(1648-1681) Established the first printing office in Boston and is known for the earliest woodblock engraving in America.

John W. Foster

(1648-1681) Established the first printing office in Boston and is known for the earliest woodblock…

Old-style screw printing press.

Printing Press

Old-style screw printing press.

Printing a program.


Printing a program.

Renaissance C, 17th century, Elzevir printing office.

C, Renaissance

Renaissance C, 17th century, Elzevir printing office.

"Landing of Federal troops at Parkersburg, Western Virginia. Parkersburg, Va., in 1861 was a thriving post village on the Ohio River, situated at the mouth of the Little Kanawha River, and altogether presented a most picturesque appearance, the houses being very neatly built and well placed. It is about one hundred miles from Wheeling and two hundred and fifty-eight miles from Richmond in a direct W.N.W. line. It contained a courthouse, churches of several denominations, a bank, a printing office and several steam mills. Its population was nearly four thousand. It has excellent turnpike roads to Staunton and Winchester and the Northwestern branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad terminates here. Our view represents the arrival of Federal troops previous to the total clearance of the Kanawha Valley from the presence of Wise and his Confederate troops." —Leslie, 1896

Landing at Parkersburg

"Landing of Federal troops at Parkersburg, Western Virginia. Parkersburg, Va., in 1861 was a thriving…

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village, capital of Harrison County, is situated on the west fork of the Monongahela River, at the mouth of Elk Creek, about two hundred and twenty miles northwest of Richmond. It is built on a high tableland environed by hills. It had in 1861 several churches, academies, two printing offices and many fine stores. Stove coal abounded in its vicinity. The Northwestern Railroad, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio, passed through it. It has about two thousand inhabitants. For a short time Clarksburg was the headquarters of General Rosecrans. The situation was briefly this: The Cheat Mountain Gaps, the key to the whole country, were held by a strong force, a portion of General Reynolds's brigade, the remainder of which was stationed at Bevery, Huttonsville, and in that vicinity. Other portions of General Rosecrans's command were scattered over almost the whole northwestern part of Virginia, guarding the railroad lines from Wheeling and Parkersburg down to Grafton, and then eastward through the Cheat River country, Oakland, Altamont, and almost to Cumberland, occupying the Kanawha Valley by General Cox's brigade, and holding towns like Weston, Buckhannon, Summerville, Philippi and Bealington." —Leslie, 1896

Village of Clarksburg

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…

Gutenberg's press. Screw presses down platen on the type.

Gutenberg Press

Gutenberg's press. Screw presses down platen on the type.

Tredwell of Boston invented the first power press. The type is raised to meet the platen.

First Power Press

Tredwell of Boston invented the first power press. The type is raised to meet the platen.

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village, capital of Harrison County, is situated on the west fork of the Monongahela River, at the mouth of Elk Creek, about two hundred and twenty miles northwest of Richmond. It is built on a high tableland environed by hills. It had in 1861 several churches, academies, two printing offices and many fine stores. Stove coal abounded in its vicinity. The Northwestern Railroad, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio, passed through it. It has about two thousand inhabitants. For a short time Clarksburg was the headquarters of General Rosecrans. The situation was briefly this: The Cheat Mountain Gaps, the key to the whole country, were held by a strong force, a portion of General Reynolds's brigade, the remainder of which was stationed at Bevery, Huttonsville, and in that vicinity. Other portions of General Rosecrans's command were scattered over almost the whole northwestern part of Virginia, guarding the railroad lines from Wheeling and Parkersburg down to Grafton, and then eastward through the Cheat River country, Oakland, Altamont, and almost to Cumberland, occupying the Kanawha Valley by General Cox's brigade, and holding towns like Weston, Buckhannon, Summerville, Philippi and Bealington." —Leslie, 1896

