"These creatures are found on many trees, but particularly n the oak, the foliage of which they often…
"When they are full grown, and the time approaches for their metamorphosis, they abandon their food,…
This caterpillar builds a case around itself using bits of cotton taken from clothing. If it does not…
"The caterpillar is yellow, spotted with black; its cocoon is boatshaped, with longitudinal furrows,…
"The mouth of a biting insect is composed of an upper lip, a pair of mandibles, a pair of jaws, and…
"An insect among the Neuroptera, which undergo incomplete metamorphoses. These flutter about the banks…
"One of the two principal types [of water bugs] is called the Oval-bodied Water-scorpion, or Water-spider."
A: Cephalic ganglion B: Sub-esophagean ganglion C: Prothoracic ganglion D: Mesothorax ganglion E: Metathorax…
"It is a blood-thirsty insect, and one of the most carnivorous. Those which it attacks die very soon…
A: Abdominal portion of the dorsal vessel B: Aortic or thoracic portion C: Air-vessels of the head D:…
Paris green was used as a popular pigment in artist's paints because of the brilliance of the green.…
"An insect among the Neuroptera, which undergo incomplete metamorphoses. These flutter about the banks…
"An insect among the Neuroptera, which undergo incomplete metamorphoses. These flutter about the banks…
An insect known as the pigeon horntail (Tremex columba) deposits its eggs, by means of a strong, piercing…
An image of a strawberry plant in flower. There are numerous short Stamens that are readily accessible…
Otiocerus coquebertii, a small insect of a somewhat elongated form and having a small projection in…
"The larvae of [Saperda populena] live in gall-like swellings in the branches [of poplar]."—Nicholson,…
Shows "the manner in which the tubes enter the chylific ventricle."
This is a print that is part of an illustrated Bible that was created by German printmaker Virgil Solis…
A tool used in washing the dust off plants. It can also wash the eggs of insects off the leaves before…
The Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) is a lepidoptera from the family Notodontidae. The puss moth is stinging…
The Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) is a lepidoptera from the family Notodontidae. The puss moth is stinging…
"By means of its disguise, it can approach little animals which become its prey, such as flies, spiders…
"By means of its disguise, it can approach little animals which become its prey, such as flies, spiders…
"Another species which devours the leaves of pine trees. It represents another family of saw-flies."
"The insects of the genus Sirex belong to a species which lay their eggs in living wood, and…
A parasite which feeds as larvae in rose-twigs or upon the leaves. Some species are confined to roses…
The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…
The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…
The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…
The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…
The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…
The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…
The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…
Ovarian tubes of one side, in Polistes, showing eggs in all stages of development, with nutritive…
Male organs of May-beetle. One side only beyond the ductus ejaculatoris, duct. ejac.…
"Silk is the peculiar glossy thread spun by the caterpillars or larvae of species of moths, and a well-known…