The branch of a Hicoria villosa tree, a species of hickory.

Branch of Hicoria Villosa

The branch of a Hicoria villosa tree, a species of hickory.

"Hippocratea Arnottiana. 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. ripe fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Hippocratea Arnottiana. 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. ripe fruit." -Lindley, 1853

Also known as Yucca schottii. A branch from the Hoary Yucca, a species of plant from the agave family.

Branch of Hoary Yucca

Also known as Yucca schottii. A branch from the Hoary Yucca, a species of plant from the agave family.

Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters. Major types of pottery include earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. The places where such wares are made are called potteries. Pottery is one of the oldest human technologies and art-forms, and remains a major industry today. Ceramic art covers the art of pottery, whether in items made for use or purely for decoration.

Plant Holder

Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters. Major types of pottery include earthenware, stoneware,…

The Holywood or Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum sanctum) is a plant in the Zygophyllaceae family of caltrops. It grows in Southern Florida and Central America.


The Holywood or Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum sanctum) is a plant in the Zygophyllaceae family of caltrops.…

"Branch and Pod of Honey-locust (Gleditschia triacanthos). GLEDITSCHIA. A genus of leguminous thorny trees, with abruptly once or twice pinnate leaves, inconspicuous greenish and polygamous flowers, and flat pods." -Whitney, 1911

Honey Locust

"Branch and Pod of Honey-locust (Gleditschia triacanthos). GLEDITSCHIA. A genus of leguminous thorny…

Also known as Quisqualis indica. A vine with red flower clusters that can grow between 2.5 meters and 8 meters. It is commonly found in Asia.

Chinese Honeysuckle

Also known as Quisqualis indica. A vine with red flower clusters that can grow between 2.5 meters and…

"Male (A) and Female (B) Inflorescence of the Hop." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Male (A) and Female (B) Inflorescence of the Hop." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Fruit of Hop." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Fruit of Hop." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Humulus Lupulus. 1. male flower; 2. female; 3. section of ovary; 4. ripe fruit; 5. section of it, showing embryo; 6. a grain of lupuline." -Lindley, 1853

Common Hop

"Humulus Lupulus. 1. male flower; 2. female; 3. section of ovary; 4. ripe fruit; 5. section of it, showing…

The hop (Humulus) is a small genus of flowering plants, native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The female flowers, commonly called hops, are used as flavoring and stabilizers during beer brewing. The hop is part of the family Cannabaceae, which also includes the genus cannabis (also known as hemp). Hops are the female flower cones of the hop plant (Humulus lupulus). They are used primarily as a flavoring and stability agent in beer, and also in other beverages and in herbal medicine. The first documented use in beer is from the eleventh century. Hops contain several characteristics favorable to beer, balancing the sweetness of the malt with bitterness, contributing flowery, citrus, fruity or herbal aromas, and having an antibiotic effect that favors the activity of brewer's yeast over less desirable microorganisms. The hop plant is a vigorous climbing herbaceous perennial, usually grown up strings in a field called a hopfield, hop garden or hop yard. Many different varieties of hops are grown by farmers all around the world, with different types being used for particular styles of beer.


The hop (Humulus) is a small genus of flowering plants, native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere.…

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles, corresponding, in number, to the seven leaflets of the compound leaf, formerly attached at ls. The leaf is drawn to a smaller scale than the branch." -Gager, 1916

Horse-Chestnut Leaf

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles,…

A perennial plant used as a condiment.


A perennial plant used as a condiment.

"Moringa pterygosperma; 2. its fruit; 3, the section of a flower of M. aptera; 4. its anther; 5. a section of its seed." -Lindley, 1853

Horseradish Tree

"Moringa pterygosperma; 2. its fruit; 3, the section of a flower of M. aptera; 4. its anther; 5. a section…

"Equisetum sylvaticum: a, a, sheath crowned with teeth; b, branches; c, c, fruiting spikes. 2. Clypeola, bearing sporangia. 3. Spore, with elaters coiled about it." -Whitney, 1911

Wood Horsetail

"Equisetum sylvaticum: a, a, sheath crowned with teeth; b, branches; c, c, fruiting spikes. 2. Clypeola,…

The Horticultural Hall.

