"The arc lamp is essentially a device for automatically separating the carbons when the current is turned…
"Illustration showing the detail of a carbon arc lamp; S, solenoid; c, clutch; w, clutch-washer; T,…
Arc lighting, which used two carbon rods conducting electricity to produce light. -Atkinson 1903
Edison's Carbon Telephone. He tried using carbon with the purpose of reducing the delicacy of the instrument.
In the orthorhombic system, tabular crystals of lead carbonite (cerussite), bounded by the forms ∞P∞̆,…
Curvature of crystal planes is quite a constant property of some substances. It may be due to a very…
In the gold extraction process, finely crushed ores are leached in vats with a very diluted solution…
"Pure crystalline carbon, the hardest substance known, possessing great lustre owing to its great refracting…
"The second form of carbon, known as graphite, is a leaden-gray solid with a metallic luster and a specific…
"The elements are zinc and carbon. In the Greet cell, a zinc plate is suspended b a rod between two…
"...and is constructed with a zinc plate suspended between two carbon plates, so as to have two carbon…
"...and is constructed with a zinc plate suspended between two carbon plates, so as to have two carbon…
This figure shows hemimorphism in the direction of the axis of symmetry on a crystal of Pentacid Alcohol…
Hemimorphism in the direction of the vertical axis has been observed on crystals of the tetragonal salt,…
"Incandescence lamps operate essentially on the principle...[that] the current being sent through some…
"Partz acid gravity cell. In this form of cell, the electrolyte which surrounds the zinc is either magnesium…
"Fill with carbon dioxide a large rubber toy balloon or other double-convex lens having easily flexible…
A rose cut is a cut of gemstone. In this cut, the upper surface is shaped into triangular facets of…