"At sea the declination is generally observed by means of an azimuth compass invented by Kater. It consists…
"When a line of direction falls within the base, a body stands when not, it falls... On the same principle,…
A compass placed in some convenient part of a ship on the midship line and provided with vanes, screws,…
"It has four cardinal points, N, E, S, and W marked, as well as a circle graduated in degrees from sero…
The Double Arrow sign may be used to advise road users that traffic is permitted to pass on either side…
The Double Arrow sign may be used to advise road users that traffic is permitted to pass on either side…
The Double Arrow sign may be used to advise road users that traffic is permitted to pass on either side…
The Double Arrow sign may be used to advise road users that traffic is permitted to pass on either side…
An illustration of military personnel in formation changing direction.
An illustration of military personnel in formation picking up full pace after changing direction.
"Illustrating Maxwell's 'corkscrew rule' for relative directions of current and lines of force...a current…
"Fleming's rule for direction of induced current. Extend the thumb, forefinger and middle finger of…
"A slender length of brass resting in a small brass button and designed to stand vertically on the center…
"Direction of the needle when placed at a right angle to the uniting wire." -Comstock 1850
"Direction of the needle when placed vertical next to the uniting wire." -Comstock 1850
"To change the direction, it is only necessary that the rope by which the weight is to be raised, should…