The bicycle, bike, or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other.


The bicycle, bike, or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two wheels attached to a frame,…

A hobby horse (or hobby-horse) is a child's toy horse, particularly popular during the days before cars. Just as children today imitate adults driving cars, so, in former times, children played at riding a wooden hobby-horse made of a straight stick with a small horse's head (of wood or stuffed fabric), and perhaps reins, attached to one end. The bottom end of the stick sometimes had a small wheel or wheels attached.

Hobby Horse

A hobby horse (or hobby-horse) is a child's toy horse, particularly popular during the days before cars.…

Boy with his hobby-horse.


Boy with his hobby-horse.

A small wooden horse with rockers, or stick on which boys ride.


A small wooden horse with rockers, or stick on which boys ride.

An illustration of a woman scolding a young boy with a hobby horse.

Woman Scolding Boy with a Hobby Horse

An illustration of a woman scolding a young boy with a hobby horse.