"A black insect, with brilliant metallic blue or purple reflections on the under side, and well known…
"A black insect, with brilliant metallic blue or purple reflections on the under side, and well known…
"A black insect, with brilliant metallic blue or purple reflections on the under side, and well known…
"The Sternoxi include the Metallic Beetles, Buprestidae the most gorgeous of the coleopterous families.…
"The Sternoxi include the Metallic Beetles, Buprestidae the most gorgeous of the coleopterous families.…
"The electrical machine most usually employed consists of a large circular plate of glass, mounted upon…
"A form of an electrical machine. S being the glass cylinder turning on an axis, Y the conductor, F…
"Hemholtz constructed a series of resonators, each one of which responds powerfully to a single tone…
"Bring a metallic sphere postively charged near an insulated cylindrical conductor with hemispherical…
"D is a Leyden jar, fastened to a stand in such a way that its outer armature can be insulated or connected…
"Metallic calcium is prepared by passing an electric current through fused calcium chloride contained…
"To make the ligament, a very large number of exceedingly fine copper wirers laid close together are…
A straight or slightly curved metallic bar, with teeth n one of its edge, adapted to work into the teeth…
"If in a complete metallic circuit having junctions of disimilar metals, the juntions are at different…
"Method of using a grounded metallic comb near the driving belt to relieve the belt of static charges."…
"Method of using a grounded metallic comb near the driving belt to relieve the belt of static charges."…
"It consists of a common metallic syringe, A, screwed to a cylindrical valve box, B, which contains…