Piece of a flowering-stem of Moneywort with single flower successively produced in the axils of the…
"Cocculus macrocarpus. 1. male flower; 2. a petal and stamen; 3. a cluster of fruit; 4. seed; 5. section…
The open spread part of the flower is very thin, and the ribs are to it what the whalebones are to an…
Corolla of Morning Glory laid open, to show the five stamens inserted on it, near the base.
The flower part of this bud is twisted at its point end in a spiral manner. This bud is partially closed.
Embryo taken out whole and unfolded; the broad and very thin cotyledons notched at summit; the caulicle…
Seed of Morning Glory divided, moderately magnified; shows a longitudinal section through the centre…
Seedling of Morning Glory more advanced (root cut away); cotyledons well developed into foliage-leaves:…
The flower and plant of the moschatel or Adoxa moschatellina, a flowering plant in the Adoxaceae family.
"Turn table for cementing coverglasses to slides. For use where the mounting medium is glycerine or…
Mucor caninus is a species of mold found in soil, on plant surfaces, and rotting vegetables.
The Mulberry contains masses of simple fruits belonging to different flowers, compacted together,(Gray,…
The fruit is a multiple fruit, 2-3 cm long, red ripening to dark purple, edible, and sweet with a good…
One of the grains younger, seen to be a pistillate flower with calyx becoming fleshy.
"Morus alba. 1. A male flower; 2. clusters of females; 3. a female flower separate; 4. the same with…
"Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus). L, cross-section of leaf-blade, showing relative thickness of a layer…
"Eugenia tuberculata. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a stamen; 4. a ripe fruit; 5.…
"Napoleona imperialis. 1. a flower-bud just expanding; 2. the fleshy cup, and table-shaped stigma; 3.…
"Chymocarpus pentaphyllus; 2. a longitudinal section of its flower; 3. ovary of Tropaeolum majus; 4.…
"Branch of Procris splendens; 2. cluster of male and female flowers; 3. a male flower about to expand;…
New Zealand Flax is a liliaceous plant bearing tough, radical leaves, usually about four feet in length.…
New Zealand Flax is a liliaceous plant bearing tough, radical leaves, usually about four feet in length.…
"Myristica fragrans. 1. a flower; 2. a column of stamens; 3. a section of a female showing the ovary…
"Acorn and cupule of Quercus Skinneri, natural size; 2. cross section of the acorn, showing the lobed…
"Cross-sections of leaves of an oak (Quercus novimexicana), showing the effect of different light conditions…
"Ochna dubia. 1. expanded flower; 2. section of pistil and stamens; 3. pistil; 4. section of a ripe…
"Ochranthe arguta. 1. grain of pollen; 2. perpendicular section of its pistil." -Lindley, 1853
"Flowering Branch of Oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia). a, fruit; b, section of same." -Whitney, 1911
Four cells from dried Onion-peel, each holding a crystal of different shape, one of them twinned.
"Apostasia odorata; 1. a flower; 2. the stamens and style; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a seed."…