"Another small family, characterized by the extreme length of the slender legs, and the extreme slenderness of the long acute bill, which is either straight or curved upward. Recurvirostra is a 4-toed, and full-webbed; the bill is decidedly recurved, flattened, and tapers to a needle-like point; the body is depressed; the plumage underneath is thickened as in water-birds. The species swim well. Himantopus is 3 toes, semipalmate, the bill nearly straight, and not flattened; in relative length of leg it is probably not surpassed by any bird whatsoever. " Elliot Coues, 1884

Avocets Head and Foot

"Another small family, characterized by the extreme length of the slender legs, and the extreme slenderness…

"Sterna anaisthetikos. Bridled Tern. The foot of a Bridled Tern; Tarsus .85; middle toe the same, with the claw 1.20; outer toe 1.00; inner .75." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Foot of a Bridled Foot

"Sterna anaisthetikos. Bridled Tern. The foot of a Bridled Tern; Tarsus .85; middle toe the same, with…

The webbed foot of a duck.

Duck Foot

The webbed foot of a duck.

"Quiscalus. Grackle. The feet are large and strong, and the birds spend much of their time on the ground, where they walk or run instead of advancing by leaps." Elliot Coues, 1884

Grackle Foot

"Quiscalus. Grackle. The feet are large and strong, and the birds spend much of their time on the ground,…

"In ornithology, pinnatiped; having pinnate feet, the toes being separately furnished with flaps, as in the grebes, coots, phalaropes, fin-foots, etc." -Whitney, 1911

Fin-Footed Coot Foot

"In ornithology, pinnatiped; having pinnate feet, the toes being separately furnished with flaps, as…

"Cupidonia. Tarsi scant-feathered to the toes in front and on sides, bare on a strip behind; toes extensively webbed at base." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Foot of a Prairie Hen

"Cupidonia. Tarsi scant-feathered to the toes in front and on sides, bare on a strip behind; toes extensively…

"Diagram of plantar aspect of schizopelmous foot of a magpie (Pica caudata), showing the deep plantar tendons, separate from one another and from the superficial tendons. flh, flexor longus hallucis; fpd, flexor perforans digitorum." -Whitney, 1911

Magpie Foot

"Diagram of plantar aspect of schizopelmous foot of a magpie (Pica caudata), showing the deep plantar…

"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus 1.00; middle toe and claw 1.20; outer do. 1.05; inner do. .75; hind do. .30. "Elliot Coues, 1884

Sooty Tern Foot

"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus…

The semipalmate (half-webbed) foot of the willet (Tringa semipalmata).

Willet Foot

The semipalmate (half-webbed) foot of the willet (Tringa semipalmata).