Horticultural Hall

The Horticultural Hall.

"Hotbeds may be heated by means of either steam or hot water. They can be piped from the heater in a dwelling-house or greenhouse." — Baily, 1898

Pipe-heated hotbed

"Hotbeds may be heated by means of either steam or hot water. They can be piped from the heater in a…

Submerged leaves gathered along a few centimeters of the stem; flower stalks inflated.


Submerged leaves gathered along a few centimeters of the stem; flower stalks inflated.

Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue, dog's tongue, gypsy flower, and rats and mice due to its smell) is a herbaceous plant of the family Boraginaceae, found in most parts of Europe, and also North America where it was accidentally introduced. It can be either annual or biennial, with reddish-purple flowers blooming between May and September. It lives in wet places, waste land and hedges.

Hound's Tongue

Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue, dog's tongue, gypsy flower, and rats and mice due to its smell)…

The Huito (Genipa americana) is a small tree with edible fruit in the madder family, Rubiaceae.


The Huito (Genipa americana) is a small tree with edible fruit in the madder family, Rubiaceae.

"Eichhornia speciosa; 1. pistil; 2. transverse section of the ovary." -Lindley, 1853

Water Hyacinth

"Eichhornia speciosa; 1. pistil; 2. transverse section of the ovary." -Lindley, 1853

A squash with a hard shell and better quality than other species of squash.

Essex Hybrid

A squash with a hard shell and better quality than other species of squash.

The Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving of the odor of feces to attract pollinators like dung beetles.

Hydnora africana

The Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving of the odor of feces to…

The longitudinal section of the Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving of the odor of feces to attract pollinators like dung beetles.

Hydnora africana

The longitudinal section of the Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving…

"1. Hydrangeaa virens and its flower. 2. seed-vessel of H. hortensis; 3. its seed; 4. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Hydrangeaa virens and its flower. 2. seed-vessel of H. hortensis; 3. its seed; 4. a section of it."…

Leaves floating flat on surfacel inflourescences minute and inconspicuos.


Leaves floating flat on surfacel inflourescences minute and inconspicuos.

Leaves small, about 8 cm. in diameter or less; toothed or lobed.


Leaves small, about 8 cm. in diameter or less; toothed or lobed.

Leaves round, often peltate; the long petiole attached near center of leaf.


Leaves round, often peltate; the long petiole attached near center of leaf.

Leaves coming off a creeping or horizontal stem.


Leaves coming off a creeping or horizontal stem.

Sepals united at base into a tube enclosing the ovary and later the fruit; leaves with spines in axils.


Sepals united at base into a tube enclosing the ovary and later the fruit; leaves with spines in axils.

Plants aromatic when crushed; flowers blue.


Plants aromatic when crushed; flowers blue.

flowers solitary or a few in hte axils of the leaves.


flowers solitary or a few in hte axils of the leaves.

Flowers with filaments connected by a funnel-like membrane.


Flowers with filaments connected by a funnel-like membrane.

Portion of the united calyx investing the fruit.


Portion of the united calyx investing the fruit.

Leaf, when examined against light with lens, showing semitransparent dots; flowers yellow or pink.


Leaf, when examined against light with lens, showing semitransparent dots; flowers yellow or pink.

"Hypericum floribundum; 1. an entire flower; 2. a bundle of stamens; 3. a pistil with 3 carpels; 4. a seed laid horizontally and cut through, to show the embryo and netted testa; 5. a piece of a leaf with transparent dots." -Lindley, 1853


"Hypericum floribundum; 1. an entire flower; 2. a bundle of stamens; 3. a pistil with 3 carpels; 4.…

Cross-section of an ovary of Hypericum graveolens, the three large placenta meeting in the centre, so as to form a three-celled ovary.

Hypericum graveolens

Cross-section of an ovary of Hypericum graveolens, the three large placenta meeting in the centre, so…

"Hypocyrta gracilis. 1. section of a flower; 2. cross section of a fruit; 3. seed with it embryo exposed to view." -Lindley, 1853


"Hypocyrta gracilis. 1. section of a flower; 2. cross section of a fruit; 3. seed with it embryo exposed…

A type of stamen that is positioned underneath the pistil in a flower.

