"Obverse. Groat of Edward III. GROAT. An English silver coin, of the value of fourpence, first issued…
"Reverse. Groat of Edward III. GROAT. An English silver coin, of the value of fourpence, first issued…
"Gros Tournois of Louis IX. GROS. A coin of relatively large size: applied to silver coins of various…
"Gros Tournois of Louis IX. GROS. A coin of relatively large size: applied to silver coins of various…
"Groschen of Hanover, 1866. GROSCHEN. A small silver coin of various kinds in Germany from the fourteenth…
An English gold piece, struck during the reign of Charles II. They are called guineas because they were…
"Silver gulden of William III., King of the Netherlands, 1867. GULDEN. One of several gold coins in…
"Obverse. Gun-money. Half-crown, 1689. GUN-MONEY. Money of the coinage issued by James II in Ireland…
"Reverse. Gun-money. Half-crown, 1689. GUN-MONEY. Money of the coinage issued by James II in Ireland…
"Minerva is often represented on gems and coins, hurling the thunderbolts of Jove. The following cut,…
"A coin, generally of unusual shape and rude workmanship, issued in a town or castle during a siege,…
In 1690, The Massachusetts Bay Colony issued the first paper money in the colonies, called Colonial…
The Pine-Tree Shilling. This is a fac-simile of the first money coined in America. The mint-master,…
An illustration of a roman coin (denarius). The left side represents the laurel-crowned head of Titus.…
"Specimens occur in gold, but most frequently in silver. Their average weight is 15 grains, and they…
The sestertius or sesterce was an ancient silver coin during the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.
"A money formerly used in Scandinavia and northern Germany, in some places as a coin and in others as…
"A money formerly used in Scandinavia and northern Germany, in some places as a coin and in others as…
"Reverse of a Massachusetts Treasury note. This is a fac simile of the device on the back of one of…
"Represents Vesta seated on a throne, with the Palladium of Rome in her hand." — Anthon, 1891