached, in which the products of the distillation are condensed, and from which they pass into the receiver. The retort of the gas works is a cylinder or segment of a cylinder, formed of clay or iron."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"A Retort is a vessel in whose chamber an object is subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat,…

"A Ring is any circle or section of a cylinder. Rings of gold, silver, and of other metals and materials have been worn in all times and countries, and while they have been used to decorate the ears, neck, nose, lips, arms, legs, and toes, finger rings have always occupied the most important and significant place among such ornaments. From the earliest period of civilized relationships the finger ring was a convenient means for carrying the signet of its wearer. Fig. 1 shows a Jewish marriage ring beautifully wrought in gold filigree, and richly enamelled."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"A Ring is any circle or section of a cylinder. Rings of gold, silver, and of other metals and materials…

"A Ring is any circle or section of a cylinder. Rings of gold, silver, and of other metals and materials have been worn in all times and countries, and while they have been used to decorate the ears, neck, nose, lips, arms, legs, and toes, finger rings have always occupied the most important and significant place among such ornaments. From the earliest period of civilized relationships the finger ring was a convenient means for carrying the signet of its wearer. Fig. 2 shows a form of betrothal ring called a gimmel, or linked ring, which was used in later times; the upper figure shows the three parts brought together, the lower figures the parts separately."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"A Ring is any circle or section of a cylinder. Rings of gold, silver, and of other metals and materials…

"A Ring is any circle or section of a cylinder. Rings of gold, silver, and of other metals and materials have been worn in all times and countries, and while they have been used to decorate the ears, neck, nose, lips, arms, legs, and toes, finger rings have always occupied the most important and significant place among such ornaments. From the earliest period of civilized relationships the finger ring was a convenient means for carrying the signet of its wearer. Fig. 2 shows a form of betrothal ring called a gimmel, or linked ring, which was used in later times; the upper figure shows the three parts brought together, the lower figures the parts separately."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"A Ring is any circle or section of a cylinder. Rings of gold, silver, and of other metals and materials…

An instrument of music, consisting of a hollow cylinder, upon which a piece of vellum is stretched, to be beating with a stick.


An instrument of music, consisting of a hollow cylinder, upon which a piece of vellum is stretched,…

"A Cylinder Seal" &mdash; Morey, 1903

Cylinder Seal

"A Cylinder Seal" — Morey, 1903

A cylinder of tallow, wax, spermaceti, paraffine, or other combustible substance, inclosing a wick, and used to furnish light.


A cylinder of tallow, wax, spermaceti, paraffine, or other combustible substance, inclosing a wick,…

A large hollow metal cylinder closed at one end, and variously mounted, used for throwing balls by the force of gun powder.


A large hollow metal cylinder closed at one end, and variously mounted, used for throwing balls by the…

A cylinder of wood, stone, metal, etc., used in husbandry and the arts.


A cylinder of wood, stone, metal, etc., used in husbandry and the arts.

A cylinder or roller for raising weights, turned by a crank or lever, with a rope or chain attached to the weight.


A cylinder or roller for raising weights, turned by a crank or lever, with a rope or chain attached…

A body of roller-like form, of which the longitudinal section is oblong, and the cross-section is circular.


A body of roller-like form, of which the longitudinal section is oblong, and the cross-section is circular.

A portable organ played by means of a cylinder set with pins and staples, and turned with a crank.


A portable organ played by means of a cylinder set with pins and staples, and turned with a crank.

A lamp surrounded with a cylinder of wire gauze, to give light in mines, without the danger of setting fire to inflammable gases.


A lamp surrounded with a cylinder of wire gauze, to give light in mines, without the danger of setting…

A graduated cylinder.

Graduated cylinder

A graduated cylinder.

Three cylindrical weights, suspended on ropes and pulleys.

Weights and Pulleys

Three cylindrical weights, suspended on ropes and pulleys.

