"The principle of the sound of silk is exemplified in the Kin or Ch'in, made of twisted silk being stretched over a wooden frame. The number of strings was five, to agree with the five elements; the upper part was rounded, to represent the heavens; the bottom was flat, to represent the ground. The number of strings was later increased to seven, which is the favored form, tuned to G, A, C, D, E, G, A, a pentatonic scale." --Baltzell, 1905


"The principle of the sound of silk is exemplified in the Kin or Ch'in, made of twisted silk being stretched…

The soprano of the horn: it has the same harmonic scale, but moves in a region at once higher and more restricted; it differs from the horn farther in that it produces only the open sounds


The soprano of the horn: it has the same harmonic scale, but moves in a region at once higher and more…

A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale, played with two small mallets.


A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic…

The upper side of an open pistil or scale from a forming Larch-cone.


The upper side of an open pistil or scale from a forming Larch-cone.

The upper side of an open pistil or scale from a forming Larch-cone. The ovules becoming seeds.


The upper side of an open pistil or scale from a forming Larch-cone. The ovules becoming seeds.

Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).


Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).

Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).


Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).

Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).


Each scale of the pine cone is a whole pistillate flower. (Gray, 1858).

A tuft of stamens with the petal-like scale of the American Linden.


A tuft of stamens with the petal-like scale of the American Linden.

A young colonial woman's dower being paid in shillings according to her weight.

A Young Lady's Dower in Pine Tree Shillings

A young colonial woman's dower being paid in shillings according to her weight.

Scales found at Pompeii


Scales found at Pompeii

The male cottony cushion scale insect is winged.

Cottony Scale

The male cottony cushion scale insect is winged.

The red scale of California is a parasitic insect that sucks sap from the plant it lives on.


The red scale of California is a parasitic insect that sucks sap from the plant it lives on.

An adult female scale


An adult female scale

The adult female scale forms a wax covering under which she remains.


The adult female scale forms a wax covering under which she remains.

The larvae of a scale


The larvae of a scale

An adult male scale


An adult male scale

The scale bugs, or bark lice, are very injurious to trees: some of them are among the worst pests of the fruit grower. These scale are on Osage Orange.


The scale bugs, or bark lice, are very injurious to trees: some of them are among the worst pests of…

Roman soldier wearing a cuirass with scale armor.

Roman cuirass

Roman soldier wearing a cuirass with scale armor.

Scales of fishes; cycloid scale (Pike).

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; cycloid scale (Pike).

Scales of fishes; Ctenoid scale (Perch)

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; Ctenoid scale (Perch)

Scales of fishes; Placoid scale (Thornback)

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; Placoid scale (Thornback)

Scales of fishes; Ganoid Scale (Palaeoniscus)

Fish Scales

Scales of fishes; Ganoid Scale (Palaeoniscus)

Scale motive.

Assyrian Ornament

Scale motive.

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the Confederates flying in confusion. We question if a more spirited sketch was ever published than our double-page engraving representing the final charge of General Negley's division, on the afternoon of Friday, January 2nd, 1863, at the battle of Murfreesborough, or Stone River. About four o'clock in the afternoon General Rosecrans, seeing that the critical moment had arrived, gave orders for General Negley to cross the river and drive the enemy from his position. This was done in a manner worthy of the most disciplined troops in the world. The Eighteenth Ohio Regiment dashed into the river, the Nineteenth Illinois and Twenty-first Ohio following close behind. Our artist reported: 'The scene was grand in the extreme. It was indeed a momentous battle on a miniature scale. Nothing could resist our gallant men; on they rushed; the Confederates met the shock then wavered, and then were driven back at the bayonet's point, step by step, for some half mile, when they broke and fled, ever and anon rallying to check our too hasty pursuit. Night fell on the scene, and the victors and vanquished rested from their strife. Thus was won the great battle of Stone River, in which, if ever men met foemen worthy of their steel, they met them then.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Stone River

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the…

Gulliver at six inches with farm animals, compared to a giant's foot.

Six Inch Man and Horse

Gulliver at six inches with farm animals, compared to a giant's foot.

Diagram illustration showing a scale of a spikelet.

Sedge morphology:Spikelet

Diagram illustration showing a scale of a spikelet.

A bucket being used to weigh the milk production of a cow.

Weighing bucket

A bucket being used to weigh the milk production of a cow.

The point of the finest cambric needle, with a particle of dust (above) and bacteria (below) for scale.

bacteria and cambric needle

The point of the finest cambric needle, with a particle of dust (above) and bacteria (below) for scale.

The hand weeder works on the same principle as the hand cultivator, but on a smaller scale. It is best suited for working small plants in the home garden, or for use in the seed bed.

Hand Weeder

The hand weeder works on the same principle as the hand cultivator, but on a smaller scale. It is best…

Foot of a bald eagle, well suited for grasping fish.

Foot of a Bald Eagle

Foot of a bald eagle, well suited for grasping fish.

Buds with a single scale; fruit cone-like.


Buds with a single scale; fruit cone-like.

