"This species is common over the whole of Europe, and lives at the expense of caterpillars and other…
"By catching one of these flies, and pressing the thorax between the finger and thumb, it is forced…
"This trunk, or tongue, may be looked upon as the mouth of the insect."
"The instrument with which the female is supplied for piercing the thick skin of the ox."
"Chrysops Caecutiens torment horses and cattle very much by biting them around the eyes."
"A little fly about half the size of a house-fly. This insect lives chiefly upon the fruit of the olive-tree."
"They pass fifteen or sixteen days in boring a gallery in the pulp of the olive, at first vertically,…
"A little fly about half the size of a house-fly. This insect lives chiefly upon the fruit of the olive-tree."
"Sometimes these insects destroy grass; they often injure the harvest."
"They derive nourishment from flowers, deposit their eggs on caterpillars, and the young larvae on hatching…
"The eggs are white and conical. They adhere to the horse's hair."
Larvae of Estrus (Gasterophilus) Equi. Representation of "the state of a horse's stomach attacked by…
Gnats are a member of the Culicidae family. "They present a charming appearance when seen through…
Gnats are a member of the Culicidae family. "They present a charming appearance when seen through…
"The gnat's sting is a sort of a sword in miniature. These have their points reversed, and are serrated…
"Many have observed in stagnant water, a number of worm-like bodies. These are gnats in the larvae period."
"The number of gnats which come into existence in the course of a year is marvelous."
"The head of the gnat with its two eyes, its antennae and trunk. Their eyes, covered with network, are…
"That which is generally seen is only the case containing the instruments which are intended to pierce…
In the pupa state, there is no digestive system, but it does have respiration organs.
"The larvae of these insects commit depredations for which gourmands will never forgive them, destroying,…
The tail of these worms will grow as the depth of water is increased to accommodate breathing.
"In England they are known as rat-tailed maggots, and their habits are aquatic."
"During the months of July and August, the Estrus frequents pastures, and deposits its eggs on the shoulders,…
"During the months of July and August, the Estrus frequents pastures, and deposits its eggs on the shoulders,…
"Ashy color, with the face black, the sides of the head yellow, and the forehead yellow with black stripes."
"A specimen of the golden fly; it is rather more than one third of an inch in length."
"In order that the may pierce the skin, the fly is provided with a very small lancet, which has a very…
"The trunk appears to be composed of two parts, joined, and forming a more or less obtuse angle."
"The Tabanus Autumnalis is a common species, eight or nine lines in length, or a blackish color."
"It is not dangerous to man, but its sting kills the ox, the horse, the sheep and the dog, and renders…
"It is not dangerous to man, but its sting kills the ox, the horse, the sheep and the dog, and renders…
"The larva makes a small tunnel in the sand, having a conical mouth, where it waits, like the spider,…
Because they resemble the humblebee, they introduce their eggs into humblebee nests. When the larvae…