"One of a pair of metallic stands used to support wood burned on an open hearth."-Whitney, 1902


"One of a pair of metallic stands used to support wood burned on an open hearth."-Whitney, 1902

An illustration of a young boy sitting on a stool watching a tea kettle in a fireplace.

Boy Watching Tea Kettle in Fireplace

An illustration of a young boy sitting on a stool watching a tea kettle in a fireplace.

"Four such trenches radiating from a common central chimney will give one flue for use whatever may be the direction of the wind." — Moss, 1914

Camp chimney

"Four such trenches radiating from a common central chimney will give one flue for use whatever may…

"The flames leap up the chimney." -Beard 1906


"The flames leap up the chimney." -Beard 1906

Geirrod the giant spies a bird on the chimney of his castle. It is really Loki wearing Freya's eagle feather coat. Geirrod keeps him and gives him no food or water since he will not talk.

Geirrod and Loki

Geirrod the giant spies a bird on the chimney of his castle. It is really Loki wearing Freya's eagle…

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has a dome or arch a, and back water-way b; the heated products of combustion striking against this back are sent up the central flue c, and then diverted into the side flues d, d, before passing into the chimney shaft e." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Gold Medal Boiler

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has…

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has a dome or arch a, and back water-way b; the heated products of combustion striking against this back are sent up the central flue c, and then diverted into the side flues d, d, before passing into the chimney shaft e." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Gold Medal Boiler

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has…

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has a dome or arch a, and back water-way b; the heated products of combustion striking against this back are sent up the central flue c, and then diverted into the side flues d, d, before passing into the chimney shaft e." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Gold Medal Boiler

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has…

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has a dome or arch a, and back water-way b; the heated products of combustion striking against this back are sent up the central flue c, and then diverted into the side flues d, d, before passing into the chimney shaft e." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Gold Medal Boiler

"The Gold Medal Boiler is perhaps one of the best of these modified saddles, and like the others has…

"A representation of a section of a grate and chimney. C D represents the light and warm column of air within the chimney, and A B the cold and heavy column of air outside the chimney. The column A B being cold and heavy presses down, the column C D being light and warm rushes up, and the greater the difference between the weight of these two columns, the greater will be the draught." —Wells, 1857


"A representation of a section of a grate and chimney. C D represents the light and warm column of air…

"The oldest form of blast heating apparatus, applied by Neilson, consisted of a tubular rivetted boiler plate heating vessel, mounted in a brick chamber OOOO, and heated by a fire underneath fed through the door D, the waste gases from the fire passing out at the far end of the chimney. Crescent-shaped partitions p, p, p inside the heater caused the current of air from the blowing engine which entered at B to take a serpentine course as indicated by the arrows, finally passing off at S to the furnace." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Hotblast Stove

"The oldest form of blast heating apparatus, applied by Neilson, consisted of a tubular rivetted boiler…

An illustration of a two story house with a chimney.

Two Story House with Chimney

An illustration of a two story house with a chimney.

"With a lamp chimney or other large glass tube, a perforated cork, two pieces of glass tubing 4 and 15 inches long respectively, a bit of rubber tubing, a small lamp or candle, and two coverless crayon boxes, arrange apparatus as shown." — Avery, 1895

Lamp chimney and candle

"With a lamp chimney or other large glass tube, a perforated cork, two pieces of glass tubing 4 and…

"A 'lean-to' of plain design. New England, about 1750." —Kinne, 1920


"A 'lean-to' of plain design. New England, about 1750." —Kinne, 1920

"Nelson House, Yorktown, VA. Which was occupied as headquarters by General Cornwallis.

Nelson House

"Nelson House, Yorktown, VA. Which was occupied as headquarters by General Cornwallis.

"House with gambrel roof, New England, 1765. The piazza is a recent and poor addition." —Kinne, 1920

Gambrel roof

"House with gambrel roof, New England, 1765. The piazza is a recent and poor addition." —Kinne,…

"The same house, as it might be. notice the fine effect of the windows." —Kinne, 1920

Gambrel roof

"The same house, as it might be. notice the fine effect of the windows." —Kinne, 1920

"Cold air flows up through the pipe a, and is heated by stobe b, inclosed in sheet iron c. The smoke stack e warms the air about it in brick flue f and thus draws the foul air through the opening d." —Davison, 1910

Ventilating room

"Cold air flows up through the pipe a, and is heated by stobe b, inclosed in sheet iron c. The smoke…

The mask terminus is a modern design that is found on a chimney. It is ornamented with festoons and a figure.

Mask Terminus

The mask terminus is a modern design that is found on a chimney. It is ornamented with festoons and…

A lamp chimney with a candle burning in the bottom. At the top of the chimney is a piece of paper showing the inward and outward air currents.

Experiment of Ventilation

A lamp chimney with a candle burning in the bottom. At the top of the chimney is a piece of paper showing…