Village of Clarksburg

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village, capital of Harrison County, is situated on the west fork of the Monongahela River, at the mouth of Elk Creek, about two hundred and twenty miles northwest of Richmond. It is built on a high tableland environed by hills. It had in 1861 several churches, academies, two printing offices and many fine stores. Stove coal abounded in its vicinity. The Northwestern Railroad, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio, passed through it. It has about two thousand inhabitants. For a short time Clarksburg was the headquarters of General Rosecrans. The situation was briefly this: The Cheat Mountain Gaps, the key to the whole country, were held by a strong force, a portion of General Reynolds's brigade, the remainder of which was stationed at Bevery, Huttonsville, and in that vicinity. Other portions of General Rosecrans's command were scattered over almost the whole northwestern part of Virginia, guarding the railroad lines from Wheeling and Parkersburg down to Grafton, and then eastward through the Cheat River country, Oakland, Altamont, and almost to Cumberland, occupying the Kanawha Valley by General Cox's brigade, and holding towns like Weston, Buckhannon, Summerville, Philippi and Bealington." —Leslie, 1896

Village of Clarksburg

"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…

"Benjamin Franklin's printing press."—Lossing, 1851

Franklin's Press

"Benjamin Franklin's printing press."—Lossing, 1851

An early printing press

Printing Press

An early printing press

"Thomas Alva Edison was born at Milan, Ohio, February 11, 1847, but the family soon after moved to Port Huron, Michigan. He had to earn his living from early boyhood, and was a train boy on a railroad. A station master, whose child's life Edison had saved, taught the boy telegraphy, and in this art Edison quickly became an expert. In 1868 he chanced to be in New York when the indicator of a gold and stock company was broken, and he not only repaired it, but in doing so struck out a new invention, the printing telegraph. He sold his invention in 1876 and established himself at Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he built workshops for carrying out experiments in the application of electricity. It would take a very long paragraph even to name the devices and inventions which have followed, the most far-reaching being, perhaps, his system of electric lighting, his microphone, and the phonograph."—Scudder, 1897

Thomas Alva Edison

"Thomas Alva Edison was born at Milan, Ohio, February 11, 1847, but the family soon after moved to Port…

Machine for printing wall paper.

Wallpaper Printing Machine

Machine for printing wall paper.

"A Tail-piece is a piece at the end, as of a series of engravings; an appendage. Also a piece of ebony or other material appended to the end of a violin or other similar instrument, to which the strings are fastened. In printing, tail-pieces are ornaments in wood or metal placed in short pages, partly to fill up the vacancy."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"A Tail-piece is a piece at the end, as of a series of engravings; an appendage. Also a piece of ebony…

A press for printing books, newspapers, handbills, and the like.


A press for printing books, newspapers, handbills, and the like.

A tool used for setting up letters in printing.

Composing Stick

A tool used for setting up letters in printing.

"The art of printing from movable types is of comparatively modern origin, only four hundred years having elapsed since the first book printed in this manner was issued from the press." —The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888


"The art of printing from movable types is of comparatively modern origin, only four hundred years having…

"The wood used for engraving is boxwood, nearly all of which is imported from Turkey." —The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888

Wood Engraving

"The wood used for engraving is boxwood, nearly all of which is imported from Turkey." —The Popular…

"In all engraving upon metal plates the traces or marks which are to appear on the paper are cut or sunk into the plate." —The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888

Copper-Plate Printing

"In all engraving upon metal plates the traces or marks which are to appear on the paper are cut or…

The inventer of the art of printing.

John Guttenberg

The inventer of the art of printing.

A mechanical device for printing multiple copies of a text on rectangular sheets of paper. It was invented in the West by a German goldsmithand eventual printer, Johann Gutenberg in the 1450s. Apart from Gutenberg, the Dutch laurens Janszoon coster has also been credited with this invention.

Printing Press

A mechanical device for printing multiple copies of a text on rectangular sheets of paper. It was invented…

"Willson's Historical Series- Franklin, The Printer's Boy"-Willson, 1859.

Printers Boy

"Willson's Historical Series- Franklin, The Printer's Boy"-Willson, 1859.

This illustration shows the Russian government destroying a Nihilist printing-office.

Nihilist Printers

This illustration shows the Russian government destroying a Nihilist printing-office.

