"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"a shows a young tree with its second year's growth, the upright shoot of the maiden tree having been…
Also known as Populus tremuloides. A species of tree native to the cooler areas of North America.
The branch of a Quercus undulata tree, a species of oak. Native to the southwestern United States.
Also known as Betula occidentalis. The branch of a Red Birch tree, native to western North America.
Also known as Morus rubra. The branch of a Red Mulberry tree, native to eastern North America, from…
Also known as Salix laevigata. The branch of a Red Willow tree, native to Pacific Coastal California.
"Ribes rubrum. 1. perpendicular section of a flower; 2. cross section of the ovary; 3. seed; 4. a perpendicular…
A black redstart perched on a branch in front of a stone building. It greatly resembles the redstart.
Also known as Betula nigra. The branch of a River Birch tree, native to eastern United States.
Also known as Ulmus thomasii. The branch of a Rock Elm tree, native to the midwestern United States.
Also known as Juniperus scopulorum. Native to western North America.
Also known as Salix cordata. The branch of a Sand Dune Willow, native to northeast North America.
Santalum album is a small tropical tree cultivated for its fragrant oil and medicinal uses.
Callitris quadrivalvis (or Tetraclinis articulata) is a coniferous tree in the cypress family known…
"Sapodilla (Sapota zapotilla). (a), the fruit; (b), the same, transversely cut." -Whitney, 1911
Also known as Amelanchier alnifolia. The branch of a Saskatoon shrub, native to North America, primarily…
"Sassafras (Sassafras sassafras). 1. Branch with fruits. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. a, b, c, different…
Also known as Juniperus sabina. A species of juniper native to central and southern Europe, as well…
Also known as Quercus coccinea. The branch of a red oak tree native to the eastern United States.
Also known as Coccolobis uvifera. A branch of a Sea Grape plant, native throughout tropical America…
Also known as Alnus maritima. The branch of a Seaside Alder, native to the United States.
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing fruit.
A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.
Also known as Hicoria ovata. The branch of a Shagbark Hickory tree, native to the eastern United States.
Also known as Quercus breviloba. The branch of a Shallow-lobed Oak tree, native to the southern United…
Also known as Hicoria laciniosa. The branch of the Shellbark Hickory tree, native to the midwestern…
Also known as Quercus imbricaria. The branch of a Shingle Oak tree, native primarily to the midwestern…
"The so-called green jackdaw of Asia, Cissa sinensis. The sirgang inhabits the southeastern Himalayan…
Also known as Salix sitchensis. The branch of a Sitka Willow tree, native to northwestern North America.
Also known as Ulmus fulva. The branch of a Slippery Elm tree, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Malus angustifolia. The branch of a Southern Crabapple tree, native throughout the Southeastern…