Full armor from a brass of Sir John de St. Quintin, 1397. KEY: 1-helmet, 2-visor, 3-gorget, 4-breast-plate, 5-skirt, 6-arm-pieces, 7-elbow-piece, 8-gauntlet, 9-hauberk, 10-thigh-piece, 11-knee-piece, 12-greaves, 13-sollerets, 14-lance-rest, 15-belt.


Full armor from a brass of Sir John de St. Quintin, 1397. KEY: 1-helmet, 2-visor, 3-gorget, 4-breast-plate,…

Full armor from the beginning of the 16th century. KEY: 1-helmet, 2-visor, 3-gorget, 4-breast-plate, 5-skirt, 6-arm-pieces, 7-elbow-piece, 8-gauntlet, 9-hauberk, 10-thigh-piece, 11-knee-piece, 12-greaves, 13-sollerets, 14-lance-rest, 15-belt.


Full armor from the beginning of the 16th century. KEY: 1-helmet, 2-visor, 3-gorget, 4-breast-plate,…

Plate Gorget.


Plate Gorget.

Full-barred helmet, protects entire face.

Helmet, Full Barred

Full-barred helmet, protects entire face.

Mycenaean "button"--a thin plate of gold stamped with a peculiarly Mycenaean motive of a band winding in and out around small eyes or round dots.

Mycenaean Decoration

Mycenaean "button"--a thin plate of gold stamped with a peculiarly Mycenaean motive of a band winding…

Plate tracery from Etton Church.


Plate tracery from Etton Church.

Plate tracery, Lillington, Northants.


Plate tracery, Lillington, Northants.

Plate tracery, Lillington, Northants.


Plate tracery, Lillington, Northants.

Plate tracery from Carlisle Cathedral, England.


Plate tracery from Carlisle Cathedral, England.

Horizontal frame with title plate at bottom.

Horizontal Frame

Horizontal frame with title plate at bottom.

"Sherman's 'Bummers' foraging in South Carolina. Our artist sent us with this sketch of 'Bummers Foraging' a graphic account of their <em>modus operandi</em>. He wrote: 'These active and unscrupulous fellows generally started out every morning mounted on very mean horseflesh, and, as a general rule, they always came back very well mounted, with the animals they rode in the morning laden, even to breaking down, with all the good things of this world. In one place in South Carolina they came to a large plantation owned by a leading Confederate named Fitzgerald. Here the Federal soldiers found, buried in various out-of-the-way places, an immense quantity of gold and silver plate, of the aggregate value of over $70,000; here they also found a large quantity of the finest Madeira wine, which had been stowed away in the old gentleman's wine cellar for nearly thirty years. Indeed, as a general thing, it may be said that the brave fellows had plenty of good wine to drink on their memorable march through Georgia and South Carolina.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896


"Sherman's 'Bummers' foraging in South Carolina. Our artist sent us with this sketch of 'Bummers Foraging'…

The Queens dwarf maliciously sqeezes Gulliver's legs into a hollow marrow bone durning dinner.

Marrow Bone

The Queens dwarf maliciously sqeezes Gulliver's legs into a hollow marrow bone durning dinner.

An outline of a cow, illustrating the different cuts of beef.

Cuts of beef

An outline of a cow, illustrating the different cuts of beef.

A plate of several ears of Kennerly's Extra-Early Sweet Corn.

Kennerly's Extra-Early Sweet Corn

A plate of several ears of Kennerly's Extra-Early Sweet Corn.

Several ears of Country Gentleman Sweet Corn.

Country Gentleman Sweet Corn

Several ears of Country Gentleman Sweet Corn.

"Society of the Cincinnati, member's certificate. This engraving is a fac simile of a certificate, about one fourth the size of the original, which is thirteen inches and a half in breadth, and twenty inches in length. The originals are printed on fine vellum. The plate was engraved in France by J. J. le Veau, from a drawing by Aug. le Belle. I am indebted to the late James G. Wilson, son of Ensign Wilson, named in the certificate, for the use of the orginal in making this copy. The former was engraved on copper; this is engraved on wood. The design represents American liberty as a strong man armed, bearing in one hand the Union flag, and in the other a naked sword. Beneath his feet are British flags, and a broken spear, shield, and chain. Hovering by his side is the eagle, our national emblem, from whose talons the lightning of destruction is flashing upon the British lion. Britannia, with the crown falling from her head, is hastening toward a boat to escape to a fleet, which denotes the departure of British power from our shore. Upon a cloud, on the right, is an angel blowing a trumpet, from which flutters a loose scroll."&mdash;Lossing, 1851

Society of the Cincinnati

"Society of the Cincinnati, member's certificate. This engraving is a fac simile of a certificate, about…