An ancient printing office, with one of the first forms of the printing press.

Ancient Printing

An ancient printing office, with one of the first forms of the printing press.

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards and the back A is removed by unhooking the brass spring clips B, B, and lifting it out. The tracing is laid on the glass C, with the inked side touching the glass. A sheet of the prepared paper, perfectly dry, is laid on the tracing with the yellow side downwards." — Hallock, 1905

Painting Frame

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards…

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards and the back A is removed by unhooking the brass spring clips B, B, and lifting it out. The tracing is laid on the glass C, with the inked side touching the glass. A sheet of the prepared paper, perfectly dry, is laid on the tracing with the yellow side downwards." — Hallock, 1905. The painting frame is used to hold the original in contact with the light-sensitive paper in the blueprint reproduction process.

Painting Frame

"A printing frame that is well adapted to sheets not over 17 in. x 21 in. The frame is placed face downwards…

A type of printing press.

Hand Press

A type of printing press.

A type of printing press.

Web Machine

A type of printing press.

A type of printing press.

Stop Cylinder Machine

A type of printing press.

Two men working the Gutenberg printing press.

Printing Press

Two men working the Gutenberg printing press.

Gutenberg's printing press in 1450.

Gutenberg's Printing Press

Gutenberg's printing press in 1450.

An old-fashioned printing office. The press shown worked by laying paper under a wooden press.

Printing Office

An old-fashioned printing office. The press shown worked by laying paper under a wooden press.

"Stereotyping is the art of fabricating metal plates resembling pages of type, which impressions may be taken as in letter-press printing, is termed stereotyping."-Lupton


"Stereotyping is the art of fabricating metal plates resembling pages of type, which impressions may…

Calico printing was the first "operation connected with the printing of cloth."- Lupton

Calico Printing

Calico printing was the first "operation connected with the printing of cloth."- Lupton

"The printing press- originating at the middle of the fifteenth, the art of printing continued to be conducted until the middle of the seventeenth century in a very clumsy manner." -Lupton

Modern Printing Press

"The printing press- originating at the middle of the fifteenth, the art of printing continued to be…

A popular contrivance used for printing in the early 19th century.

Albion Press

A popular contrivance used for printing in the early 19th century.

Open-delivery web machine of Hoe & Co.

Web Machine Printing Press

Open-delivery web machine of Hoe & Co.

The engraved illustration of Poliphilo in the garden from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, one of the first printed books by Aldus Manutius.

Poliphilo in the Garden

The engraved illustration of Poliphilo in the garden from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, one of the first…

(1449-1515) An engraving print of Aldus Manutius, one of the first printers and founder of the Aldine Press.

Aldus Manutius

(1449-1515) An engraving print of Aldus Manutius, one of the first printers and founder of the Aldine…

Benjamin Franklin running away from his home in Boston. He is heading to New York to find work at a printing house.

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin running away from his home in Boston. He is heading to New York to find work at a…

William Caxton (c. 1415~1422 – c. March 1492) was an English merchant, diplomat, writer and printer. He was the first English person to work as a printer and the first person to introduce a printing press into England. He was also the first English retailer of books (his London contemporaries were all Dutch, German or French).

Caxton in the Almonry, Westminster

William Caxton (c. 1415~1422 – c. March 1492) was an English merchant, diplomat, writer and printer.…

Benjamin Franklin as a apprentice in the printing trade.

Franklin as an Apprentice

Benjamin Franklin as a apprentice in the printing trade.

Benjamin Franklin's printing press.

Franklin's Press

Benjamin Franklin's printing press.

A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring an image. The systems involved were first assembled in Germany by the goldsmith Johann Gutenberg in ca. 1439.

Printing Press

A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a medium…

Washington Press, one of the earliest used in the United States.

Washington Press

Washington Press, one of the earliest used in the United States.

