Flower of Jove is the common name of lychnis flos-jovis. The flowers are bright red or rose. The flowers…
Lychnis alpina flowers are pink and grow in close, compact heads. The petals are very narrow. The flowers…
Lychnis chalcedonica flowers are scarlet. The flowers grow in dense clusters. The flowers bloom in the…
Lychnis coronaria flowers are red. Each penduncle has one flower. The flowers bloom in July.
Lychnis fulgens grandiflora flowers are scarlet and about two inches across. The flowers bloom in summer…
Lychnis fulgens haageana flowers are scarlet and about two inches across. The flowers grow in twos or…
Lychnis fulgens sieboldi flowers are very large and are pure white. The petals are irregular and wedge…
Lychnis fulgens flowers are bright red. The flowers are large and the petals are four cleft. The flowers…
The capsule of lychnis githago usually has one compartment. The seeds are borne on a central placenta.
The flowers of lychnis githago are red-purple and showy. It is native to Europe.
The seed vessel of lychnis burst open lengthwise. The capsule opens by as many teeth as there are styles.
Maltese cross, Jerusalem cross, and scarlet lightning are the common names of lychnis chalcedonica.…
Mullein pink, dusty miller, and rose campion are all common names of lychnis coronaria. The flowers…
Ragged robin and cuckoo flower are the common names of lychnis flos-cuculi. The flowers are red or pink…
Red or morning campion are the common names of lychnis dioica. The flowers are normally red, varying…
Rose of heaven is the common name of lychnis coeli-rosa. The flowers are rose-red and grow on slender…
White or evening campion are the common names of lychnis alba. The flowers are usually white and fragrant,…