"Noted for being completely covered in horny scales. It is common on all the coasts of Europe and Greenland." — Goodrich, 1859

Armed Bullhead

"Noted for being completely covered in horny scales. It is common on all the coasts of Europe and Greenland."…

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the Confederates flying in confusion. We question if a more spirited sketch was ever published than our double-page engraving representing the final charge of General Negley's division, on the afternoon of Friday, January 2nd, 1863, at the battle of Murfreesborough, or Stone River. About four o'clock in the afternoon General Rosecrans, seeing that the critical moment had arrived, gave orders for General Negley to cross the river and drive the enemy from his position. This was done in a manner worthy of the most disciplined troops in the world. The Eighteenth Ohio Regiment dashed into the river, the Nineteenth Illinois and Twenty-first Ohio following close behind. Our artist reported: 'The scene was grand in the extreme. It was indeed a momentous battle on a miniature scale. Nothing could resist our gallant men; on they rushed; the Confederates met the shock then wavered, and then were driven back at the bayonet's point, step by step, for some half mile, when they broke and fled, ever and anon rallying to check our too hasty pursuit. Night fell on the scene, and the victors and vanquished rested from their strife. Thus was won the great battle of Stone River, in which, if ever men met foemen worthy of their steel, they met them then.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Stone River

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the…

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the Confederates flying in confusion. We question if a more spirited sketch was ever published than our double-page engraving representing the final charge of General Negley's division, on the afternoon of Friday, January 2nd, 1863, at the battle of Murfreesborough, or Stone River. About four o'clock in the afternoon General Rosecrans, seeing that the critical moment had arrived, gave orders for General Negley to cross the river and drive the enemy from his position. This was done in a manner worthy of the most disciplined troops in the world. The Eighteenth Ohio Regiment dashed into the river, the Nineteenth Illinois and Twenty-first Ohio following close behind. Our artist reported: 'The scene was grand in the extreme. It was indeed a momentous battle on a miniature scale. Nothing could resist our gallant men; on they rushed; the Confederates met the shock then wavered, and then were driven back at the bayonet's point, step by step, for some half mile, when they broke and fled, ever and anon rallying to check our too hasty pursuit. Night fell on the scene, and the victors and vanquished rested from their strife. Thus was won the great battle of Stone River, in which, if ever men met foemen worthy of their steel, they met them then.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Stone River

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the…

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the Confederates flying in confusion. We question if a more spirited sketch was ever published than our double-page engraving representing the final charge of General Negley's division, on the afternoon of Friday, January 2nd, 1863, at the battle of Murfreesborough, or Stone River. About four o'clock in the afternoon General Rosecrans, seeing that the critical moment had arrived, gave orders for General Negley to cross the river and drive the enemy from his position. This was done in a manner worthy of the most disciplined troops in the world. The Eighteenth Ohio Regiment dashed into the river, the Nineteenth Illinois and Twenty-first Ohio following close behind. Our artist reported: 'The scene was grand in the extreme. It was indeed a momentous battle on a miniature scale. Nothing could resist our gallant men; on they rushed; the Confederates met the shock then wavered, and then were driven back at the bayonet's point, step by step, for some half mile, when they broke and fled, ever and anon rallying to check our too hasty pursuit. Night fell on the scene, and the victors and vanquished rested from their strife. Thus was won the great battle of Stone River, in which, if ever men met foemen worthy of their steel, they met them then.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Battle of Stone River

"Battle of Stone River, Tenn. The decisive charge of General Negley's division across the river- the…

"A suborder of the natural order <em> Conifer&aelig;</em>, distinguished by bearing strobiles (cones) with two inverted ovules at the base of each scale, which become ovules at the base of each scale, which become winged samaroid seeds."-Wright, 1902


"A suborder of the natural order Coniferæ, distinguished by bearing strobiles (cones)…

Leaves smaller, rigid; small yellow flowers gathered in dense heads at top of naked stalk, each subtended by a scale-like bract.


Leaves smaller, rigid; small yellow flowers gathered in dense heads at top of naked stalk, each subtended…

"A remarkable family of flying rodents of Africa; the scale-tailed squirrels."-Whitney, 1902

Scale-Tailed Squirrel

"A remarkable family of flying rodents of Africa; the scale-tailed squirrels."-Whitney, 1902

"This term is derived from the Greek <em>lepis</em>, a scale, and <em>ptera</em>, wings, and refers to the scales on the wings of moths and butterflies, those insects constituting the order." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"This term is derived from the Greek lepis, a scale, and ptera, wings, and refers…

Spikelets with the uppermost scale only enclosing an achene; our commonest species has saw-edged. cutting leaves.


Spikelets with the uppermost scale only enclosing an achene; our commonest species has saw-edged. cutting…

Each scale of spikelet bearing a bristle or awn near the apex.


Each scale of spikelet bearing a bristle or awn near the apex.

