An illustration of a forest fly which is also known as a bird tick.

Forest Fly

An illustration of a forest fly which is also known as a bird tick.

flycatchers are insectivorous songbirds.


flycatchers are insectivorous songbirds.

The collared fly-catcher, a bird which feeds on insects and the occaisional small vertebrate.

Collared Flycatcher

The collared fly-catcher, a bird which feeds on insects and the occaisional small vertebrate.

The fly-catcher proper feeds on insects, which it catches on the wing with vivacity and agility which are extraordinary, (Figuier, 1969).

King Flycatcher

The fly-catcher proper feeds on insects, which it catches on the wing with vivacity and agility which…

An impressive South American species of fly-catcher, with a transverse crest of reddish-fawn feathers.

King Flycatcher

An impressive South American species of fly-catcher, with a transverse crest of reddish-fawn feathers.

The European Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is a small passerine bird in the Muscicapidae family of Old World Flycatchers. Its former synonym was Muscicapa atricapilla.

European Pied Flycatcher

The European Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is a small passerine bird in the Muscicapidae family…

Found in the southern United States, the Savannah fly-catcher is notable for its long, forked tail.

Savannah Flycatcher

Found in the southern United States, the Savannah fly-catcher is notable for its long, forked tail.

The Scissortailed Flycatcher (Milvulus forficatus) is a tyrant flycatcher in the Tyrannidae family.

Scissortailed Flycatcher

The Scissortailed Flycatcher (Milvulus forficatus) is a tyrant flycatcher in the Tyrannidae family.

The spoon-bill tyrant fly-catcher has a large, thick bill, which it uses for feeding on butterflies.

Spoonbill Tyrant Flycatcher

The spoon-bill tyrant fly-catcher has a large, thick bill, which it uses for feeding on butterflies.

Traill's Flycatcher (Empidonax trailli) is a bird in the Tyrannidae family of tyrant flycatchers.

Traill's Flycatcher

Traill's Flycatcher (Empidonax trailli) is a bird in the Tyrannidae family of tyrant flycatchers.

The flysnapper or phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens) is a bird in the Ptilogonatidae family of silky-flycatchers.

Flysnapper on a Branch

The flysnapper or phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens) is a bird in the Ptilogonatidae family of silky-flycatchers.

The Graeco-Italic foliated shaft is a lamp-stand made out of bronze. It is a design that is inspired by nature which includes branches, leaves, a bird and it's nest.

Graeco-Italic Foliated Shaft

The Graeco-Italic foliated shaft is a lamp-stand made out of bronze. It is a design that is inspired…

Foot of Peregrine Falcon.

Falcon Foot

Foot of Peregrine Falcon.

Foot of Tawny Owl.

Owl Foot

Foot of Tawny Owl.

Foot of Yellow Wagtail.

Wagtail Foot

Foot of Yellow Wagtail.

Foot of Water-ousel.

Water-ousel Foot

Foot of Water-ousel.

(Archeopteryx macrocrura), an ancient bird fossil showing claws.


(Archeopteryx macrocrura), an ancient bird fossil showing claws.

"Digestive system of the common Fowl. o, Gullet; c, Crop; p, Proventriculus; g, Gizzard; sm, Small intestine; k, Intestinal caeca; l, Large intestine; cl, Cloaca." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919

Fowl Digestive System

"Digestive system of the common Fowl. o, Gullet; c, Crop; p, Proventriculus; g, Gizzard; sm, Small intestine;…

A pair of cochin china fowls.

Cochin China Fowl

A pair of cochin china fowls.

Instinctive fighters, this breed was often used for cock-fighting.

Game Fowl

Instinctive fighters, this breed was often used for cock-fighting.

The Guinea-fowl (or pintado) was originally native to Africa, but was introduced to American poultry-yards.

Guinea Fowl

The Guinea-fowl (or pintado) was originally native to Africa, but was introduced to American poultry-yards.

A group of water-fowl at a bank, with a fountain and pond visible in the background.

Group of Water Fowl

A group of water-fowl at a bank, with a fountain and pond visible in the background.

The Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants.

Black Francolin

The Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants.

