Also known as Quercus virginiana. The branch of a Southern Live Oak tree, native to the southeastern…
Also known as Magnolia grandiflora. The branch and flower of a Southern Magnolia plant, native to the…
Also known as Quercus falcata. The branch of a Spanish Oak tree, naive to the eastern coast of the United…
Padda oryzivora. "...the rice bird of Java...about as large as the bobolink, of a bluish-gray color…
Somewhat aloof from human habitiation, the wood-sparrow can often be seen mingline with other sparrow…
"Euonymus europaeus. 1. a section of a fruit; 2. a seed enveloped in its aril; 3. a perpendicular section…
"Summer Pruning should be performed while the shoots are yet young and succulent, so that they may be…
"Summer Pruning should be performed while the shoots are yet young and succulent, so that they may be…
Nest of the common European swallow, which can be found in old wells and mines, under the roofs of barns…
Also known as Quercus michauxii. The branch of a Swamp Chestnut Oak tree, native to the wetlands of…
Also known as Populus heterophylla. The branch from a Swamp Cottonwood tree, native to warm regions…
Also known as Quercus laurifolia. The branch of a Swamp Laurel Oak, native to the southeast United States.
Also known as Quercus palustris. A species of red oak tree native to eastern United States.
Also known as Betula lenta. A species of birch native to eastern North America.
Also known as Malus coronaria. The branch of a Sweet Crabapple tree, native to the southern United States.
An illustration of a teacher wearing a hat and robe whipping a young pupil with a branch.
Also known as Yucca treculeana. The branch of a Texas Bayonette, a species of perennial shrubs in the…
An evergreen coniferous tree found throughout North America and Europe.
"Branch with flowers of Salvadora persica. (a), a female flower; (b), the fruit." -Whitney, 1911
Also known as Quercus toumeyi. The branch of a Toumey Oak tree, native to Mexico and the United States.
Also known as Heteromeles arbutifolia. The branch of a Toyon tree, native to California.
Also known as Quercus cerris. The branch of a Turkey Oak tree, native to southern Europe.
A branch from an Umbellularia californica tree, native to the forests of California and Oregon.
Also known as Magnolia tripetala. The branch of an Umbrella Magnolia tree, native to the southeastern…
Also known as Juniperus osteosperma. A small tree native to the southwestern United States.
Also known as Quercus lobata. The branch of a Valley Oak tree, native to California.
Also known as Planera aquatica. The branch of a Water Elm tree, native to the southeastern United States.
Also known as Hicoria aquatica. The branch of a Water Hickory tree, native to the southeast United States.
Also known as Quercus nigra. The branch of a Water Oak tree, native to the southeastern United States.
Also known as Myrica cerifera. A small tree native to North America. It is commonly used for candle-making,…
Also known as Juniperus flaccida. A large shrub or small tree native to central and northern Mexico,…
Also known as Tsuga heterophylla. A species of hemlock native to the west coast of North America.
Also known as Juniperus occidentalis. Native to the western United States.
Also known as Thuja plicata. An evergreen coniferous tree native to western North America.
Also known as Platanus racemosa. The branch of a Western Sycamore tree, native to California.
Also known as Alnus rhombifoiia. The branch of a White Alder tree, native to western North America.
Also known as Quercus alba. The branch of a White Oak tree, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Quercus phellos. The branch of a Willow Oak tree, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Ulmus alata. The branch of a Winged Elm tree, native to the southern United States.
The Woodwaxen or Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria) is a flowering plant in the legume family, Fabaceae.
"The females alone excavate the domiciles, which consist either of branching galleries, as in the gallery…
Also known as Betula lenta. The branch of a Yellow Birch tree, native to eastern North America.
Also known as Liriodendron tulipifera. A branch of a Yellow Poplar tree, native throughout North America.
Also known as Salix taxifolia. The branch of a Yewleaf Willow, native to southern Mexico and the Pacific…