Deep-seated muscles of the gluteal region. Labels: a, deep anterior portion of gluteus maximus; b, gluteus internus; c, common tendon of obturator internus and pyriformis; d, gemellus anticus and posticus; e, ischiofemoralis.

Muscles from Gluteal Region of a Horse

Deep-seated muscles of the gluteal region. Labels: a, deep anterior portion of gluteus maximus; b, gluteus…

Muscles of the sublumbar and internal deep femoral regions-seen from below. Labels: a, quadratus lumborum; b, psoas parvus; c, psoas magnus; d, e, iliacus; f, pectineus; g, adductor brevis; h, adductor longus; i, adductor magnus; k, vastus internuus; l, rectus femoris.

Muscles From the Femoral Region of the Horse

Muscles of the sublumbar and internal deep femoral regions-seen from below. Labels: a, quadratus lumborum;…

The diaphragm, and superficial muscles of the internal femoral region-viewed from below. A, the diaphragm; a, the tendinous center; a', the fleshy periphery; a", the crura; a"', the hiatus aorticus; a"", the foramen sinistrum; a""', the foramen dextrum; b, the sartorius; c, the gracilis.

Muscles From the Femoral Region of the Horse

The diaphragm, and superficial muscles of the internal femoral region-viewed from below. A, the diaphragm;…

The neck muscles of a horse-lateral view. Labels: a, oblique capitis posticus; b, obliquus capitis anticus; c, complexus minor; d, rectus capitis posticus major; e, rectus capitis posticus minor.

Neck Muscles of a Horse

The neck muscles of a horse-lateral view. Labels: a, oblique capitis posticus; b, obliquus capitis anticus;…

The muscles of the thigh and haunch- left side; the external fascia being removed. Labels: a, tensor fasciae latae; b, gluteus externus; c, gluteus maximus; d, triceps abductor femoris; e, biceps rotator tibialis; f, part of adductor magnus.

Thigh and Haunch Muscles of a Horse

The muscles of the thigh and haunch- left side; the external fascia being removed. Labels: a, tensor…

Muscles of the external ear- posterior view. Labels: a, inferior and b, superior layer of the scuto-auricularis internus; c, attollens posticus; d, retrahens externus; e, retrahens medius; f, retrahens internus; g, mastoido-auricularis.

Muscles of the External Ear of a Horse

Muscles of the external ear- posterior view. Labels: a, inferior and b, superior layer of the scuto-auricularis…

The deep muscles of the horse. Labels: 1, temporalis; 1', stylo-maxillaris; 2, rectus capitis anticus major; 3, sterno-thyro-hyoideus; 4, sterno-maxillaris; 5, trachea; 6, scalenus; 7, splenius; 8, funicular part of ligamentum nuchae; 9, rhomboideus longus; 10, cervical serratus magnus; 15, costal serratus magnus; 11, cartilage of prolongation; 12, rhomboideus brevis; 13, transversalis costarum; 14, longissimus dorsi; 15, serratus magnus; 16, external intercostarum; 17, internal intercostals; 18, rectus abdominis; 19, pexctoralis magnus; 20, postea-spinatus minor; 21, flexor brachii; 22, humeralis obliquus; 22', capus parvum (of treceps extensor brachii); 23, extensor suffraginis; 24, extensormetacarpimagnusdivided; 25, extensor metacarpo obliquus; 25', tendon; 26, 28, flexor pedis perfoans and perforatus; 29, obliquus abdominis internus; 30, gluteus maximus; 31, erector coccygis; 32, curvator coccygia; 33, depressor coccygis; 34, rectus femoris; 35, vastus externus; 36, part covered by triceps abductor; 37, biceps rotator tibialis; 38, gastrocnemius; 39, plantaris; 40, flexor pedis perforans; 41, peroneus; 42, flexor metatarsi; 43, extensor pedis. (cut across)

Neck Muscles of the Horse

The deep muscles of the horse. Labels: 1, temporalis; 1', stylo-maxillaris; 2, rectus capitis anticus…

The superficial muscles of the horse with the panniculus and tunica abdominalis removed. Labels: 1, abducens; 2, retrahentes muscles; 2' attollens maximus; 2", attollens anticus; 3, temporalis; 4, nasalis longus; 5, orbicularis palpebrarum; 6, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; 7, dilatator naris lateralis; 8, orbicularis oris; 9, zygomaticus; 9', buccinator; 10, depressor labii inferioris; 11, masseter; 12, levator humeri; 13, trapezius cervicalis; 14, trapezius dorsalis; 15, latissimus dorsi; 18, pextoralis parvus; 19, pectoralis magnus; 20, sterno-maxillaris; 23, subscapulo-hyoideus; 24, antea-spinatus; 25, teres externus; 26, postea-spinatus; 30, caput medium; 31, caput magnum; 33, extemsor metacarpi magnus; 34, humeralis obliquus; 35, extensor peis; 36, flexor metacarpi externus and medius; 37, flexor metacarpi internus; 46, cervical serratus magnus; 47, dorsal serratus magnus; 48, rhomboideus longus; 49, superficialis costarum; 50, splenius; 52, intercostales; 54, tensor fasciae latae; 55, triceps abductor femoris; 56, gluteus externus; 61, biceps rotator tibialis; 62, rectus femoris; 63, vastus externus; 65, gastrocnemius; 68, flexor pedis perforans; 69, peroneous; 70, extensor pedis; 71, flexor metatarsi; 72, flexor pedis accessorius; 74, obliquus abdominis externus.

