(1822-1888) Critic and poet that wrote such poems as The Scholar Gipsy and Sohrab and Rustum

Matthew Arnold

(1822-1888) Critic and poet that wrote such poems as The Scholar Gipsy and Sohrab and Rustum

(1822-1888) English poet, critic, and essayist.

Matthew Arnold

(1822-1888) English poet, critic, and essayist.

A French poet and critic. He was born November 1, 1636 and died March 13, 1711.


A French poet and critic. He was born November 1, 1636 and died March 13, 1711.

William Dean Howells (March 1, 1837 - May 11, 1920) was an American realist author and literary critic.

William Dean Howells

William Dean Howells (March 1, 1837 - May 11, 1920) was an American realist author and literary critic.

United States writer, diplomat, and abolitionist.

James Russell Lowell

United States writer, diplomat, and abolitionist.

(1819-1891) American poet, critic, essayist, orator and diplomat most famous for The Vision of Sir Launfal.

James Russell Lowell

(1819-1891) American poet, critic, essayist, orator and diplomat most famous for The Vision of Sir Launfal.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), an English poet, philosopher, and critic.

Samual Taylor Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), an English poet, philosopher, and critic.

(1759-1824) German scholar and critic.

Friedrich A. Wolf

(1759-1824) German scholar and critic.