Branchi of the lungs, the heart, and blood vessels. Labels: 1, left auricle; 2, right auricle; 3, left…
A small bronchial tube. Labels: a, dividing into its terminal branches, c; these have pouched or sacculated…
The epiglottis is a cartilaginous lid for the larynx. It is leaf-shaped, situated behind the base of…
External view of the left side of Larynx. 1: Front portion of hyoid bone; 2: Upper edge of larynx; 3:…
Cross section of the larynx above the vocal cords. 1: Right vocal cord. 2: Left vocal cord. 3: Cartilages…
The more important cartilages of the larynx from behind. Labels: t, thyroid; Cs, its superior, and Ci,…
The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its…
The more important cartilages of the larynx from behind. Labels: t, thyroid; Cs, its superior, and Ci,…
The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its…
The larynx is made of several pieces of gristle held together by muscle and other tissue. The largest…
Muscles of the larynx. Side view. Right ala of thyroid cartilage removed.
Upper aperture of the larynx in the open (1) and shut (2) position. Labels: A, cushion of epiglottis;…
"Muscles of the larynx. thyro-arytenoids, or openers of the glottis" Elliot Coues, 1884
"Muscles of the larynx. Thyro-cricoids, posterior thyro-cricoids." Elliot Coues, 1884
The larynx seen from behind after the removal of the muscles. The cartilages and ligaments only remain.
A view of the larynx showing the vocal ligaments. Labels: 1, The anterior edge of the larynx. 4, The…
A back view of the cartilages and ligaments of the larynx. Labels: 1, The posterior face of the epiglottis.…
A side view of the cartilages of the larynx. Labels: *, The front side of the thyroid cartilage. 1,…
Arytenoid cartilages of the larynx. These are pitcher-like cartilages that are 2 in number, pyramidal-shaped,…
Labels: T, thyroid cartilage: C, cricoid cartilage; Tr, trachea; H, hyoid bone; E, epiglottis; I, joint…
Cartilages from the larynx seen from the front. Labels: 1, vertical ridge of pomum Adami; 2, right ala;…
Cavity of larynx, as seen by means of the laryngoscope. A, the rima glottidis closed. B, the rima glottidis…
"Cartilages and Ligaments of the Larynx. (Front view.) A, hyoid bone; B, membrane…
Muscles of the larynx, front view. The Sternothyroid and right Thyrohyoid have been removed.
This illustration shows a lateral aspect of the larynx and its multiple parts (A. Thyroid Cartilage;…
Mesial section through larynx, to show the outer wall of the right half.
"Cartilages and Ligaments of the Larynx. (Front view.) A, epiglottis; B, thyroid cartilage;…
"Larynx viewed from before (below); a, thyroid bone or cartilage." Elliot Coues, 1884
"Larynx viewed from behind (above); a, thyroid bone; b, b, its appendages; c, cricoid; d, d, arytenoids;…
"Larynx viewed from the right side; a, thyroid; b, appendage; c, cricoid; d, arytenoid; f, f, cartilage…
"Larynx viewed from behind; a, thyroid; b, b, its appendages; c, cricoid; d, d, arytenoid." Elliot Coues,…
A section of the larynx. Labels: 1, The trachea. 2, The lower vocal cords. 3, The upper vocal cords.…
Labels: T, thyroid cartilage: C, cricoid cartilage; Tr, trachea; H, hyoid bone; E, epiglottis; I, joint…
Superior aperture of larynx, exposed by laying open the pharynx from behind.
The larynx as seen by means of the laryngoscope in different conditions of the glottis. Labels: A, while…
View of the upper part of the larynx as seen by means of the laryngoscope during the utterance of a…
Front view of cartilages of larynx, trachea and Bronchi.
This illustration shows a longitudinal section of the larynx as seen from behind (A. Thyroid Cartilage;…
The lungs and air passages seen from the front. On the left of the figure the pulmonary tissue has been…
The lungs and air passages seen from the front. On the left of the figure the pulmonary tissue has been…
The lungs and windpipe (trachea). Labels: 1, larynx; 2, windpipe (trachea); 3, right lung, showing bronchi…