Three stages in the development of a cell from a spinal ganglion.

Development of Cell from Spinal Ganglion

Three stages in the development of a cell from a spinal ganglion.

Nerve cells, also known as nerve corpuscles, comprise the second principle element of the nervous tissue. The are not generally present in the nerve trunk, but are found in collections of nervous tissue called ganglia. Shown are the ganglion nerve corpuscles of different shapes.

Ganglion Nerve Corpuscles

Nerve cells, also known as nerve corpuscles, comprise the second principle element of the nervous tissue.…

A large nerve cell from the ventral horn of the spinal cord. Labels: n, nucleus; n', small body, called the nucleolus, inside the nucleus; p, branched processes; n.p., unbranched process continued into the axis cylinder of a motor nerve fiber.

Nerve Cell

A large nerve cell from the ventral horn of the spinal cord. Labels: n, nucleus; n', small body, called…

A neuron or nerve cell.


A neuron or nerve cell.

Diagram of typical neuron.


Diagram of typical neuron.

Diagram of nerve cell of type II, in which axone is not prolonged as nerve fiber.


Diagram of nerve cell of type II, in which axone is not prolonged as nerve fiber.

A neuron from the cerebral cortex. The axis-cylinder process, dendrites and collaterals are marked 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Neuron from the Cerebral Cortex

A neuron from the cerebral cortex. The axis-cylinder process, dendrites and collaterals are marked 1,…

Nerve cells of human spinal cord stained to show Nissl bodies. Labels: D, dendrites; A, axons; C, implantation cone; N, nucleus; M, nucleolus.

Neuron of Spinal Cord

Nerve cells of human spinal cord stained to show Nissl bodies. Labels: D, dendrites; A, axons; C, implantation…

Semidiagrammatic representation of structure of a neuron; a, axon.

Structure of a Neuron

Semidiagrammatic representation of structure of a neuron; a, axon.

Multipolar nerve cells of various forms. Labels: A, from spinal cord; B, from cerebral cortex; C, from cerebellar cortex (Purkinje cell); a, axon; c, implantation cone.

Various Forms of Neurons

Multipolar nerve cells of various forms. Labels: A, from spinal cord; B, from cerebral cortex; C, from…