"A clasp or hook, used in armor or in ordinary costume, fastening in the same manner as the modern hook and eye, often made into a large and rich ornament by concealing the hook itself beneath a jeweled, engraved, embossed, or enameled plate."-Whitney, 1902


"A clasp or hook, used in armor or in ordinary costume, fastening in the same manner as the modern hook…

"A net-like woolen garment worn by bachanals and soothsayers in ancient Greece. Image: Toso of Apollo wearing the Agrenon, found at Hadrian's Villa near Tivoli."-Whitney, 1902


"A net-like woolen garment worn by bachanals and soothsayers in ancient Greece. Image: Toso of Apollo…

"A plate of iron worn over the mail to protect the shoulders of a man-at-arms, before the introduction of plate-armor for the body. Image: Ailette with armorial bearings, middle of 13th century."-Whitney, 1902


"A plate of iron worn over the mail to protect the shoulders of a man-at-arms, before the introduction…

"Base Ball is a field game played principally in the United States. It originated in the English school-boy game of "rounders;" but it has been so improved and so generally played as to merit its name of "the National game of America." The plaing of baseball has become largely a business or a "profession," and skilled players receive large salaries. As an amateur game, however, it is also most popular."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Baseball Diamond

"Base Ball is a field game played principally in the United States. It originated in the English school-boy…

"Complete suit of Plate-Armor, now in Paris, date about 1440- the epoch of greatest perfection of defensive arms."-Whitney, 1902


"Complete suit of Plate-Armor, now in Paris, date about 1440- the epoch of greatest perfection of defensive…

"The outer ear consists of a plate of gristle, shaped somewhat like a shell, known as the pinna, or auricle, and of a tube about an inch long, called the auditory canal." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904


"The outer ear consists of a plate of gristle, shaped somewhat like a shell, known as the pinna, or…

"Amphyces, Frontlets. A frontal, a broad band or plate of metal, which ladies of rank wore above the forehead as part of the head-dress. The frontal of a horse was called by the same name. The annexed cut exhibits the frontal on the head of Pegasus, in conrast with the corresponding ornament as shown on the heads of two females." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"Amphyces, Frontlets. A frontal, a broad band or plate of metal, which ladies of rank wore above the…

"Sand Blast is one of the most wonderful uses of sand, by means of which glass, stone, metals, or any other hard substance may be cut or engraved. If a stream of sharp sand be let fall from a high box (as high as the ceiling of a room) through a tube on to a plate of glass held under it, the sand will cut away little grains of the glass till at length the whole surface will be cut or scratched and it will look like ground glass. If, instead of cutting the glass all over, it is wanted to engrave a pattern or figure on it, the workman has only to cover the parts of the glass which he does not want cut with a stencil plate made of leather, rubber, paper, wax, etc., for the sand will not cut any soft substance. Metals and stones may also be cut by means of the sand blast, which will not only scratch the surface, but will cut it away to any depth."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Sand Blast Apparatus

"Sand Blast is one of the most wonderful uses of sand, by means of which glass, stone, metals, or any…

"A circular plate of stone or metal, made for throwing to a distance as in exercise of strength and dexterity. It was one of the principal gymnastic exercises of the ancients, being included in the Penthathlum. The preceding woodcut represents a player with the discus, and is copied from an ancient statue by Myron." &mdash; Smith, 1873.


"A circular plate of stone or metal, made for throwing to a distance as in exercise of strength and…

"A round plate or dish. The paterae of the most common kind were small plates of the common red earthenware, on which an ornamental pattern was drawn, and which were sometimes entirely black. The more valuable paterae were metallic, being chiefly of bronze but every family, raised above poverty, possessed one of silver, together with a silver salt-cellar. The preceding cut exhibits a highly ornamented patera, made of bronze. The view of the upper surface is accompanied by a sideview, showing the form and depth of the vessel." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"A round plate or dish. The paterae of the most common kind were small plates of the common red earthenware,…

"Speculum, a mirror, a looking-glass. The looking-glasses of the ancients were usually made of metal, at first of a composition of tin and copper, but afterwards more frequently of silver. The ancients seem to have had glass mirrors also like ours, consisting of a glass plate covered at the back with a thin leaf of metal. They were manufactured as early as the time of Pliny at the celebrated glass-houses at Sidon, but they must have been inferior to those of metal, since they never came into general use, and are never mentioned by ancient writers among costly pieces of furniture, whereas metal mirrors frequently are. Looking-glasses were generally small, and such as could by carried in the hand. Instead of their being fixed so as to be hung against the wall or to stand upon the table or floor, they were generally held by female slaves before their mistresses when dressing. The general form of looking-glasses is shown in the following wood-cut." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"Speculum, a mirror, a looking-glass. The looking-glasses of the ancients were usually made of metal,…

"The oracular tripod at Delphi, having a flat round plate, on which the Pythia seated herself to give responses, and on which at other times lay a wreath of hay." &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Tripod of Delphi

"The oracular tripod at Delphi, having a flat round plate, on which the Pythia seated herself to give…

The armor worn by ancient Roman emperors and generals.

