Girls running.

Girls running

Girls running.

An illustration of two girls singing while holding a chorus book between the two of them.

Two Girls Singing & a Holding Chorus Book

An illustration of two girls singing while holding a chorus book between the two of them.

An illustration of two girls wearing bonnets and walking outdoors.

Two Girls Walking with Bonnets

An illustration of two girls wearing bonnets and walking outdoors.

An illustration of a grandfather playing with his two granddaughters and two grandsons.

Grandfather Playing with Children

An illustration of a grandfather playing with his two granddaughters and two grandsons.

Two girls doing laundry.


Two girls doing laundry.

Two young girls looking through a stack of magazines.

Magazine Pile

Two young girls looking through a stack of magazines.

Children mining for Halloween treats.

Children mining

Children mining for Halloween treats.

The pied piper playing as children follow.

Pied Piper

The pied piper playing as children follow.

The servant meets Rebekah in the Bible story, The Marriage of Isaac.


The servant meets Rebekah in the Bible story, The Marriage of Isaac.

An illustration of a group of women in a sewing circle.

Sewing Circle

An illustration of a group of women in a sewing circle.

Sisters playing "This piggy went to the market."


Sisters playing "This piggy went to the market."

Children throwing snowballs at each other.

Snowball Fight

Children throwing snowballs at each other.

Reception of Washington at Trenton


Reception of Washington at Trenton

A group of children apparently being disciplined for not respecting their teacher or having good manners.

Children in Trouble

A group of children apparently being disciplined for not respecting their teacher or having good manners.

Two girls looking away.

Two girls

Two girls looking away.

An illustration of two women standing at a door with one holding a large tree branch.

Woman Holding Tree Branch

An illustration of two women standing at a door with one holding a large tree branch.

An illustration of a woman leading two blindfolded girls.

Woman with Two Girls

An illustration of a woman leading two blindfolded girls.

An illustration of three women and two girls having tea and snacks.

Three Women & Two Girls Having Tea

An illustration of three women and two girls having tea and snacks.

An illustration of a group of women dancing.

Women Dancing

An illustration of a group of women dancing.

An illustration of a group of women talking.

Women Talking

An illustration of a group of women talking.

A group of young girls with flowers.

Young Girls with Flowers

A group of young girls with flowers.