A girl and her grandfather going to church.

Going to Church

A girl and her grandfather going to church.

Lutterworth church.

Lutterworth Church

Lutterworth church.

Thomas Gray was a prominent English poet.  Stoke-Pogis Church, which is illustrated, was the subject of Gray's poem "Elegy."

Thomas Gray

Thomas Gray was a prominent English poet. Stoke-Pogis Church, which is illustrated, was the subject…

Illustration of Wesley Chapel on John Street in New York. It was dedicated on October 30, 1768. The chapel was named after John Wesley. It was torn down and replaced in 1818. It is a simple building with an arched main doorway and a small staircase leading to another set of double doors to the right. Several men and women are gathered in front of the building. There is a second building adjoining.

Wesley Chapel on John Street

Illustration of Wesley Chapel on John Street in New York. It was dedicated on October 30, 1768. The…