"The wheel and axle consists of a wheel united to a cylinder in such a way that they may turn together on a common axis. It is a modified lever of the first or second class." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Wheel and axle

"The wheel and axle consists of a wheel united to a cylinder in such a way that they may turn together…

"That the screw is a modified inclined plane, may be shown by winding a triangular piece of paper around a cylinder." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Diagram of a screw

"That the screw is a modified inclined plane, may be shown by winding a triangular piece of paper around…

"The lift pump or suction-pump consists of a cylinder or barrel, piston, two valves, and a suction pipe, the lower end of which dips below the surface of the liquid to be raised." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Lift pump

"The lift pump or suction-pump consists of a cylinder or barrel, piston, two valves, and a suction pipe,…

"The operation of the force-pump is similar to that of the suction-pump. The outlet-valve generally opens from the cylinder, the piston being made solid." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Force pump

"The operation of the force-pump is similar to that of the suction-pump. The outlet-valve generally…

"Place a bit of tinder in the cavity of the piston of the 'fire-syringe'. Put the piston into the open end of the cylinder and force it in, compressing the confined air as abruptly as possible. Promptly remove the piston. The tinder will probably be on fire." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Fire syringe

"Place a bit of tinder in the cavity of the piston of the 'fire-syringe'. Put the piston into the open…

"Consists of a coil of wire wound in two broad grooves plowed on opposite sides of an iron cylinder." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Siemens armature

"Consists of a coil of wire wound in two broad grooves plowed on opposite sides of an iron cylinder."…

"The drum armature differs from the shuttle armature chiefly in that it employs many coils instead of one. The cylindrical iron core is made of thin disks of soft iron in insulated from each other, thus minimizing the 'local currents' and the heating effects thereof." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Drum armature

"The drum armature differs from the shuttle armature chiefly in that it employs many coils instead of…

Nicholson's Hydrometer, consists of a hollow cylinder of metal with conical ends, terminated above by a very thin rod bearing a small dish, and carrying at its lower end a kind of basket. This latter is of such weight that when the instrument is immersed in water a weight of 100 grammes must be placed in the dish above in order to sink the apparatus as far as a certain mark on the rod. By the principle of Archimedes, the weight of the instrument, together with the 100 grammes which it carries, is equal to the weight of the water displaced. Now, let the instrument be placed in another liquid, and the weights in the dish above be altered until they are just sufficient to make the instrument be placed in another liquid, and the weights in the dish above be altered until they are just sufficient to make the instrument sink to the mark on the rod.


Nicholson's Hydrometer, consists of a hollow cylinder of metal with conical ends, terminated above by…

Nicholson's Hydrometer, consists of a hollow cylinder of metal with conical ends, terminated above by a very thin rod bearing a small dish, and carrying at its lower end a kind of basket. This latter is of such weight that when the instrument is immersed in water a weight of 100 grammes must be placed in the dish above in order to sink the apparatus as far as a certain mark on the rod. By the principle of Archimedes, the weight of the instrument, together with the 100 grammes which it carries, is equal to the weight of the water displaced. Now, let the instrument be placed in another liquid, and the weights in the dish above be altered until they are just sufficient to make the instrument be placed in another liquid, and the weights in the dish above be altered until they are just sufficient to make the instrument sink to the mark on the rod.


Nicholson's Hydrometer, consists of a hollow cylinder of metal with conical ends, terminated above by…

This air pump contains a glass or metal cylinder called the barrel, in which a piston works. The piston has an opening through it which is closed at the lower end by a valve S opening upwards. The barrel communicates with a passage leading to the centre of a brass surface

Air Pump

This air pump contains a glass or metal cylinder called the barrel, in which a piston works. The piston…

A firearm resembling a pistol, but differing from it in having a breech-loading cylinder so arranged that the cocking of the hammer revolves it and brings the next cartridge in line for firing.


A firearm resembling a pistol, but differing from it in having a breech-loading cylinder so arranged…

This illustration shows the proportions of volume in which hydrogen and oxygen combine by introducing the two gases into a tube, filled with mercury and inverted within a cylinder of mercury.

Mercury Tube

This illustration shows the proportions of volume in which hydrogen and oxygen combine by introducing…

a solid which may be concieved as generated by the revolution of a rectangle about one of its sides.

Right Cylinder

a solid which may be concieved as generated by the revolution of a rectangle about one of its sides.

Diagram of a low-tension ignition system. A is the battery, B is a spark coil, and C, D, and E are the elements of a make-and-break device that is mechanically actuated at regular intervals by the motor itself to produce the sparks within the cylinder.

Ignition System

Diagram of a low-tension ignition system. A is the battery, B is a spark coil, and C, D, and E are the…

Four-cylinder low-tension ignition system.

Ignition System

Four-cylinder low-tension ignition system.

Diagram of a high-tension ignition system. A is the source of current, usually a batter in earlier days, as indicated by the conventional sign, placed in a primary circuit that also includes the contact maker C, the primary winding of the coil B, and the vibrator G.

High-Tension Ignition System

Diagram of a high-tension ignition system. A is the source of current, usually a batter in earlier days,…

The stationary member of 12-cylinder splitdorf distributor.

