This gigantic snake kills its prey by constricting around it, squeezing it to death, then swallowing it whole.

Boa constrictor

This gigantic snake kills its prey by constricting around it, squeezing it to death, then swallowing…

When irritated, the neck of a cobra swells at the same time it raises the front part of its body vertically, holding it straight and rigid.


When irritated, the neck of a cobra swells at the same time it raises the front part of its body vertically,…

These venomous snakes have triangular heads and short stocky bodies.  They are a highly poisonous snake.


These venomous snakes have triangular heads and short stocky bodies. They are a highly poisonous snake.

The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes it resemble a snake when in the water.


The head of the anhinga is slender and cylindrical, on a slim and excessively long neck, which makes…

Snakes on shelf

Snakes on shelf

Snakes on shelf

Structure of internal anatomy of a snake.


Structure of internal anatomy of a snake.

Dissection of head of rattlesnake; showing fangs (f) and poison sac (p).


Dissection of head of rattlesnake; showing fangs (f) and poison sac (p).

Snakes belong to the group known as Squamata.


Snakes belong to the group known as Squamata.

The blind worm is a good example of a snakelike lizard. It is harmless, and looks like a snake.

Blind Worm

The blind worm is a good example of a snakelike lizard. It is harmless, and looks like a snake.

A snake with a rattle for its tail. Rattles its tail to scare off enemies.

Rattle Snake

A snake with a rattle for its tail. Rattles its tail to scare off enemies.

The head of Medusa from the Farnese dish (onyx patera) Naples Museum.

Medusa Head

The head of Medusa from the Farnese dish (onyx patera) Naples Museum.

The head of Medusa from center of an antique patera, Roman.

Medusa Head

The head of Medusa from center of an antique patera, Roman.

The head of Medusa from a French medallion.

Medusa Head

The head of Medusa from a French medallion.

The head of Medusa as a grotesque from a tympanum in Paris.

Medusa Head

The head of Medusa as a grotesque from a tympanum in Paris.

A giant Boa contrictor crushing a jaguar.

Boa Constricting a Jaguar

A giant Boa contrictor crushing a jaguar.

<em>G. serpentarius</em>, known as the serpent vulture because it feeds on snakes. It has a distinctive tuft of feathers on the back of its head. It is found in Southern Africa.

Secretary Vulture

G. serpentarius, known as the serpent vulture because it feeds on snakes. It has a distinctive…

A pair of Chuck-Will's-Widows, which feed primarily on small insects.


A pair of Chuck-Will's-Widows, which feed primarily on small insects.

A flock of mocking-birds attacking a rattlesnake in a tree, which was threatening a nest.

Mockingbirds Attacking a Rattlesnake

A flock of mocking-birds attacking a rattlesnake in a tree, which was threatening a nest.

An oriole attacking a serpent on a branch.

Oriole and serpent

An oriole attacking a serpent on a branch.

Western line of barracks. There were four large buildings used for barracks within the fort, the walls or chimneys of which were built of limestone. One of them has been entirely removed, and another, two hundred and eighty-seven feet long, is almost demolished. Portions of it are seen on the left, in the foreground of the picture. The walls of the other two-one, one hundred and ninety-two, and the other two hundred and sixteen feet long, and two stories high- are quite perfect, and one of them was roofed and inhabited until within two or three years.  At each end, and between these barracks, are seen the remains of the western range of barracks, and looking southeast. The hills in the distance are the Green Mountains on the left, and the nearer range called Snake mountain, on the right.

Western Line of Barracks

Western line of barracks. There were four large buildings used for barracks within the fort, the walls…

A group of birds of the order natatores, whose webbed feet are well adapted for propelling them on and below the water in search of food.


A group of birds of the order natatores, whose webbed feet are well adapted for propelling them on and…

Also known as the snake-bird, the anhinga inhabits the freshwater areas of the South Atlantic States; also in South America as far south as Brazil.


Also known as the snake-bird, the anhinga inhabits the freshwater areas of the South Atlantic States;…

A frame surrounded by various reptiles.


A frame surrounded by various reptiles.

Ranging from eighteen to twenty-four inches long, the brown amphisbaena feeds on worms and insects, primarily ants.

Brown amphisbaena

Ranging from eighteen to twenty-four inches long, the brown amphisbaena feeds on worms and insects,…

Common in Europe, the slow-worm resembles a snake, but its internal structure is that of lizards.


Common in Europe, the slow-worm resembles a snake, but its internal structure is that of lizards.

Found in the woods of the Southern States, the glass-snake has the head of a lizard, but the body resembles that of a snake.


Found in the woods of the Southern States, the glass-snake has the head of a lizard, but the body resembles…

Resembling a snake, the anguine lizard has four vestigal limbs evident.

Anguine lizard

Resembling a snake, the anguine lizard has four vestigal limbs evident.

A snake chasing a frog.

Snake and frog

A snake chasing a frog.

A snake slithering on the ground.

Snake slithering

A snake slithering on the ground.

Section of the head of a serpent. a, poison fangs; b, poison glands; c, conductor for the poison; d, muscles of the jaws; e, tendon of the muscles; s, salivary glands.

Cross section of a viper head

Section of the head of a serpent. a, poison fangs; b, poison glands; c, conductor for the poison; d,…

A poisonous snake, known for using its "rattle" to warn off predators.


A poisonous snake, known for using its "rattle" to warn off predators.

The common European viper feeds on a small quadrupeds and reptiles. Its bite is venemous, but not usually fatal to humans.