Hypogynous Stamens

A type of stamen that is positioned underneath the pistil in a flower.

"Cetraria islandica: a a. its shields; b. a shield magnified and divided vertically." -Lindley, 1853

Iceland Moss

"Cetraria islandica: a a. its shields; b. a shield magnified and divided vertically." -Lindley, 1853

"Mesembryanthemum. 1. its fruit; 2. the same opened; 3. a seed; 4. the same divided perpendicularly." -Lindley, 1853

Icicle Plant

"Mesembryanthemum. 1. its fruit; 2. the same opened; 3. a seed; 4. the same divided perpendicularly."…

Leaves usually with a few remote teeth above the middle or at least bristle-tipped; fruit a red or black berry.


Leaves usually with a few remote teeth above the middle or at least bristle-tipped; fruit a red or black…

Spirally overlapping.


Spirally overlapping.

Also known as Libocedrus decurrens.

Branch of Incense Cedar

Also known as Libocedrus decurrens.

Cut sharply, irregularly, and more or less deeply.


Cut sharply, irregularly, and more or less deeply.

Also known as Quercus wislizeni. The branch of an Interior Live Oak tree, native to California.

Branch of Interior Live Oak

Also known as Quercus wislizeni. The branch of an Interior Live Oak tree, native to California.

Rolled inwardly toward the midrib.


Rolled inwardly toward the midrib.

Ione bicolor, a species in the Orchid family.


Ione bicolor, a species in the Orchid family.

"Richardsonia scabra. 1. an ovary with its calyx; 2. a corolla; 3. a vertical section of a seed, with an erect embryo in copious albumen." -Lindley, 1853


"Richardsonia scabra. 1. an ovary with its calyx; 2. a corolla; 3. a vertical section of a seed, with…

"The root used in medicine under this name is obtained from Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, A. Rich, a small shrubby plant of the natural order Cinchonaceae. It is a native of Brazil, growing in clumps or patches in moist shady forests from 8 degrees to 22 degrees S. lat., and is believed to extend to the Bolivian province of Chiquitos, and the calley of Catica in New Granada." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Ipecacuanha Plant

"The root used in medicine under this name is obtained from Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, A. Rich, a small…

Flower of Ipomoea coccinea; limb almost <em>entire</em>.

Ipomoea Coccinea

Flower of Ipomoea coccinea; limb almost entire.

Leaves large (1cm wide or wider); flowers very showy.


Leaves large (1cm wide or wider); flowers very showy.

An illustration of the iris flower.


An illustration of the iris flower.

Iris germanica or German Iris and the ripe capsule of an Iris.

German Iris

Iris germanica or German Iris and the ripe capsule of an Iris.

Acacia estrophiolata, commonly known as the Ironwood or Southern Ironwood, is a tree native to Central Australia. It is a graceful, pendulous shade tree, which grows from about 4-16 m tall and has a trunk with a diameter of up to about 0.45 m. Young plants are spiky leafed. It has pale yellow flowers after winter rains.It is usually found in areas with about 220-350 mm/year of average rainfall.


Acacia estrophiolata, commonly known as the Ironwood or Southern Ironwood, is a tree native to Central…

Also known as Quercus tomentella. The branch of an Island Oak tree, native to the coast of Caifornia.

Branch of Island Oak

Also known as Quercus tomentella. The branch of an Island Oak tree, native to the coast of Caifornia.

Leaves all from a hardened base or from a single point; base of leaves with spore sacs.


Leaves all from a hardened base or from a single point; base of leaves with spore sacs.

Stamen of Isopyrum, with innate anther.


Stamen of Isopyrum, with innate anther.

Sepals not pubescent or only slightly so; fruit a linear, two grooved capsule; leaves elliptic.


Sepals not pubescent or only slightly so; fruit a linear, two grooved capsule; leaves elliptic.

"1. Hedera Helix; 2. a flower of Dimorphanthus edulis; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. undivided ovary; 5. ripe fruit; 6. cross section of it; 7. section of seed of H. Helix." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Hedera Helix; 2. a flower of Dimorphanthus edulis; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. undivided…