Acid lime is the common name of citrus aurantifolia. The lime is found in most tropical areas including…
A modern Bryozoan, a group of cells or zooecia seen from above, and a single cell seen from the side.
Chara vulgaris, a modern lime-secreting alga, growing in fresh water. An important marl and limestone…
Chara vulgaris, a recent calcareous alga (fresh water); sport-vessel with corona. This is frequently…
"A tree cultivated in the south of Europe, and other warm, temperate, or sub-tropical countries for…
Illustrated is an oval limequat. The limequat is a hybrid between the lime and the kumquat. The skin…
"A small cylinder of lime is heated to intense luminosity in the flame of a spirit lamp through which…
"Carbonic acid water, generally spoken of as Sodawater, though it seldom contains any soda. It is prepared…
"Carbonic acid water, generally spoken of as Sodawater, though it seldom contains any soda. It is prepared…
"The Lime-tree sphinx, Sphinx tiliae, has the wings denticulated and angular; it is nocturnal,…