Relations of the artery, vein, and capillaries.

Relations of Artery, Vein, and Capillaries

Relations of the artery, vein, and capillaries.

Diagram of the blood vascular system, showing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in it, consisting of the right and left halves of the heart, which are represented separate in the diagram. Labels: ra and rv, right auricle and ventricle; la and lv, left auricle and ventricle; ao, aorta; sc, systemic capillaries; vc, venae cavae; pa, pulmonary artery; pc, pulmonary capillaries; pv, pulmonary veins.

Blood Vascular System

Diagram of the blood vascular system, showing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in…

Diagram of circulation.

Diagram of Circulation

Diagram of circulation.

Diagram of circulation.

Diagram of Circulation

Diagram of circulation.

Diagram of the circulatory system, showing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in it, represented by the right and left halves of the heart, which are separated in the diagram. Labels: ra and rv, right auricle and ventricle; la and lv, left auricle and ventricle; ao, aorta; sc, systemic capillaries; vc, vena cava, pa, pulmonary artery; pc, pulmonary capillaries; pv, pulmonary veins.

Diagram of the Circulatory System

Diagram of the circulatory system, showing that it forms a single closed circuit with two pumps in it,…

A diagram of the circulation through the heart.

Circulation Through the Heart

A diagram of the circulation through the heart.

A representation of the heart as it really appears showing the front view. At <em>a</em> is the right auricle that receives blood from all pats of the body by two large veins h and i. At <em>b</em> is the right ventricle, which receives the blood from the auricle and sends it to the lungs by the pulmonary artery <em>f</em>. At <em>c</em> is the left auricle, which receives the blood from the lungs by the pulmonary veins <em>g, g, g</em>. At <em>d</em> is the left ventricle which receives blood from the auricle and forces it all over the body through the aorta <em>e</em>.

Heart, Front View of

A representation of the heart as it really appears showing the front view. At a is the right…

Semilunar valves of the heart.

Semilunar Valves

Semilunar valves of the heart.