"Diagram illustrating the general relationships of the parts of the brain. A, fore-brain; b, midbrain;…
"The brain from the left side. Cb, the cerebral hemispheres forming the main bulkl of the fore-brain;…
"Diagram of the left half of a vertical median section of the brain. H, H, convoluted inner surface…
Anterior view of the brain and spinal marrow. Labels: 1, 1, hemispheres of the cerebrum; 2, great middle…
Human fetus in the third month of development, with the brain and spinal cord exposed from behind.
The base of the brain. Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure; 2, 2, anterior lobes of cerebrum; 3, olfactory…
Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5,…
"Arteries and their Branches at the Base of the Brain." — Blaisedell, 1904
"A,frontal love of the cerebrum; B, parietal lobe; C, parieto-occipital lobe;…
"The brain seen from the side, showing the three principal divisions." — Ritchie, 1918
Section through the kidney showing the medullary and cortical portions, and the beginning of the ureter.…
Section through the right kidney from its outer to its inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla;…
Two section through the junction between the cord and medulla of the Orang. A is at a slightly lower…
Transverse section through the human medulla in the lower olivary region.
Transverse section through the the middle of the olivary region of the human medulla or bulb.
"The spinal cord and medulla oblongata. A, from the ventral, and B, from the dorsal aspect; C to H,…
Back view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Front view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Lateral view of the medulla, pons, and mesencephalon of a full term human fetus.
Transverse section through the closed part of the human medulla immediately above the decussation of…
Transverse section through the closed part of the fetal medulla immediately above the decussation of…
Transverse section through the lower end of the medulla of a full term fetus.
Section through the lower part of the human pons varolii immediately above the medulla.
The spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Labels: A, from the ventral, and B, from the dorsal aspect; C…