"In printing, a piece of hard wood or metal, about ten inches long, which is struck by a mallet to tighten or loosen the quoins in a chase." -Whitney, 1911

Shooting Stick

"In printing, a piece of hard wood or metal, about ten inches long, which is struck by a mallet to tighten…

"In printing, an oblong shallow tray of brass or wood, rarely of zinc, on which the compositor deposits his type." -Whitney, 1911

Printers' Galley

"In printing, an oblong shallow tray of brass or wood, rarely of zinc, on which the compositor deposits…

The Almighty drawing is a woodcut that was part of the "Apocalypse," a series of fifteen woodcuts created by artist Albrecht Dürer in 1498. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper. This woodcut depicts St. John in the presence of the almighty, which is from the Bible, Book of Revelation.


The Almighty drawing is a woodcut that was part of the "Apocalypse," a series of fifteen woodcuts created…

The Almighty drawing is a woodcut that was part of the "Apocalypse," a series of fifteen woodcuts created by artist Albrecht Dürer in 1498. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper. This woodcut depicts St. John in the presence of the almighty, which is from the Bible, Book of Revelation.

The Four Horsemen

The Almighty drawing is a woodcut that was part of the "Apocalypse," a series of fifteen woodcuts created…

The Almighty drawing is a woodcut that was part of the "Apocalypse," a series of fifteen woodcuts created by artist Albrecht Dürer in 1498. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper. This woodcut depicts St. John in the presence of the almighty, which is from the Bible, Book of Revelation.

The Blowing of the Sixth Trumpet

The Almighty drawing is a woodcut that was part of the "Apocalypse," a series of fifteen woodcuts created…

The Marriage of Joseph and Mary is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by Albrecht Dürer in 1504. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

The Marriage of Joseph and Mary

The Marriage of Joseph and Mary is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by Albrecht…

The Repose of the Holy Family in Egypt is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by Albrecht Dürer between 1504 and 1505. It depicts Mary and Jesus resting after a long journey. The woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

Repose of the Holy Family in Egypt

The Repose of the Holy Family in Egypt is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by…

Christ Taking Leave of his Mother is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by Albrecht Dürer, created between 1504 and 1505. It depicts Jesus saying farewell to his mother to go on his final journey to Jerusalem. The woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

Christ Taking Leave of His Mother

Christ Taking Leave of his Mother is a woodcut that is part of a series "Life of the Virgin" by Albrecht…

The Death of the Virgin is a woodcut created by Albrecht Dürer in 1510. It is part of a series called "Life of the Virgin". It depicts Mary in her death bed surrounded by the twelve disciples. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

The Death of the Virgin

The Death of the Virgin is a woodcut created by Albrecht Dürer in 1510. It is part of a series…

The Assumption and the Coronation of the Virgin is a woodcut created by Albrecht Dürer in 1510. It is part of a series called "Life of the Virgin". It depicts Mary being crowned by God and Jesus among the clouds. It shows heaven and earth, angels and mortals. A woodcut is created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

The Assumption and the Coronation of the Virgin

The Assumption and the Coronation of the Virgin is a woodcut created by Albrecht Dürer in 1510.…

Christ Appearing to St. Magdalene is a woodcut that is part of a series called "Little Passion" by German artist Albrecht Dürer. It depicts Jesus after his passing appearing to St. Magdalene. This woodcut was created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

Christ Appearing to St. Magdalene

Christ Appearing to St. Magdalene is a woodcut that is part of a series called "Little Passion" by German…

Christ Taken Prisoner is a woodcut by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1510. It is part of a series called the "Great Passion". It shows Jesus being taken by Roman soldiers after the betrayal of Judas. This woodcut was created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

Christ Taken Prisoner

Christ Taken Prisoner is a woodcut by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1510. It is part of a series…

The Resurrection is a woodcut by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1510. It is part of a series called the "Great Passion". It shows Jesus being resurrected after his death. This woodcut was created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

The Resurrection

The Resurrection is a woodcut by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1510. It is part of a series called…

The Holy Trinity is a woodcut that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1511. This woodcut was created by carving an image on a wooden block and rolling ink over that surface and then printing it on paper.

The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity is a woodcut that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1511. This woodcut…