The Chinch-bug, Blissus leucopterus species; larva.
The Chinch-bug, Blissus leucopterus species; larva.
The Chinch-bug, Blissus leucopterus species; pupa.
The Chinch-bug, Blissus leucopterus species; leg.
a, Ceresa bubalus, ovipositing in slits; b, the eggs; d, arranged as at c, old, scarred punctures shown…
The dog-day harvest-fly, Cicada tibicen.
The periodical cicada, pupa.
The periodical cicada, pupa-skin from which the adult has emerged.
The periodical cicada, the adult.
The periodical cicada, egg punctures.
The periodical cicada, eggs taken from the egg punctures.
Cicada egg punctures, freshly made.
Cicada egg punctures, old and distended.
Cicada egg punctures, from outside.
Cicada egg punctures, cut down on puncture to show the two chambers.
Cicada egg punctures, side view of an egg-chamber.
Cock's-comb gall on elm, Colopha ulmicola- larva just hatched.
Cock's-comb gall on elm, Colopha ulmicola- pupa.
Cock's-comb gall on elm, Colopha ulmicola- winged ault.
Crambus vulvivagellus species; larva.
Crambus vulvivagellus species; b, larva; c, underground tube and cocoon; f, moth with wings at rest.
Crambus vulvivagellus species; moth with wings spread.
Crambus vulvivagellus species; wing of moth.
Crambus vulvivagellus species; an egg.