"1. branch of Pyrus communis; 2. its flower divided vertically; 3. a cross section of its fruit." -Lindley,…
"Germinating peas, growing in water, one deprived of its cotyledons." -Bergen, 1896
"Celastrus paniculatus. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a cross section of…
Corolla, laid open, and stamens of Pentstemon grandiflorus, with a sterile filament in the place of…
"Serronia Jaborandi. 1. a cluster of flowers magnified; 2. a ripe fruit; 3. a vertical section of the…
Stamens of a flower that surround the rim of a cup or tube that surrounds the ovary, but is not attached…
"Vinca minor. 1. corolla opened; 2. style and stigma; 3. perpendicular section of the double ovary;…
Section through a petal of buttercup (Ranunculus), showing nectar gland (n). Note bundle of conducting…
Petunia violacea or the violetflower petunia is a trumpet shaped flowering plant of the Solanaceae family.
Plagiochila is a large, common, and widespread genus of liverworts in order Jungermanniales. It is a…
"Philesia buxifolia; 2. stigma of Lapageria rosea (Copihue); 3. its ovary cut across; 4. its ovule."…
"Pysostemon lanceolatum. 1. a flower of the natural size; 2. the calyx, stamens, and ovary; 3. the ripe…
"Brunonia sericea. 1. a complete flower; 2. the pistil; 3. a ripe fruit; 4. embryo." -Lindley, 1853
"Cone of Pinus muricata, showing the difference between the outer and inner sides of the same strobilius…
Section of a Pine-seed, showing its polycotyledonous embryo in the centre of the albumen; moderately…
Seedling of pine-seed, showing the freshly expanded six cotyledons in a whorl, and the plumule just…
The fimbriate petals of the flower of the Clove Pink (Dianthus caryophyllus), from the Caryophyllaceae…
From left to right: Pinnate with odd leaflet, Pinnate with a tendril in place, Pinnate with even pairs.
From left to right: pinnately lobed, pinnately cleft, pinnately parted, pinnately divided.
The upper side of an open pistil or scale from a forming Larch-cone. The ovules becoming seeds.
Compound 3-carpellary pistil of common St. John's-wort, cut across: the three styles separate.
Pistil of a Sandwort, with vertical and transverse section of the ovary: free central placenta.
Two simple carpals or pistil-leaves, united at the base only, cut across both above and below.
The same of shrubby St. John's-wort; the three styles as well as ovaries here united into one.
Compound 3-carpellary pistil of Tradescantia or Spiderwort; the three stigmas as well as styles and…
Piece of a branch of Pitch Pine, with three leaves in a fascicle or bundle, in the axial of a thin scale,…
This shows the cluster of three leaves of the Pitch Pine, Pinus rigida, (Keeler, 1915).