Splitdorf Distributor

The stationary member of 12-cylinder splitdorf distributor.

End elevation and section of Dixie 4-Cylinder Magneto showing construction and connections.

Dixie 4-Cylinder Magneto

End elevation and section of Dixie 4-Cylinder Magneto showing construction and connections.

Bijur starting and lighting installation on King Eight-Cylinder Cars, Model EE.


Bijur starting and lighting installation on King Eight-Cylinder Cars, Model EE.

Bijur starting and lighting installation on King Eight-Cylinder Cars, Model EE.


Bijur starting and lighting installation on King Eight-Cylinder Cars, Model EE.

Delco starting and lighting installation on the Austin twelve-cylinder model.


Delco starting and lighting installation on the Austin twelve-cylinder model.

Delco starting and lighting installation on the Kissel, 1917 Twelve-Cylinder Model.


Delco starting and lighting installation on the Kissel, 1917 Twelve-Cylinder Model.

Delco ignition installation on National Twelve-Cylinder cars, series A-K.

Delco Installation

Delco ignition installation on National Twelve-Cylinder cars, series A-K.

Delco starting and lighting installation on the Pathfinder, 1917 Twelve-Cylinder Model.

Delco Installation

Delco starting and lighting installation on the Pathfinder, 1917 Twelve-Cylinder Model.

"a, axis cylinder; b, inner border of white substance; c, c, outer border of same; d, d, tubular membrane; B, tubular fibres; e, in natural state; f, under pressure; g, varicose fibres." &mdash; Richardson, 1906


"a, axis cylinder; b, inner border of white substance; c, c, outer border of same; d, d, tubular membrane;…

"The wheel and axle consists of two cylinders of different diameters, rigidly connected, so that they turn together about a common axis." &mdash; Hallock, 1905

Wheel and Axle

"The wheel and axle consists of two cylinders of different diameters, rigidly connected, so that they…

"The Danglish apparatus consists of the following parts: 1st, a generator A, in which carbonic acid is evolved from chalk by sulphuric or hydrochloric acid; 2nd, a gas-holder, in which the carbonic acid is stored for use after being purified in passing through water; 3rd, an air pump, for pumping carbonic acid from the gas-holder, and forcing it into the water vessel and mixer; 4th, another air-pump, for withdrawing atmospheric air from the mixer before the aerated water is admitted; 5th, a water vessel B, a strong cylinder of copper capable of withstanding a pressure of 100 lbs on the square inch, and of sufficient size to contain water for a full charge of the mixer; attached to this water vessel there are a gauge-glass C, and a pressure gauge D, for indicating the pressure of gas as it is pumped in; 6th, the mixer E, a globular vessel of cast-iron, capable of bearing high pressure, through the center of which an axle runs, fitted with iron kneating arms extending to the circumference of the vessel." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Danglish Apparatus

"The Danglish apparatus consists of the following parts: 1st, a generator A, in which carbonic acid…

"An American machine, introduced into England by Mr. Ellis. It consists of an iron cylindrical casing A, open about a fourth part of its circumference (a to b) for admission of air, and an exit pipe B. Inside the casing is another cylinder, placed eccentrically to it, and which always fits close up against the wooden packing C. This cylinder acts as a driver for the three fan blades or pistons D, which are capable of passing out and in through longitudinal slits in its circumference. There is a shaft passing through the small cylinder, and concentric with it at the ends, but cranked in the middle part so as to become concentric with the casing. The inner cylinder revolves round the axis of the ends of the shaft, and on the cranked part revolve the fan blades or pistons, driven by the cylinder." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893


"An American machine, introduced into England by Mr. Ellis. It consists of an iron cylindrical casing…

"This machine consists essentially of a horizontal piston and cylinder engine fixed upon a platform carried upon four wheels, which are coupled together by side rods, so that on motion being communicated by means of a mitre wheel in the hind axle, it can be moved forward by hand. On the forward end of the frame are two bosses forming the centres for a pair of bell cranks or bent levers places close to the ground, and facing in opposite directions, either one of which can be connected with the piston rod. The outer arm of each lever carries a square socket, into which is fixed the pick, which has two cutting heads, one placed a little in front of the other so as to cut to the whole depth at one operation." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Coal-cutting Machine

"This machine consists essentially of a horizontal piston and cylinder engine fixed upon a platform…

A type of printing press.

Stop Cylinder Machine

A type of printing press.

"Three-cylinder Opener, Beater, and Lap Machiine." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Cotton Machine

"Three-cylinder Opener, Beater, and Lap Machiine." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893