The anchor used by the ancients was for the most part made of iron and its form... resembled that of…
"The aneroid barometer is an easily portable instrument, and avoids the use of any liquid. It consists…
"Ship's Floor. Nautical, that part of the bottom of a vessel on each side of the keelson which is most…
"Gaff. B, boom; CC, cheeks; G, gaff; M, mast; P, peak; T, throat or jaw. Nautical, a spar used to extend…
"Nautical, a vessel's standing gaff which has an iron jackstay bolted to its under side." -Whitney,…
"Nautical, on men-of-war, a pair of strong frames of oak made in the form of a gallows, fixed between…
"Garland lashed on a lower mast. A large rope strap or grommet lashed to a spar when hoisting it on…
"Glut. Naut.: (b) A becket or thimble fixed on the after side of a topsail or course, near the head,…
"Gooseneck of a Spanker-boom. Nautical: (a) A sort of iron hook fitted to the inner end of a yard or…
"Grommet. Naut., a ring of rope used for various purposes, made from a strand laid three times round…
"A small sail set under another, or between two other sails, to catch or save the wind." —Whitney,…
"A vessel with two or more masts, fore and aft rigged, whose main and fore sails are extended by gaffs…
"A semicylindrical piece of wood, fitted with a handle...used for convenience in serving…
"Nautical, one of a pair of hooks working on the same axis and fitting closely together: much used about…
"A block used in ships, having an opening in one side to receive the bight of a rope, chiefly used for…
"G, G, garboard strakes; F, frame, K, keel. Nautical, the first range or strake of planks laid on a…