In architecture the frieze is the wide central section part of an entablature and may be plain or—in the Ionic or Corinthian order—decorated with bas-reliefs. Even when neither columns nor pilasters are expressed, on an astylar wall it lies upon the architrave ('main beam') and is capped by the moldings of the cornice.In interiors, the frieze of a room is the section of wall above the picture rail and under the crown moldings or cornice. By extension, a frieze is a long stretch of painted, sculpted or even calligraphic decoration in such a position, normally above eye-level. Frieze decorations may depict scenes in a sequence of discrete panels. The material of which the frieze is made of may be plasterwork, carved wood or other decorative medium.This image is "intended to convey an idea of the details of decoration which characterized the Renaissance style during its best period, and which display considerable grace and finish. They are based on the antique Roman type, but still display a peculiar independent treatment, as in the deeply under-cut foliage in the arabesques and the lightness and clearness of the stalks and tendrils."

Friezes at Venice

In architecture the frieze is the wide central section part of an entablature and may be plain or—in…

The Ascension Frigatebird (Fregata aquila) is a large seabird in the Fregatidae family of frigatebirds.

Ascension Frigatebird

The Ascension Frigatebird (Fregata aquila) is a large seabird in the Fregatidae family of frigatebirds.

A seabird or petrel, the northern species being most common.


A seabird or petrel, the northern species being most common.

The cape petrel or fulmar is about the size of a small duck and inhabits the southern seas.

Cape Fulmar

The cape petrel or fulmar is about the size of a small duck and inhabits the southern seas.

"The Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) is a bird in the Procellariidae family of seabirds." -Whitney, 1911

Northern Fulmar

"The Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) is a bird in the Procellariidae family of seabirds." -Whitney,…

The gadwall (or gray duck) is nineteen inches long, and is found throughout Europe and America, as well as India.


The gadwall (or gray duck) is nineteen inches long, and is found throughout Europe and America, as well…

The Gadwall (Chaulelasmus streperus) is a widely distributed duck, appearing throughout Europe and N. America, as well as in Asia and the north of Africa. It is a freshwater species, remarkable for the great development of the comb-like 'teeth' at the margin of the bill. It is 19-20 inches long, generally grayish, finely mottled, with chestnut wing coverts. The underside of the wing pure white, while the speculum of the drake is blue.

Gadwall Duck

The Gadwall (Chaulelasmus streperus) is a widely distributed duck, appearing throughout Europe and N.…

The Florida Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus cerceris) is a subspecies of the Common Moorhen, a bird in the Rallidae family of rails.

Florida Gallinule

The Florida Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus cerceris) is a subspecies of the Common Moorhen, a bird in…

"The Pelecanus bassanus f Linnaeus and the Sule bassana of modern ornithologists, a large sea-fowl long known as a numerous visitor, for the purpose of breeding, to the Bass Rock at the entrance of the Firth of Forth, and to certain other islands off the coast of Britain, of which four are in Scottish waters." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The Pelecanus bassanus f Linnaeus and the Sule bassana of modern ornithologists, a large sea-fowl long…

"The Gannet (S. bassana) has slate-grey wing-quills, purplish-grey bill, reddish feet and naked parts." A. H. Evans, 1900 Additionally, these birds have white plumage and blue eyes.


"The Gannet (S. bassana) has slate-grey wing-quills, purplish-grey bill, reddish feet and naked parts."…

Also known as a Solan Goose (Sula bassana), the Gannet is a large marine bird which nests in scattered localities in most parts of the world. Its specific name refers to the fact that it has long been a denizen of Bass Rock -- a famous craggy islet on the coast of England. This bird also nests on Bird Rock in the gulf of St. Lawrence, and other species exist in the tropics. It belongs to the same sub-order as the cormorant, and may be recognized by the fact that, as in the latter, all four toes are united by a web. 

Its bill is long, strong, and compressed to a point. In adult life, the plumage is white, save for the black primaries and a buff patch on the head or neck; the young are dusky, and do not acquire the white plumage until their sixth year. Their nests contain only one egg.


Also known as a Solan Goose (Sula bassana), the Gannet is a large marine bird which nests in scattered…

The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) is a bird in the Pelecaniformes order of waterbirds. It was once known as the synonym Sula bassana.

Northern Gannet

The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) is a bird in the Pelecaniformes order of waterbirds. It was once…

Also known as the summer teal, the garganey is sixteen inches long and found in Southern Europe and India.


Also known as the summer teal, the garganey is sixteen inches long and found in Southern Europe and…

An illustration of a man on one knee preparing to shoot a geese that is flying overhead.

Geese Hunting

An illustration of a man on one knee preparing to shoot a geese that is flying overhead.

A girl in the woods with flowers and a bird.


A girl in the woods with flowers and a bird.

An illustration of a young girl watching a bird in a small tree.

Girl Looking at Bird in Tree

An illustration of a young girl watching a bird in a small tree.

"Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Poliptila caerulea). The blue-gray gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea, is a very common migratory insectivorous bird inhabiting woodlands of the United States." -Whitney, 1911

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

"Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Poliptila caerulea). The blue-gray gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea, is a very…

A small bird with a large mouth, which preys primarily on small insects.

European Goat-Sucker

A small bird with a large mouth, which preys primarily on small insects.

The foot of a goat-sucker, with a distinctively longer middle toe, believed to be used for either grasping insects or combing its whiskers.

Foot of a Goat-Sucker

The foot of a goat-sucker, with a distinctively longer middle toe, believed to be used for either grasping…

A large bird, averaging about twenty inches in length when full-grown. It is native to Australia.

Gold River Goat-Sucker

A large bird, averaging about twenty inches in length when full-grown. It is native to Australia.

Head of the goat-sucker. It bears some resemblence to an owl, with a large head and eyes, as well as mottled plumage and nocturnal habits.

Head of a Goat-Sucker

Head of the goat-sucker. It bears some resemblence to an owl, with a large head and eyes, as well as…

The Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a large shorebird in the Scolopacidae family of waders.

Marbled Godwit

The Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) is a large shorebird in the Scolopacidae family of waders.

The black-tailed godwit measures about sixteen inches in length, and is found throughout Europe during the spring and summer months.

Black-Tailed Godwits

The black-tailed godwit measures about sixteen inches in length, and is found throughout Europe during…

The Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) is a small bird in the Regulidae family of kinglets. It was also known as the synonym Regulus cristatus.


The Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) is a small bird in the Regulidae family of kinglets. It was also known…

Also known as the Kinglet, the Golden-Crested Wren (Regulus cristatus) is the smallest of European birds. In America, only the hummingbird is less in size. It is one of the warblers (Sylviidæ). The length of the body is from three to six inches, there is a bright yellow crest, the back is yellowish olive green, the wings and tail ash brown with black and white markings. The Golden-Crested Wren is generally distributed over Europe. In spring it utters a sweet and surprisingly loud song.

Golden-Crested Wren

Also known as the Kinglet, the Golden-Crested Wren (Regulus cristatus) is the smallest of European birds.…

the goldfinch is exceedingly docile, easily tamed and when raised as a cage-bird will readily become attached to those who take care of it, (Figuier, 1869).


the goldfinch is exceedingly docile, easily tamed and when raised as a cage-bird will readily become…

the goldfinch is exceedingly docile, easily tamed and when raised as a cage-bird will readily become attached to those who take care of it, (Figuier, 1869).


the goldfinch is exceedingly docile, easily tamed and when raised as a cage-bird will readily become…

The goldfinch is a member of the finch family, or Fringillidae.


The goldfinch is a member of the finch family, or Fringillidae.

The American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) is a North American bird in the Fringillidae family of finches.

American Goldfinch

The American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) is a North American bird in the Fringillidae family of finches.

Also known as the thistle-finch, it is often kept as a pet and taught to do tricks.

Common Goldfinch of Europe

Also known as the thistle-finch, it is often kept as a pet and taught to do tricks.

"Goldfish (Carassius auratus). A fish of the carp family Cyprinidae, Cyprinus or Carassius auratus, originally a Chinese species, now domesticated and bred everywhere for ornament in ponds, tanks, and aquariums." -Whitney, 1911


"Goldfish (Carassius auratus). A fish of the carp family Cyprinidae, Cyprinus or Carassius auratus,…

Found in both Europe and North America, the goosander is also known as the buff-breasted sheldrake, saw-bill, and as the dun-diver.


Found in both Europe and North America, the goosander is also known as the buff-breasted sheldrake,…

A small species of goose common in both Europe and America, known in the United States as the brant.

Brent Goose

A small species of goose common in both Europe and America, known in the United States as the brant.

Also known as the wild goose of America, the Canada goose averages about forty inches in length fully-grown, and is known for its yearly migration between Canada and the United States.

Canada Goose

Also known as the wild goose of America, the Canada goose averages about forty inches in length fully-grown,…

"The Canada Goose is an American wild goose 30 to 35 inches long, brownish above, lighter below, head, neck, bill and feet black, a white patch on the cheek; breeds in the N. of the continent and migrates S. when the frost becomes severe."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Canada Goose

"The Canada Goose is an American wild goose 30 to 35 inches long, brownish above, lighter below, head,…

The cereopsis goose is found in Australia, and is about the same size as the common goose.

Cereopsis Goose

The cereopsis goose is found in Australia, and is about the same size as the common goose.

A swan like goose.

Chinese Goose

A swan like goose.