Common European viper

The common European viper feeds on a small quadrupeds and reptiles. Its bite is venemous, but not usually…

Found in Europe from Sweden to the Medittanean Sea, the black viper is also the only venemous reptile in Grat Britain.

Black viper

Found in Europe from Sweden to the Medittanean Sea, the black viper is also the only venemous reptile…

A small species of venemous serpent found in the European Alps.


A small species of venemous serpent found in the European Alps.

An African species of hooded snake, the asp has a deadly bite.

Naia Haje

An African species of hooded snake, the asp has a deadly bite.

A cobra, or hooded serpent. This species can be found in India.

Hooded serpent

A cobra, or hooded serpent. This species can be found in India.

The bicolored sea-snake is found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, especially in the vicinity of Tahiti.

Bicolored sea-snake

The bicolored sea-snake is found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, especially in the vicinity of Tahiti.

Found in India, this species of bokadam is nonvenemous.

Karoo bokadam

Found in India, this species of bokadam is nonvenemous.

"Four to five feet long; color yellowishgray, cleaning with a pale golden hue, and dotted with whitish and black; native of Mexico." — -Goodrich, 1859

Golden Tree Snake

"Four to five feet long; color yellowishgray, cleaning with a pale golden hue, and dotted with whitish…

Found in India, the purple leptophis is violet and green, with a golden luster.

Purple leptophis

Found in India, the purple leptophis is violet and green, with a golden luster.

The <I>Dipsas cyanodon</I> is a harmless tree snake, found in India.

Dipsas Cyanodon

The Dipsas cyanodon is a harmless tree snake, found in India.

"The muzzle of H. tentaculatus is furnished with two soft prominences, covered with scales, the use of which is not ascertained. The tail is long and pointed." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Herpeton tentaculatus

"The muzzle of H. tentaculatus is furnished with two soft prominences, covered with scales, the use…

"The common snake of Europe... frequents woods, bogs, and other sheltered situations in the vicinity of water." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Common ring-snake

"The common snake of Europe... frequents woods, bogs, and other sheltered situations in the vicinity…

A black snake attacking a nest of brown thrushes.

Black Snake and Brown Thrushes

A black snake attacking a nest of brown thrushes.

"Pythons are the largest known serpents, which are found only in India and the islands of the Indian Archipelago." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"Pythons are the largest known serpents, which are found only in India and the islands of the Indian…

A female python guarding her clutch of eggs.

Python and eggs

A female python guarding her clutch of eggs.

"The boa constrictor grows to great size, and greatly resembles the python in its habits." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Boa constrictor

"The boa constrictor grows to great size, and greatly resembles the python in its habits." — Goodrich,…

A hindu snake charmer.

Hindu juggler

A hindu snake charmer.

"One to two feet long, color orange-red; moving in the waters it appears like a red-ribbon. This, as well as other species of this family, is often found cast on the shores by storms." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Red Bandfish

"One to two feet long, color orange-red; moving in the waters it appears like a red-ribbon. This, as…

"A genus of venomous serpents, they are of small size, live on dry land, and feed upon frogs, lizards, and other small animals. The tail is furnished with a horny spur at the end."-Whitney, 1902


"A genus of venomous serpents, they are of small size, live on dry land, and feed upon frogs, lizards,…

"Adder, or Viper (Pelias Berus)"-Whitney, 1902


"Adder, or Viper (Pelias Berus)"-Whitney, 1902

"American Snake-Bird (Anhinga)"-Whitney, 1902


"American Snake-Bird (Anhinga)"-Whitney, 1902

"Asp, as an Egyptian royal symbol.- Seti I., father of Rameses II."-Whitney, 1902


"Asp, as an Egyptian royal symbol.- Seti I., father of Rameses II."-Whitney, 1902

"Gopher is a name given by the early French settlers in the United States to various animals which honeycomb the ground by burrowing in it. In Illiois and canada it was given to a gray burrowing squirrel, in Wisconsin to a striped squirrel, and in Missouri to a burrowing pouched rat. All these are mammals; but in Georgia the term is applied to a snake, and in Florida to a turtle."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Gopher is a name given by the early French settlers in the United States to various animals which honeycomb…

"Cadmus and the Dragon. (From a vase-painting at Naples.)" &mdash; The Delphian Society, 1913

Cadmus and the Dragon

"Cadmus and the Dragon. (From a vase-painting at Naples.)" — The Delphian Society, 1913

"Rattlesnake is the English name for any species of the American genus Crotalus, the tail of which is furnished with a rattle. Garman enumerates 12 species and 13 varieties. The poison of the rattlesnake is usually fatal to man, though fortunately they are sluggish, and never attempt to strike unless they are molested. They are widely distributed on the American continent; but advancing civilization is rapidly thinning their numbers."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Rattlesnake is the English name for any species of the American genus Crotalus, the tail of which is…

"Altars were either square or round. Specimens of both kinds are here given from ancient sculptures." — Anthon, 1891


"Altars were either square or round. Specimens of both kinds are here given from ancient sculptures."…

A snake made out of acorns


A snake made out of acorns

A statue of Minerva, with a serpent depicted at the goddesses' feet.


A statue of Minerva, with a serpent depicted at the goddesses' feet.

"Hercules, a Theban prince, was another of the descendants of Pelops. The numerous and extraordinary feats of strength and valor of Hercules excited the admiration of his contemporaries, and, being afterwards exaggerated and embellished by poets, caused him at length to be regarded as a person endowed with supernatual powers, and even to be worshipped as a god." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Young Hercules

"Hercules, a Theban prince, was another of the descendants of Pelops. The numerous and extraordinary…