Roman soldier

The armor worn by ancient Roman emperors and generals.

"Takes a loaded clip and inserts the end in the slip slots, places the thumb on the powder space of the top cartridge, the fingers extending around the piece and tips resting on the magazine floor plate." &mdash; Moss, 1914


"Takes a loaded clip and inserts the end in the slip slots, places the thumb on the powder space of…

A valve with a single flap, hinged at one edge, and consisting of a plate of leather a little larger than the valve aperture, used in pumps.

Clack Valve

A valve with a single flap, hinged at one edge, and consisting of a plate of leather a little larger…

A type of sword called cleddyo. Usually made of bronze and having a "leaf shape" form. the tounge being one piece with the blade, and the barrel of the hilt being formed by riveting a plate of wood, bone, or horn upon each sde of the tounge.


A type of sword called cleddyo. Usually made of bronze and having a "leaf shape" form. the tounge being…

"The parts are the butt, A; small, B; magazine well, C; barrel bed, D; air chamber, E, which reduces the charring effect og a heater barrel on the stock; small butt plate screw hole and seat for the butt plate tang, F; butt swivel plate seat, G; mortise for receiver tang lug and hole for rear guard screw, H; mortise for sear and slot for trigger, I; cut-off thumb-piece recess, J; mortise for recoil on the receiver, K; bed for fixed base, L; grasping grooves, N; shoulder for lower band, O; bed for band spring, P; shoulder for upper band, Q; channels for decreasing weight, R; upper band screw hole, S; and the stock screw hole, T. The large hole in butt is for decreasing weight, and the smaller one is a pocket for the combination oiler and thong case." &mdash; Moss, 1914

Stock, top view

"The parts are the butt, A; small, B; magazine well, C; barrel bed, D; air chamber, E, which reduces…

"The parts are the butt, A; small, B; magazine well, C; barrel bed, D; air chamber, E, which reduces the charring effect og a heater barrel on the stock; small butt plate screw hole and seat for the butt plate tang, F; butt swivel plate seat, G; mortise for receiver tang lug and hole for rear guard screw, H; mortise for sear and slot for trigger, I; cut-off thumb-piece recess, J; mortise for recoil on the receiver, K; bed for fixed base, L; grasping grooves, N; shoulder for lower band, O; bed for band spring, P; shoulder for upper band, Q; channels for decreasing weight, R; upper band screw hole, S; and the stock screw hole, T. The large hole in butt is for decreasing weight, and the smaller one is a pocket for the combination oiler and thong case." &mdash; Moss, 1914

Stock, right side view

"The parts are the butt, A; small, B; magazine well, C; barrel bed, D; air chamber, E, which reduces…

Statue of vishnu.


Statue of vishnu.

"The upper plate of a column, beneath the architrave." — Williams, 1889


"The upper plate of a column, beneath the architrave." — Williams, 1889

"A valve in pumps with a single flap, hinged at one edge, and consisting of a plate of leather a little larger than the valve aperture. The valve box is generally one and a half times the diameter of the valve opening." &mdash; Williams, 1889


"A valve in pumps with a single flap, hinged at one edge, and consisting of a plate of leather a little…

"The essential parts of an ordinary Wimshurst machine, are two ordinary drums. On each plate are fixed a large number of strips of conducting material which are equal in size and are equally spaced, radially if on a plate, and circumferentially if on a drum." &mdash; Hawkins, 1917

Wimshurst Electric Machine

"The essential parts of an ordinary Wimshurst machine, are two ordinary drums. On each plate are fixed…

"In all engraving upon metal plates the traces or marks which are to appear on the paper are cut or sunk into the plate." —The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888

Copper-Plate Printing

"In all engraving upon metal plates the traces or marks which are to appear on the paper are cut or…

"Five kinds of glass are made: flint glass, or crystal; crown glass, broad sheet glass, bottle, or green glass, and plate glass." &mdash;The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888

Glass manufacturing

"Five kinds of glass are made: flint glass, or crystal; crown glass, broad sheet glass, bottle, or green…

Many of the accidents which occur on ladders in and out of the painting trade are due to broken or rotted-out rungs. These metal plates make a permanent repair easily and quickly.

