Here is a bungalow style, two story farmhouse nestled amongst the trees. There is a typical hipped roof,…
The blueprints of "The Adele" clearly show the large bay window in the dining area. There is also a…
Here is a small, one bedroom bungalow style house. Is has a hipped roof with a gabled window in the…
Union soldiers being held at Andersonville, a Confederate prison.
Illustration of an Anglo-Saxon manor house or noble's house from 11th century England. There are several…
A three story Queen Anne Victorian style house. This house includes the typical, round tower associated…
The floor plan of this three story Queen Anne Victorian style house shows the openness of this large…
Illustration of pattern showing steps to make a barn. The barn is a composite figure made up of a triangular…
The Beekman Mansion was built over the course of two years, from 1802 to 1804, for the family of William…
A heavy border which shuts out a bleak field. In front of this border is an ideal place for flowers.
An illustration of a boy carrying an armful of firewood through the front doorway of a house.
"A modern square cottage, or 'bungalow', well proportioned. A good design for a village house." —Kinne,…
Benjamin Chew (November 19, 1722 – January 20, 1810) was a fifth-generation American, a Quaker-born…
The residence of William Coddington, the first governor of Rhode Island from 1640-1647.
"Rogers's Conical Boiler, which has long been in use, is very suitable for heating pits and small houses,…
"This triangular shape is a good one also for a movable poultry-house in its simplest form." —…
A cottage with a lovely garden and white picket fence. Sunflowers bloom and grape vines grow wild.
Two couples waiting at each other, one pair from the doorstep of a house, the other from an old convertable…
An illustration of a house cricket larva. Acheta domesticus (house cricket) is a cricket native to Europe.…
An illustration of a house cricket pupa. Acheta domesticus (house cricket) is a cricket native to Europe.…
"House Cricket (Gryllus domesticus): a, eggs; b, young just hatched; c, full-grown larva; d, pupa; e,…
Acheta domesticus (house cricket) is a cricket native to Europe. Both sexes of this grey or brown cricket…