Nerves of the face and scalp. Labels: 1, attrahensaurem; 2, anterior belly occipito-frontalis; 3, auriculo-temporal…
The arteries of the face and scalp. The muscle tissue of the lips must be supposed to have been cut…
Transverse section of hair follicle, showing hair surrounded by internal and external root sheaths.
Vertical section through the skin of head. The hair of the head in longitudinal section.
"A Piece of Hair from the Scalp infested with a Mold which produces Ringworm. Ringworm may occur anywhere…
Exposure of the Gasserian ganglion and middle meningeal artery though a flap incision of the scalp and…
Nerve areas of the face and scalp. Labels: A, Distribution of the first division of the fifth cranial…
Diagram showing the layers of the scalp and membranes of the brain in section. Labels: a, skin; b, subcutaneous…
Horizontal section of scalp, showing group of transversely cut hair follicles.
Section of the scalp, magnified. Labels: h, hair; w, hair sac; s, oil gland; m, muscle.