Ladder Repair Plate

Many of the accidents which occur on ladders in and out of the painting trade are due to broken or rotted-out…

This illustration shows the colonial forms of unicellular green algae: A, Pediastrum, the plants of the colony being arranged in a flat plate. B, a view of the outer cells of the colony showing the formation of a new colony. C, one of these new colonies. D, a plant of the water net containing a young colony. E, enlarged view of one of the meshes of a net showing the geometrical arrangement of the plants.

Green Algae

This illustration shows the colonial forms of unicellular green algae: A, Pediastrum, the plants of…

This illustration shows a diagram of nervous and cross-striate muscular tissue, showing the mode of connection between nerve fibres and muscle fibres. A, nerve cell (g) connected with muscle fibre (mf.) by nerve fibre (n.f.). The muscle fibre (m.f.) is composed of numerous fibrils (f) which are made up lengthwise of alternating discs of ligter and darker substance. These fibrils are shown more highly magnified in B and C. In B the fibril is uncontracted; in C it is contracted. D, nerve fibre more highly magnified showing a, axis; m, medullary sheath; and s, Schwann's sheath; ax., axon; d, dendron; n, node; n.m., nerve-muscle plate.

Muscular Tissue

This illustration shows a diagram of nervous and cross-striate muscular tissue, showing the mode of…

a is called the cathode, b is a plate of metal mounted inside the tube and in the path of the rays; d is the portion of the glass protected from the cathode rays by the screen.

Shadow Tube

a is called the cathode, b is a plate of metal mounted inside the tube and in the path of the rays;…

A game of baseball seen from the left side of home plate.


A game of baseball seen from the left side of home plate.

A game of baseball seen from the right of home plate. It shows the batter and the catcher.


A game of baseball seen from the right of home plate. It shows the batter and the catcher.

A telegraph in which the letters of the alphabet or figures are placed on a circular plate in such a manner that they can be brought to succession to an opening, or indicated in sucession in some other way, as by a pointer.

Disc Telegraph

A telegraph in which the letters of the alphabet or figures are placed on a circular plate in such a…

Plat XXV of the Dresden Codex.

Plate XXV

Plat XXV of the Dresden Codex.

A man dressed in plate armor riding a horse.

Man on Horseback

A man dressed in plate armor riding a horse.

A window decorated with drapes and ornametal plates and flowers.

Decorated Window

A window decorated with drapes and ornametal plates and flowers.

Decorative draperies.


Decorative draperies.

"Suit of Plate Armor, early 16th century." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Full Plate

"Suit of Plate Armor, early 16th century." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

A body of armor make from plates of iron.

Plate Armor

A body of armor make from plates of iron.

"Waldheimia flavescens. Interior of dorsal valve. c, c', cardial process; b', hinge-plate; s, dental sockets; l, loop; q, crura; a, a', adductor impressions; c, accessory divaricator; b, peduncle muscles; ss, septum." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Dorsal Valve

"Waldheimia flavescens. Interior of dorsal valve. c, c', cardial process; b', hinge-plate; s, dental…

"Terebratula virea. Interior of dorsal valve. l, loop; b, hinge-plate; c, cardinal process." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Dorsal Valve

"Terebratula virea. Interior of dorsal valve. l, loop; b, hinge-plate; c, cardinal process." —…

"Rhynchonella psittacea. Interior of doral valve. s, sockets; b, dental plates; V, mouth; de, labial appendage in itsnatural position; d, appendage extended or unrolled." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Dorsal Valve

"Rhynchonella psittacea. Interior of doral valve. s, sockets; b, dental plates; V, mouth; de, labial…

A plate of Chinese porcelain, or of some fine European fience, in the decoration of which appears a vase, basket, or the like, of a borard rounded form, usually very conventional.

Pot Plate

A plate of Chinese porcelain, or of some fine European fience, in the decoration of which appears a…

"The diving dress envelops the whole body of the diver, the upper portion a being the "helmet," the intermediate portion b the "breast-plate," and the lower portion c the "dress." The hose by which the air is supplied is shown at d, and e is the "life" or "signal" line, which is attached to the diver's waist, and by which he makes signals and is hauled to the surface. The water-proof material of which the dress is made is very generally sheet india-rubber covered on both sides with tanned twill to protect the india-rubber from injury." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Diving Dress

"The diving dress envelops the whole body of the diver, the upper portion a being the "helmet," the…

"Echinus gracilis. a, ambulacral plates; b, poriferous zone; c, interambulacral plates." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Echinus gracilis

"Echinus gracilis. a, ambulacral plates; b, poriferous zone; c, interambulacral plates." — Encyclopedia…

"Stomechinus intermedius. a, portion of ambulacral area; b, poriferous zones; c, two interambulacral plates; d, primary tubercles." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Stomechinus intermedius

"Stomechinus intermedius. a, portion of ambulacral area; b, poriferous zones; c, two interambulacral…