"Thus the prince, both when present and when coming, was alike victorius: and these things he achieved just starting up from amidst his books; or rather, in marching against the adversary, he marched with his books, for he had always in his hands either books or arms, believing that war was wonderfully assisted by philosophy, and that a prince competent to give counsel threw more weight into the scale than a fighting one." &mdash; The Delphian Society, 1913


"Thus the prince, both when present and when coming, was alike victorius: and these things he achieved…

"A wind instrument, anciently made of horn, but afterwards of brass. Like the tuba, it differed from the tibia in being a larger and more powerful instrument, and from the tuba itself, in being curved nearly in the shape of a C, with a cross-piece to steady the instrument for the convenience of the performer. It had no stopples or plugs to adjust the scale to any particular mode; the entire series of notes was produced without keys or holes, by the modification of the breath and of the lips at the mouth-piece. The classicum, which originally meant a signal, rather than the musical instrument which gave the signal, was usually sounded with the cornu." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"A wind instrument, anciently made of horn, but afterwards of brass. Like the tuba, it differed from…

"A balance, a pair of scales. The principal parts of this instrument were: 1. The beam. 2. The two scales, called in Latin lances. The beam was made without a tongue, being held by a ring or other appendage, fixed in the centre. The annexed woodcut represents Mercury and Apollo engaged in exploring the fates of Achilles and Memnon, by weighing the attendent genius of the one against that of the other." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"A balance, a pair of scales. The principal parts of this instrument were: 1. The beam. 2. The two scales,…

"By use of an instrument called a map measurer, set the hand on the face to read zero, roll the small wheel over the distance; now roll the wheel in an opposite direction along the graphical scale, noting the number of yards passed over. A map measurer is valuable for use in solving map problems in patrolling, advance guard, outpost, etc." &mdash; Moss, 1914

Map measurer

"By use of an instrument called a map measurer, set the hand on the face to read zero, roll the small…

The scale growing at the end of the human fingers and toes.


The scale growing at the end of the human fingers and toes.

Consisting of eight; the eighth tone in the scale.


Consisting of eight; the eighth tone in the scale.

"These may be placed at the very bottom of the vegetable scale, and are observable in a great variety of forms, and, among others, mushrooms, roadstools, puff-balls, the fungus dryrot, fermentation, mildew, and mould." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844


"These may be placed at the very bottom of the vegetable scale, and are observable in a great variety…

"A cubic centimeter of water weighs 1 gram." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Water and scale

"A cubic centimeter of water weighs 1 gram." — Avery, 1895

A balance used for measuring weight.


A balance used for measuring weight.

"As generally made, a hydrometer of constant weight consists of a glass tube near the bottom of which are two bulbs. The lower and smaller bulb is loaded with mercury or shot. The tube and upper bulb contain air. The point to which it sinks when placed in water is marked zero. The tube is graduated, the scale being arbitrary, and varying with the purpose for which the instrument is intended." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Hydrometer of constant weight

"As generally made, a hydrometer of constant weight consists of a glass tube near the bottom of which…

"A Torricellian tube, firmly fixed to an upright support and properly graduated, constitutes a mercurial barometer. The zero of the scale is at the surface of the mercury in the cistern." &mdash; Avery, 1895


"A Torricellian tube, firmly fixed to an upright support and properly graduated, constitutes a mercurial…

"The galvanometer is an instrument for determining the strength of an electric current by means of the deflection of a magnetic needle around which the current flows. When a galvanoscope is provided with a scale so that the deflections of its needle may be measured, it becomes a galvanometer." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Astatic galvanometer

"The galvanometer is an instrument for determining the strength of an electric current by means of the…

"The galvanometer is an instrument for determining the strength of an electric current by means of the deflection of a magnetic needle around which the current flows. When a galvanoscope is provided with a scale so that the deflections of its needle may be measured, it becomes a galvanometer." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Tangent galvanometer

"The galvanometer is an instrument for determining the strength of an electric current by means of the…

"The most accurate method of determining the specific gravity of a mineral is by the use of a chemical balance. To one beam of the balance is suspended a wire basket which is so arranged that it can be immersed in a beaker of water. The basket is hung in the water and then counterbalanced by weights on the opposite pan of the balance. The mineral specimen to be tested, having been first weighed on the balance in the ordinary fashion, is now placed in the basket under the water and weighed again." &mdash; Ford, 1912

Chemical balance

"The most accurate method of determining the specific gravity of a mineral is by the use of a chemical…

"A fish known chiefly by scales, fossil remains of which are found in Old Red Sandstone." &mdash; Williams, 1889


"A fish known chiefly by scales, fossil remains of which are found in Old Red Sandstone." — Williams,…

"This is an instrument shaped something like a small clock, and the barometric pressure is read by means of a hand or indicator, on a scale of inches placed on the face like the minute divisions of a clock." &mdash; Waldo, 1896

Aneroid Barometer

"This is an instrument shaped something like a small clock, and the barometric pressure is read by means…

This illustration shows a radical leaf of the White Lily, with its base thickened into a bulb-scale, cut across below to show its thickness.

White Lily

This illustration shows a radical leaf of the White Lily, with its base thickened into a bulb-scale,…

This illustration shows the Appalachian Mountains, a region of numerous flexures on a grand scale, as well as many faults; some flexures having a span of several miles, and others only a few feet or inches.

Appalachian Mountains

This illustration shows the Appalachian Mountains, a region of numerous flexures on a grand scale, as…