Superficial Muscles of the Horse

The superficial muscles of the horse with the panniculus and tunica abdominalis removed. Labels: 1,…

Right infero-lateral view of the muscles of the maxillary space, the ramus and hyoid cornu are cut away. Labels: a, lingualis; b, hyo-glossus longus; c, ho-glossus brevis; d, genio-hyo-glossus; e, genio-hyoideus; f, stylo-hyoideus; g, hyoideus magnus; h, levator palati; i, tensor palati; k, pharyngostaphylinus; l, pterygo-pharyngeus; m, kerato-pharyngeus; n, hyo-pharyngeus; o, thyro-pharyngeus; p, crico-pharyngeus; q, esophagus.

Muscles of the Maxillary Space of a Horse

Right infero-lateral view of the muscles of the maxillary space, the ramus and hyoid cornu are cut away.…

Muscles of the anterior limb-external view. Labels: a, antea-spinatus; b, postea-spinatus; c, teres externus; d, caput magnum; e, caput medium; f, flexor brachii; g, extensor metacarpi magnus; h, extensor metacarpi obliquus; i, flexor metacarpi externus; k, extensor pedis; k', its tendon; k", fibrous band from the suspensory ligament; l, extensor suffraginis; l', its tendon.

Horse Leg Muscles

Muscles of the anterior limb-external view. Labels: a, antea-spinatus; b, postea-spinatus; c, teres…

Muscles of the anterior limb-internal view. Labels: a, subscapularis; b, teres internus; c, coracohumeralis; d, scapulo-ulnaris; e, flexor metacarpi internus; f, flexor metacarpi medius; g, caput parvum.

Horse Leg Muscles

Muscles of the anterior limb-internal view. Labels: a, subscapularis; b, teres internus; c, coracohumeralis;…

External view of the muscles of the anterior limb-showing the deeper ones of the upper region. Labels: a, posteaspinatus minor; b, deep portion of the postea-spinatus; c, flexor brachii divided and the upper part raised; c', its tendon, which fits the cicipital groove; d, humeralis obliquus; e, anconeus; f, extensor pedis; g, Thiernesse's muscles; h, Phillips' muscle; h', its tendon.

Horse Leg Muscles

External view of the muscles of the anterior limb-showing the deeper ones of the upper region. Labels:…

Internal view of the deep muscles of the anterior limb. Labels: a, caput parvum of triceps extensor brachii; b, flexor pedis perforatus; b' its tendon; b", slips to the phalanges; c, flexor pedis perforans; c', radialis accesorius; c', ulnaris accesorius; c"', inferior check ligament; d, perforans tendon leaving the sheath of perforatus tendon.

Horse Leg Muscles

Internal view of the deep muscles of the anterior limb. Labels: a, caput parvum of triceps extensor…

Anterior tibial group of muscles of the right limb, seen from before and the outside. Labels: a, flexor metatarsi; a', tendonto the cuboid; and a", temdom to the metatarsus, from its funicular portion; a"', tendon of its fleshy portion, sending a straight slip to the metatarsus, and an oblique one to the cuneiform bone; b, extensor pedis; b', its tendon; c, peroneus; c', point where its tendon joins that of the extensor pedis; d, extensor pedis brevis; e, superior, and f, inferior thick portions of the annular ligament.

Horse Leg Muscles

Anterior tibial group of muscles of the right limb, seen from before and the outside. Labels: a, flexor…

Tendons and ligaments of the left anterior extremity of ox, viewed from external side. Labels: a, flexor perforatus tendon; a', its superficial; a", its deep branch; b, interosseus metacarpeus; c, flexor perforans tendon; d-d", e-e"', superior suspensory ligament and attachments; d, anterior division; e', e", branches forming superior ligaments of small claw; e'". inferior ligament of small claw; f, common annular ligament; g, g', superior and inferior special annular ligaments; h, interdigital ligament; i, i', tendon of the extensor proprius externus.

Tendons and Ligaments of Ox Leg

Tendons and ligaments of the left anterior extremity of ox, viewed from external side. Labels: a, flexor…