The Shipworm (Teredo navalis) is a saltwater clam that is known for boring into wooden structures such…
"A gastropod of the family Ovulidae and genus Radius, as R. volva, of long fusiform shape, the ends…
The shell of a Slit Worm Snail (Siliquaria anguina). The species is a gastropod mollusc that has an…
Sea slugs are found near shore. Many of them are devoid of shells when adult, but all have shells in…
The Green Sea Slug (Elysia viridis) is a species of a gastropod mollusc in the Placobranchidae family…
"Snail is the common name of gasteropodous mollusks. They feed chiefly on vegetable substances, though…
"Soft unsegmented bodies, bilaterally symmetrical, enveloped by a leathery mantle, which usually develops…
Circulatory and nervous system of a snail. Labels: F, tentacles; Oe, esophagus; Cg, cerebral ganglion;…
Lunatia heros or the Northern moon snail, the common salt-water snail of the Atlantic coast.
The Rosy Wolf Snail (Euglandina rosea) is a predatory snail in the Spiraxidae family of air-breathing…
"Spirula peronii, lateral view. d, terminal sucker; f, funnel; s1, s2, projecting portions of the shell,…
The Atlantic Bobtail (Sepiola atlantica) is a cephalopod in the Sepiolidae family of bobtail squids.
The wentletrap (Scalaria pretiosa) is gastropod mollusk named after its spiral staircase appearance.
The wentletrap (Scalaria pretiosa) is gastropod mollusk named after its spiral staircase appearance.
The common whelk (Buccinum undatum) is a large edible sea snail and a gastropod mollusk.