Nicotiana acutiflora is a variety of tobacco. The flowers are pure white. The flowers bloom from June…
Nicotiana affinis is the common name of nicotiana alata grandiflora. The flowers are large, sweet scented,…
The flowers of nicotiana alata grandiflora are very large and very sweet scented. The flower is yellowish.
Nicotiana suaveolens is a sweet scented variety of tobacco. The flowers are white and fragrant. The…
Nicotiana sylvestris is native to Argentina. The flowers are white and fragrant. Pictured is a good…
The flowers of nicotiana sylvestris droop in short clusters. The flowers are white and fragrant.
Common tobacco is the common name of nicotiana tabacum. The flowers are rose colored and downy on the…
Nictotiana wigandioides is a variety of tobacco. This variety is a greenhouse shrub. The flowers are…
Pictured are flowers of the orders solanaceae, scrophulariaceae, bignoiaceae, and pedaliaceae. The flowers…